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  • We're gonna have a conversation about trans women should be able to compete in women's sports Anybody have an opinion about that?


  • I have a feeling this is too controversial for people so we might have to change the claim But somebody must want to have an ominous conversation about this Do you think trans women should be able to compete women's sports too controversial even for you son?

    しかし、誰かがこのことについて不吉な会話をしたいに違いない トランス女性が女子スポーツに出場できるようにすべきだと思いますか?

  • This alone is interesting to me.


  • Nobody will have a conversation about this interesting I'll give someone else the mic and let them question me about this claim Trans women should be able to compete in women's sports.


  • You want to have that conversation.


  • No too scared Okay, you want to have that conversation?


  • Nope too scared too scared Okay Anybody anybody trans women should be able to compete in women's sports be terrifying Trans women should be able to compete in women's sports.


  • Anybody have it.


  • You have an opinion Awesome.


  • Awesome.


  • Stand on the neutral line right there So the game has only two rules We can do it with one.


  • Oh, we got two people.


  • Oh, we got three people.


  • All right.


  • Well, I was wrong I was wrong.


  • I was wrong.


  • I didn't think it would come.


  • Okay, stand on neutral.


  • Okay Okay, so this is a very simple game.


  • We have a Few rules the first rule is you can't stand in between the line Very straightforward The second rule is you can't move until I say move and the reason for that is because we don't want anybody's opinion To affect anybody else's opinion Exactly precisely now, let me go over this Strongly agree agree Slightly agree neutral slightly disagree disagree strongly disagree so I'm gonna ask this question and come back to five and don't move until I get to Go and stand on a line.


  • It could not possibly be any simple, but you'd be astonished How many people do not pay attention to the rules?


  • Trans women should be able to compete in women's sports five four three two one move Okay, we've got one disagree one strongly agreed to up you're on the line, okay tell us why you agree I Agree because Trans women should be able to be key should be able to compete in women's sports because they are competing underneath their identity that they very solidly aligned with and to deprive them of that is to Kind of say that their identity is not acceptable in society In society or in sports that they're they're not about their identity is not validated.

    トランス女性は女子スポーツで競技できるべきだ 5 4 3 2 1 移動 よし、同意しないが1つ、強く同意するが1つあった。

  • Okay Do you agree with what she said?


  • Yes, but that's not specifically why I agree that trans women should be able to compete.


  • Okay.


  • Why do you think I believe?


  • Trans women should be able to compete in sports because there's specific criterion That trans women have to meet in order to be able to compete under the woman category in which sports I'm not an expert on all sports.


  • I'm not an expert either, but I do know for at least the Olympics There are requirements for trans women because when trans women go on test When transform and go on hormones Testosterone drops in them.


  • So a lot of the natural advantages They might have being born in a man's body are depleted like the strength testosterone gives you and so on and so forth So they have to be below a certain testosterone level They have to be on estrogen for a certain amount of time and even the rule where you have to be below a certain test Percentages have stopped cis women from competing in sports.


  • So They're very like hard set rules.


  • There's this woman meaning what this woman?


  • Women who was born as women Women who were born as women.

    女性として生まれた女性たち 女性として生まれた女性たち

  • Okay, cis women.


  • Yes This cis gendered is when you're born in the correct sex.


  • So like I was born a woman I'm identify as woman still I'm sis if I were to identify as non-binary or anything else.


  • I would not be sis You're gonna ask this question, I know what sis means Well, sis isn't in in the question and what sis might mean to you that doesn't mean that people watching this are gonna know It's just things are a definition things mean things Sis gender means one thing Is it possible that some people could define or perceive the word women to be different?


  • Well, I'm not talking about women I'm talking about the term cisgender Yeah, so I think it's important that we define our terms.


  • That's why I meant I wanted to define it Yeah, do you think it's unfair for me to ask you to define it?


  • No I I just don't it sounded like you didn't know what since gender was and I was just wondering if you didn't know that Was why you thought you should ask that question?


