字幕表 動画を再生する
It's National Best Friends Day, and this year, I want to do something extra special for all my best friends to show them just how much they mean to me! Hello, Kitty!
今日は全米ベスト・フレンズ・デー。今年は、親友のみんなに特別なことをして、彼らがどれだけ私を大切にしてくれているかを伝えたい! ハロー、キティ
Would you like to come to my special best friends dinner party tonight?
Uh, I'm having the party!
Obviously, she's coming to my dinner party, but you're welcome to attend too. And why is it so obvious she's coming to your party?
もちろん、彼女は私のディナー・パーティーに来るけど、君も出席していいよ。 なぜ彼女があなたのパーティーに来るのがそんなに明らかなんですか?
Yeah, she could be coming to mine! And do what?
ああ、彼女は私のところに来るかもしれない! それで何をするんだ?
Eat ice cream and pudding?
You're all very good friends.
Don't make me choose between you.
When you hear about my party, you won't even have to choose.
It will be very clear where you should go. Well, uh, goodbye!
あなたがどこに行くべきか、はっきりするでしょう。 では、さようなら
I'm going to run some errands now.
Please go to whichever dinner party you'd like.
Just know I'm having the best dinner party of all time. There's going to be tons of vegetables fresh from my garden. Hey!
最高のディナーパーティーを開くんだ。 私の庭で採れた新鮮な野菜がたくさん出るわ。 やあ
Well, I'm going all out at my best friend's dinner party.
There's going to be atmosphere, spooky food, and even some pranks!
Who wants to be scared of their... Exactly!
誰が自分の... その通りだ!
My dinner party isn't even dinner.
It's all desserts.
Plus, I'm going to serenade you with a song I wrote for all my best friends.
Here's a sample. Singing is fun, but Pom Pom Purin, it can't be healthy to eat an all-dessert dinner. Which is why you need to attend my Veggiepalooza.
サンプルです。 歌うのは楽しいけど、ポムポムプリン、デザートばかりのディナーはヘルシーとは言えない。 というわけで、私のベジパルーザに参加してください。
Every vegetable you can think of will be there. Every vegetable?
ありとあらゆる野菜がそこにある。 すべての野菜?
Picture this: a haunted casserole with mystery ingredients.
You won't know what's inside until you take a bite. Are you ready for this dessert explosion?
一口食べるまで中に何が入っているかわからない。 この爆発的なデザートの準備はできていますか?
Veggiepalooza! Choose my party!
ベジパルーザ 私のパーティーを選んで
I'm having the party! Wait, wait, wait!
パーティーをやるんだ 待って、待って、待って!
This isn't in the spirit of Best Friends Day.
We should be celebrating each other. Sounds like My Melody made the vegetable course, Chromie made her spooky casserole, and Pom Pom Purin brought... ice cream sundaes for everyone! Cheers to our super-sized three-in-one best friends party!
私たちはお互いを祝うべきだわ。 マイメロディが野菜コース、クロミーが不気味なキャセロール、ポムポムプリンがアイスクリームサンデーを持ってきたみたい! 超特大の3人1組の親友パーティーに乾杯!
Cheers! Now, how about I sing my best friend's song?
乾杯! さて、親友の歌を歌おうか?
Here it goes: La la la la la la la la.
La la la la la la la la.