字幕表 動画を再生する
What's your name?
Gigi AJ Where are you from?
ジジAJ 出身は?
Thailand How long have you been in New York City?
タイ ニューヨークにはいつから?
Actually, just one night One night, yeah How long are you staying here?
One night One night, yeah 28 hours Why are you here?
We're a cabin crew Yeah Which airline?
Etihad How much will you spend in New York City in that one night here?
エティハド ニューヨークでの1泊の滞在費は?
Well... $100 $100 to $200 How will you spend it?
そうですね...100ドル 100ドルから200ドル どのように使いますか?
About eating Yeah, like dinner, drinks and then bubble tea shopping How do you like it here so far?
食事について そうだね、夕食、飲み物、それからバブルティーの買い物。 今のところ、ここでの生活はどう?
I like it here I wish I could stay here more longer Where are you going next?
I have Shanghai Bangkok If you were to give one advice to everyone that's watching that wants to get into a similar job as you What would you tell them?
上海 バンコクを見ていて、あなたと同じような仕事に就きたいと思っている人たちに、何かひとつアドバイスをするとしたら?
Just be yourself