  • Oh, no I'm actually I'll tell you why there but I'm a legitimate gender studies scholar.


  • Oh Yeah, thank you.


  • I've I don't mean to brag but I've really I'll published almost anyone in the world in gender studies Thank you, I'll show you my body of literature later, but for now Trans women should be able to compete in women's sports.


  • What do you think about that?


  • I do not think they should be able to do that.


  • Okay, did anything they per se Persuade you think about that for a second, but tell us why I just think the Biological makeup of a man is not the same as women whether they take hormones or not Especially if they've been competing in that sport for years They did it originally as a man or woman and then they switched to female which I played a female sport growing up What did you play lacrosse?


  • Which is very different.


  • That's the one with the thing the net Which is very different from male lacrosse So I just think that it comes down to the biological makeup of like the training used for it and everything But I agree with a lot of the stuff that they say I'm not like They shouldn't do it, but I just think it should be so you think and I just want to make sure I get your argument You think that they shouldn't do it because it confers an unfair advantage on the person even if they've met their hormone requirements because as a biological male ages before they transition they have certain intrinsic advantages a Height for example, maybe in basketball or now that doesn't mean all men are tall but on a Gaussian curve It means that more men are tall than women So is that I don't want to mischaracterize.

    男子ラクロスとはネットの形が全く違うんだ。だから、トレーニングの仕方とか、そういう生物学的な構造によると思う、ただ、そうあるべきだと思うんだ。あなたの主張をきちんと理解したいんだ。 ホルモンの必要量を満たしていたとしても、その人に不公平なアドバンテージを与えてしまうから、そうすべきではない、とあなたは考えている。

  • Yes.


  • That's what I mean.


  • Did that persuade you?


  • I would say no because we have talked about like the Hormones and like the genetic makeup of a male body the versus a female body, but there are changes that can Happen whenever Someone starts to transition that can affect their muscle density Just like their overall genetic makeup another genetic makeup, but like their hormones and just how their body functions So, I don't know if that is like completely valid in arguing this what if I could provide you with evidence that even with the hormone replacement therapy That still conferred an advantage on people born as men That it that it wouldn't give it would it would even if they underwent hormone therapy It still was an advantage For the trans woman to participate in sports.


  • Would you then be for it or against it?


  • I would be open to revising my opinion if there's Evidence presented So you would be open to revise it and would you be open to revising your opinion to go to the agree or the slightly?


  • Agree slightly agree, but I don't think I would go any farther than that.


  • Okay.


  • Okay So the thing that's keeping you must be some identity factor.


  • Yes.


  • Okay.


  • So let's talk about that in a second So just to be clear, I don't want to put words in your mouth if you were to be shown evidence to your satisfaction that people born as male who transition who met the requirements of whatever Lacrosse Yeah, and you if you were to be shown that they would still have an unfair event you would be willing to move one Possibly two but not three.


  • Is that what you said?


  • Is that fair to say?


  • Okay, if you were to be shown that advantage, would you move?


  • Probably not?


  • Okay, what would it take for you to move?


  • Nothing, probably I feel very strongly about this because here's the thing even if you were to show me proof that People born as men who transition as women still have an unfair advantage You know, I'd believe that full-heartedly I wouldn't like try to dispute that if I saw like the facts behind that Yeah, however sports inherently have genetic advantaged players like Michael Phelps Michael Phelps with the heart.


  • Yeah.


  • Yeah.


  • Yeah.


  • He didn't produce like lactic acid.


  • He had an abnormally large wingspan He had like webbed toes and webbed feet.


  • No, it's not him competing.


  • That's an unfair genetic advantage We don't care about genetic advantages until it's someone transitioning from a man to a woman or a woman to a man I have to call you.


  • I have to push back on that I have personally never heard anybody concerned about people transitioning to a man Competing in men and men sports of you.


  • No, that's also another problem.


  • Why are we still focus on trans women?


  • I'm not trans man as well.


