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Why are you so sad all my friends speak very good English my English is always bad What do you mean?
They use nice words.
My word choice is very Bad hmm.
Let's see.
Ah, how is the weather today?
It's bad What do you think about Marvel movies?
Oh, they were good until endgame now.
They are bad How about Chelsea the football team what I'm a Manchester United fan, of course, Chelsea is bad Bad.
Oh, I say bad a lot Exactly.
You need to learn some synonyms for some overused English words.
Really like what good question Let me show you Hello, my name is Matty from POC English and in this lesson We're going to learn some synonyms for some overused English words now before we start Let me tell you something when we say overused words.
It's not necessarily something bad It's okay to use these words But if you want to improve your English if you want to sound a bit more Sophisticated or if you want to add a little variety to the way you speak It's a very good idea to use some synonyms.
So let's get started with word number one and that is Good now, you obviously know the meaning of good This book is good or it was a good movie now instead of good What other words can we use if something is better than good you can say it's great Great the movie was great if something is Enjoyable you can say it's pleasant Pleasant the weather today is very pleasant or if something is even better than great You can say it's superb Superb.
He is a superb dancer You see a lot of these synonyms are also very simple and perhaps you knew the meaning of all of these words But the thing is if you want to be able to use them as you are speaking You have to turn these words from passive to active in your head turning passive Vocabulary into active will enable you to use your knowledge to use the number of words You know when you are speaking or when you are writing that is when you are producing something in English But do you know how to turn passive vocabulary into active vocabulary?
No, don't worry.
I've done a video on this which has gone viral.
I think it has 8 million views so far That's crazy.
Just click on the link above my head go to that video and then you can watch it after this lesson But first let's continue.
Oh, I wanted to tell you another thing.
Look at these sentences.
He's a good guy Instead of good I can say great.
He's a great guy.
I can say pleasant.
He's a pleasant guy And I can say superb.
He's a superb guy But now out of these four sentences, which one do you think is the most common?
He's a good guy or he's a nice guy saying that he's a superb guy is kind of Not natural.
Well, you can say he's a superb dancer or superb musician When talking about somebody's skills, but if you say somebody's superb, it's okay It makes sense and people will probably understand you but the thing is it's not really natural It's more natural to say that he's good or he's nice or he's a superb dancer a superb musician or a superb teacher So what am I trying to tell you?
I'm trying to tell you that you cannot simply Substitute a word with its synonyms You need to be aware of the context of that sentence Okay, for example, you can say the show was good.
You can say the show was great You can say the show was superb and you can also say the show was pleasant all of them make perfect sense So please as you learn synonyms also pay attention to the context of the sentence We will talk about this more in the rest of the video.
The show was great(ショーは素晴らしかった)と言うこともできるし、The show was superb(ショーは素晴らしかった)と言うこともできる。
Now, let's get to the second word, which is Bad, you know the meaning of bad, right?
And you probably know the words that I'm going to tell you later on but let's discuss them.
That was a bad joke That was a bad joke instead of bad What else can I say if it was very bad?
あれは悪い冗談だった 悪い冗談の代わりに悪い冗談だった とても悪かったとしたら、他に何と言えばいい?
I can say that was an awful joke or the weather today is just awful If it's very very bad, you can say it's terrible The weather today is just terrible or that was a terrible mistake Or if it was very very very bad, you can say that was horrible Horrible.
I can say that was an awful joke or the weather today is just awful if it's very very bad, you can say it's terrible 今日の天気はひどいね、とか that was a terrible mistake 今日の天気はひどいね、とか or if it was very very very bad, you can say that was horrible ひどいね、とか。
It was a horrible experience bad, awful, terrible, horrible You see you are diversifying your knowledge of vocabulary and that is very good Now try to practice so that you can use them as you're writing and speaking Let's move on to the next word.
It was a horrible experience bad, awful, terrible, horbulary(ひどい経験だった)語彙の知識が多様化しているのがわかりますね。
Well, very is very overused.
