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If I am single, yeah, I will date with them because they are so handsome So you pick it and boy and why is that?
Why is that?
Any reason?
Well, you know, there's kind of stereotype that Italian people is very romantic And in today's video I'm asking Chinese living in the UK which country they would date if they could date anybody If you haven't subscribed please subscribe because it helps us a lot to keep on going with those videos and also on my Instagram I'm sharing my daily life in Sheffield so you can check that out too.
Alright guys, let's do it If you could date someone from a different country, which country would you pick and why?
I like UK Because I feel the UK is more romantic Really?
Chinese boy Because I am familiar with Chinese boy and my English is not very well So I think the communication is a big question for the foreign boy I don't want to date but if I have to choose, perhaps Italy, I guess Well, you know, there's kind of stereotype that Italian people is very romantic Maybe still from China because like I'm familiar with them, with their daily life Like so, yeah, I will still like choose Chinese girls It's a little bit difficult question, I think Maybe Japanese girl, yeah, because they are cute and maybe just because they are always shy, I think Okay, alright, so you like shy girls Yeah, yeah, absolutely Why is that?
中国人の男の子 中国人の男の子には慣れ親しんでいるし、僕は英語があまり得意じゃないから、外国人の男の子にとってはコミュニケーションが大きな問題だと思う、ちょっと難しい質問だけど、日本人の女の子かな、かわいいし、いつもシャイだからかな。
I don't know, just like it and I don't know why Actually, I think the people from other countries is not important The important is the person Actually, I have no preference because I think there's no difference because of the country, you know People may from different country but I prefer to look at the personality and how they look like How they handsome more Actually, it doesn't matter where he is from because I'm more focused on his personalities or other things In China, we may have a lot of competition and pressure But in the UK, because we are here to study, we may be more relaxed than in China For example, you know, you are in the UK If you have the opportunity to date a guy from a different country in China, would you be interested or you would say no?
If I am single, yeah, I will date with him because they are so handsome To exactly which country, it's difficult to choose, maybe UK Yeah, because I have studied here for two, three years So yeah, maybe UK Have you ever dated a British girl?
No, not yet Have you been to Italy by the way?
いいえ、まだです ところで、イタリアには行かれましたか?
No, not yet Yeah, it's in my mind Perhaps I decide to go to Italy next year, perhaps in the Easter holiday I think the person is not important where he is from The important is whether he is your soulmate So you believe in soulmates in China and in your country People believe in those things, believe in soulmates and stuff?
I think so What kind of feature a guy has to have to be able to convince you to date him?
私はそう思う どんな特徴を持った男性であれば、あなたを納得させることができるのでしょうか?
He has to be tall I prefer he has to be smart You have to be smart guys Yeah, because I like the guys with great intelligence I'm not sure yet Maybe a tall and strong man will make me feel very good Alright, which height he has to have?
Alright, amazing Any message to the camera?
Thank you Like me, amazing!
Any message to the camera?
To your future boyfriend?
I'm not searching for my boyfriend now I'm more focused on my academic now Like you mentioned before, British guys are more romantic That's what you said So Chinese boys are not romantic? It's different In which way?
今は彼氏探しはしていない。今は学業に専念しているんだ。前に君が言っていたように、イギリス人の方がロマンチックなんだ。 どのように違うのですか?
Go for it I can't say that You can't say that?
No Because you said British boys are handsome So if you want to develop a little bit in Chinese, you can speak Chinese I will translate that Really?
I have a special translator, so it's fine So you don't want to date anybody at the minute?
特別な通訳がいるから大丈夫 じゃあ、今は誰とも付き合いたくないの?
For the moment For the moment
当分の間 当分の間