  • Well, I think I think unfair advantage It should be well But that's what I'm saying no one really cares about it being an unfair advantage or we wouldn't like basketball for instance if you're tall and I you could still make it to the NBA if you're like above six seven, but if you're below six foot and Phenomenal, that's a basketball short.


  • No, this is football my shirt.


  • This is the Seahawks Okay, I don't know much about sports Yeah, well ask me about gender studies.


  • That's a different thing But let's say well because it's about sports, you know some of the logistics you have are like that are in sports come to play here and like I said a lot of sports is genetic advantage like Being born and having an aptitude for something shouldn't mean you can't do it No one like I said, no one wanted to make themselves not swim in the Olympics So so do you think that there should be one division and we just throw all men and women in the same division?


  • That's not what I said.


  • No, no, but I'm asking you.


  • Is that what is that what you know?


  • Why not I do think there is, you know some pros to having Two separate divisions for men and women.


  • But like I said, honestly, I have what are the pros?


  • Honestly, I haven't given that enough thought to have like a Concrete stance on it that I would want to fully because I haven't done enough research or thought on it that that's fair So you think that there should be two divisions as of right now before I do a lot of like thinking about it Like I said, like I'd haven't put enough thought to it to me to give you a clear firm stance Oh, yeah, so I'm kind of think to think to this myself.

    正直なところ、まだ十分な調査や考察をしたわけではないので、具体的なスタンスを決められるほどには考えていないんだ。 だから、僕がいろいろ考える前に、今の時点で2つに分けるべきだと思うんだね。

  • So the reason and I'm could be totally I'm just trying to figure this out myself So the reason the reason that there are two divisions are because there must be certain Categories of things that different sexes are better at or there wouldn't be divisions in the first place unless it was just like some social convention You're not wrong there So Is it possible to abstract from that and say that that reason is what confers an advantage on somebody?


  • No, because you can have advantages over someone who's also the same gender as you just as a different gender does Gender is not the only factor that provides an advantage or not.

    違う性別の人がそうであるように、同じ性別の人よりも優位に立てることがあるからだ。 性別だけが優位に立てるかどうかの要因ではない。

  • However, it's definitely one that contributes to an advantage you have right There's a trans swimmer in the Olympics.


  • She didn't win if if trans women really have a crazy crazy advantage on women Why didn't she do what a sweep mean win everything Sweep like I thought you may give her a mop and like sweep.


  • Oh, why didn't she win all the awards?


  • Why didn't she win every race and why didn't she beat them by like seconds?


  • Which is what she did get into the Olympics.


  • She got into the Olympics.


  • She didn't win That's because she's a trained swimmer That's because she's been training to swim for as long as everyone else has it's what it makes sense You got into the Olympics.


  • She's been swimming at that time for her entire career But like I said, she didn't sweep.


  • She didn't have such a crazy advantage that she was Performing way above the ranks of the other women so even if it were shown that trans Women had distinct advantages That wouldn't be enough to move you to agree.


  • Yeah, because like I said this woman could have an advantage on another cis woman So, why should I care if a trans woman has an advantage on a cis woman when a cis woman could also have an advantage on another cis woman Like the fact that the trans doesn't really mean anything to me Like I said having a genetic advantage can and is a part of sports Okay, I think I understand their reasoning but I'm not positive I have a question for them so do you think that there could be like the women's group the man group and then People who are trans have their own category.


  • Who's the question for which one either or?


  • Feel like those groups are just a nail Alienate them even more and just like put them off into a separate category because they don't belong in women or male They they are not being put properly into the groups that they identify with Do I don't know anything about sports as you know from not even knowing what that means there does see see Falcons or whatever But but my question is then don't isn't aren't there rule I thought there rules against like shooting yourself up with steroids aren't there?