まあ、"very "は使いすぎだね。
You see I said it's very overused But instead of very what can I say?
でも、"very "の代わりに何が言える?
Well, very is an adverb It is used to add emphasis to another adverb or an adjective.
For example smart Very smart.
例えば、賢い 非常に賢い。
He is very smart.
Instead of very what else can you say?
"とても "の代わりに何が言える?
If it's very very you can say Extremely.
For example, she's extremely talented.
She is Extremely talented.
You can also say incredibly He is incredibly talented or he is incredibly dedicated or you can say Remarkably, the view was remarkably beautiful.
彼は信じられないほど才能がある、彼は信じられないほど献身的だ、あるいはRemarkably, the view was remarkably beautiful.と言うこともできる。
So very extremely Incredibly remarkably, but again pay attention to the context of what you are trying to say don't simply substitute these words for one another.
Number four is Interesting.
This video is very interesting, right?
Instead of interesting.
What else can you say?
Fascinating which means very interesting.
In my opinion space Exploration is fascinating.
Understanding that there may be another planet where other creatures are living That's fascinating.
If something attracts and hold your interest that is Captivating.
It's like a book or a movie that you can't stop watching or reading because it's so captivating The book was captivating.
I couldn't stop reading it or if it's charming and attractive you can say it's engaging Yesterday's lecture was engaging interesting fascinating Captivating engaging.
Moving on to number five Nice.
She has a nice smile Instead of nice.
What else can you say?
Lovely It's a lovely day or this is a lovely studio flat You can say charming which means pleasantly attractive He has a charming personality or you can say delightful Something that causes delight or joy or happiness.
Lovely(素敵な) It's a lovely day(素敵な日) or this is a lovely studio flat(素敵なワンルームマンション) チャーミング(魅力的な) He has a charming personality(魅力的な人) or delightful(楽しい) Something that causes delight or joy or happiness(喜びや楽しさ、幸福感をもたらすもの) と言うこともできる。
The play was delightful nice Lovely charming delightful Okay.
Now before we continue this lesson, let's have a look at this paragraph that I have provided for you.
Let's read it together Last weekend.
I watched a movie.
It was very interesting The actors were very good, but the plot was a bit bad The soundtrack however was very nice Overall, it was a good experience This is a very clear paragraph, right?
とても面白かった 俳優はとても良かったが、筋書きが少し悪かった しかし、サウンドトラックはとても良かった 全体として、良い経験だった これはとても分かりやすい段落でしょう?
You immediately understand what this paragraph is talking about.
It's very clear, but We can improve this bit more.
For example instead of very interesting.
What else can we say?
Instead of very good or a bit bad or very nice Hmm, we can use some of the alternatives that we just learned right?
Let's do that in three two one Now, let's read this together Last weekend.
I watched a movie.
It was Absolutely captivating the actors were superb Although the plot was somewhat terrible The soundtrack on the other hand was delightful all in all it was a great experience You see I'm basically using some synonyms for the words interesting nice good and bad And in this way as you can see the second paragraph now sounds a bit better, right great now Let's move on with the rest of this lesson But before we continue, let me tell you something Do you want to have the summary of this lesson with all the words their synonyms their example sentences?
Some beautiful pictures in one PDF file so that you can review this lesson Easily if that's so you can download my ultimate English book Which has all the lesson summaries of all of my youtube videos now, this book is more than 500 pages of lesson summaries It's a huge book and the good news is it's entirely free for my youtube subscribers That's my gift to you But how can you get it simply click on the link above my head go to my website type in your name Email address country and click download you will receive the link in your inbox.
And now let's continue this lesson The next word we're going to talk about is Happy I feel happy today, but instead of happy what else can we say you can say? Joyful, the news made her joyful.
では、このレッスンの続きをしましょう。次にお話しする単語は「Happy」です。今日は幸せな気分です。でも、幸せの代わりに他に何と言えばいいでしょうか? Joyful, そのニュースは彼女を喜ばせた。
It made her happy.