    そのようなグループはちょうど釘であるように感じる 彼らは女性や男性に属していないため、さらに疎外し、ちょうど別のカテゴリにそれらをオフに置くような 彼らは彼らが識別するグループに適切に配置されていません 私はそれが何を意味するのかさえ知らないことから、あなたが知っているように、スポーツのことは何も知らない ファルコンズや何かを参照してください しかし、私の質問は、その後、私はステロイドで自分自身を撮影するようなルールがあると思ったルールはないのですか?

  • Yes So when you shoot yourself up with steroids, that must mean you have a competitive advantage.


  • So that's why they don't do it, right?


  • That shooting yourself up with steroids gives you a competitor I would assume or say wouldn't be a rule against it.


  • I Yes, there's there is a rule against using stare performance enhancing steroids But I don't think that's on the same level as hormone therapy No, no, that's not where I was going with it.


  • So no I was going with it It's possible that there are certain things that one can do to yield an event a performance event.


  • Yes.


  • Yes, so You shouldn't the idea be and again, I'm just thinking to this myself Shouldn't the idea be that we want to level the playing field to take out advantages for different people.


  • I Think like artificial advantages is what you're trying to say like Oh, oh, I'm sorry.


  • I thought you were waving to side thought you were waving to somebody.


  • Well, first of all Seahawks got a rap Seahawks Their football team from Seattle's in Washington Who's the Know the person who throws the ball the QB.

    さて、まずシーホークスがラップになった。 シーホークスとは、ワシントン州シアトル出身のフットボールチーム。

  • Who's the QB?


  • No, but okay to go off her point I Like performance-enhancing drugs are obviously banned and it's because they enhance your performance.

    いや、でも彼女の指摘から外れてもいい。 身体強化薬が禁止されているのは明らかだし、それは身体能力を向上させるからだ。

  • However, however If you have enough money, you can pay a coach to help advance your performance You know what?


  • I mean?


  • Like you there's specific training facilities There's specific programs that all cost money to access and by accessing those with money.


  • You also gain an advantage so it's not like These hormones so we should get it's not like because these hormones are only band becomes their performance enhancing They're also extremely harmful on people's bodies.


  • So we should give if that logic calls we should give all Non-trans women extra coaching to make up for the deficiencies.


  • No, that's not what I'm saying I'm I'm furthering showing that there's already a discrepancy in sports If you're rich and can pay for equipment training facilities a training coach you're gonna do better than someone who can't and I'm not like the Russians and like the like the Russians in in in Cycling and weightlifting.


  • Yeah, like most people in the Olympics most people in the Olympics have access to really good trainers and really good training and If everyone in the world was had access to that training I don't think the Olympics would look the same there'd be a lot of different people in there But they don't because because inequities like I said are inherently in sports.


  • They're gonna be in sports no matter what Did that convince you?

    彼らは何があってもスポーツをするつもりだ。 それで納得したか?

  • I kind of forgot So so the basically I do the idea is you can't control There are always going to be certain people who have advantages certain people have disadvantages and I don't want to mischaracterize your argument but the idea is that All right.


  • Well, you can come to the next one you go.


  • All right.


  • Well, I guess not that okay So the idea then is that if you're born to a rich family Advantages and if you're born to a poor family, you'll have Disadvantages so there are already inequities built into the system.


  • So why worry about one more inequity?


  • I think that's what you were saying.


  • I Think the comparison between the Like wealth or someone or the advantages that they have are completely different than like people getting things like hormones and stuff like Genetically in them versus like being able to pay for a facility or something How does it make you feel if you compete against for example in lacrosse?

    裕福な人とか、その人が持っているアドバンテージを比較するのは、ホルモン剤とか遺伝的なものが入っている人と、施設にお金を払える人とかでは全然違うと思うんです。 ラクロスなどで対戦する場合、どう感じますか?

  • How does that make you feel if you Compete against someone born biological.


  • Do you think that's an like you said, I don't want to put words in your mouth How's it make you feel?


  • I would think it'd be unfair Especially if that male came from playing men's lacrosse Can I ask you it would seem like a really stupid question, but I'm gonna ask anyway What's wrong with it being unfair life is unfair.