It made her joyful You can also say elated Elated which means extremely happy.
For example, he was elated by the success He was elated By the success also pay attention to its preposition elated by or elated at Something or you can say ecstatic Ecstatic which means very very very happy.
例えば、He was elated by the success He was elated By the success また、前置詞の elated by や elated at Something にも注目しよう。
She was ecstatic about her new job.
So happy elated joyful and ecstatic next word is Sad I feel sad today Instead of sad you can say upset Upset she was upset about the news She was upset about the news or you can say gloomy Gloomy means very sad and without any hope he felt gloomy all day He felt gloomy Why am I living or you can say heartbroken Heartbroken she was heartbroken by the news.
次の単語は Sad (悲しい) I feel sad today (今日は悲しい) sad の代わりに upset (動揺) Upset she was upset about the news (動揺した) She was upset about the news (ニュースに動揺した) or you can say gloomy (暗い) Gloomy は非常に悲しい、希望がないという意味 He felt gloomy all day He felt gloomy all day (一日中暗い気分だっ
She was heartbroken by the news.
So sad upset Gloomy heartbroken.
Next word is big Big it's a big house Well, it's not but let's say it is now instead of big you can say huge which means very big They live in a huge mansion They live in a huge mansion.
次の単語は big big it's a big house まあ、そんなことはないんだけど、big の代わりに huge と言ってみよう。
You can say massive.
Whoa that's a massive building or gigantic Gigantic they saw a gigantic ship at the harbor big huge massive gigantic now the opposite of big is Small for example, I live in a small studio flat But instead of small what else can you say you can say tiny which is very small She had a tiny ring if you were talking about a person Specifically a woman who is thin and small you can say she is petite Petite now pay attention.
例えば、I live in a small studio flat しかし、smallの代わりに他にどんな言い方があるかというと、tinyと言うことができる。She had a tiny ring 人について話しているのであれば、Specifically a woman who is thin and small と言うことができる。
This is only used to describe a woman's body and it means thin and attractive She has a petite figure.
You can also use the word compact For example, he drives a compact car perfect for the city.
So small tiny petite and compact Now pay attention again context matters.
You can say this is a small studio flat You may even be able to say that it's a tiny studio flat Well, it's not tiny but if it is very small you can say it's tiny But can you say that this flat is petite?
小さなワンルームフラットと言うこともできるだろう。 小さなワンルームフラットと言うこともできるかもしれない。
No, because as I said petite is used for women now for a car You can say small right a small car.
You can say compact a compact car, but can you say a tiny car?
Well, if you have a tiny toy, yeah, you may be able to say it's a tiny car But a real car can never be tiny but it can be compact it can be small Can it be petite?
No because petite is used for human body So again, don't simply use a word instead of another word Even though they are synonyms always pay attention to the context and the last word we're going to talk about today is like But not I like ice cream No, this like is the life that people often use as a filler word.
This happens a lot in everyday conversation For example, I was like very tired, but the movie was like very long But my friend was like Very sad this like is used as a filler word To buy you some time to think about what you want to say or to search for the word or to search for the grammar Now instead of like as a filler word, what else can you say?
例えば、I was like very tired, but the movie was like very long, But my friend was like Very sad この like は、言いたいことを考えたり、単語を探したり、文法を調べたりする時間を稼ぐためのフィラーワードとして使われます。
Well, you can basically say the movie was a bit long and People were tired.
But again, this doesn't sound very good.
Does it?
Do you know the best alternative just say nothing the movie was long and my friend was Not very happy.
Don't say anything just remain silent, but you know what I often do I say, you know For example, the movie was you know, very long and my friend was you know a bit sad There are many different filler words that people often use when they're having a conversation but I think the best one is just to remain silent my friend was Sad and now before we end this lesson, let's see a dialogue What a gloomy day Yeah, the weather is just Awful today.
I hate this tiny room it makes me upset, I wish I could buy a Huge mansion and that's it guys.
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