    特にその男性が男子ラクロスをプレーしていたのであれば、不公平だと思うのですが......本当にくだらない質問だと思われるかもしれませんが、とにかく聞いてみます。 不公平であることの何が悪いのですか?

  • Some people are born with like no legs I mean, that's true that life is unfair, but it's like it's the sport of lacrosse specifically what I'm talking about where there's the men's and the women's and they're very a lot of sports are very different men and women wise and Obviously, it's not always fair, but it's equally As fair when it's all women versus like the other side being all men versus all men all women versus all women If that makes sense, I yeah, it make it makes sense to me, but I don't not sure it makes sense to them Hi, you just joined Okay, they're gonna say some things in response to that if a girl went to a middle or high school where they didn't have a big sports fun and she paid on the male lacrosse team and then transferred to a school that had A girl's and boys lacrosse team and then she chose to play on the girls team after playing on the boys team No one care.


  • No one care cuz she says they only care cuz she's trans No one no one really cares about you playing The man version of a sport if you're a girl and then you play the woman version later.


  • They only care when you're trans Yeah, this transness the transness of this all is really what people get Oh If that were to be the case where I played a male sport and then went to a female sport I did not pump hormones in my body to genetically get me to a better place than playing with males Hi, you do hi, you do know that's what birth control is for right to pump estrogen To pump estrogen into your body so that you're actually physically able to do things and the point of a competitive sport is To be genetically better Than the other person take the Olympics for example there are cis women that are better than other cis women because they are genetically made to be that way and Putting natural hormones in your body.


  • I hope you know that you as a cis woman also has Testosterone in your body as well as estrogen and progesterone.


  • How do you know?


  • She's a cis woman.


  • Are you a cis woman?


  • Okay, I Didn't know that I did I can tell as You have like a gay DAR for cis women I do because I'm not a cis woman and I know what cis woman look like and act like And am I a cis woman?


  • Um, you're not a cis woman, but if you're a woman, that's okay.


  • No, I'm a man Okay.


  • Hello.


  • What are your pronouns?


  • I need time to think.


  • All right, no problem.


  • Anyways Sports that is the entire purpose of competitive sports and you just trying to justify your transphobia with the fact of being genetically better Personally I think they should have their own league.


  • That's just me though in like Also like a separate category and anybody.


  • Yeah, I think there should be like male female trans woman trans man So are you yeah, yes, of course, I do want to say my opinion does not mean I'm transphobic at all What is that word even mean?


  • I don't what is that word even mean?


  • What is that word mean?


  • What do you mean?


  • What does that word mean?


  • Well, if I say if she says to you if I say to you What is this and he says a blah blah blah and I say what do you mean?


  • They give me the definition.


  • So like what is the definition of transphobia?


  • transphobia is when you exclude Trans people Transphobia is when you do not believe that trans people are really the identity they identify with Transphobia is hatred towards trans people Transphobia is prejudice against That's a transphobia is and thinking that trans athletes should not complete with Regular athletes and their own separately.


  • It's transphobic.


  • Okay, so do you need all three of those criteria to be met?


  • You need one.


  • Yes So if I believe I just want to make sure because you use the term it's very important they're all on the same page So if I believe that a person who was born a man who has not had bottom surgery who got arrested should Go into a woman's prison who should not go into a woman's prison.


  • Am I a transphobe?


  • That is a completely different question, and I don't even know you but it's excluding though But I don't even know your reason for that.


  • Well, it's excluded.


  • So I'm trying to figure out what the word transphobe means By asking me a completely hypothetical question when I know by asking you what you gave me definition But it meets the first one so that would seem under your definitions transphobic You have a definition.


  • Okay.


  • Hold on.


  • Hold on Hold on this fits me out.


  • We're not using a Google definition.


  • Hold on This is we're not using a Google definition to describe transphobia Cuz this is exactly like when you say why people can't be racist and they pulled the definition of racism and they're like, oh no It says Google definition it can literally not define something that you literally have spent years studying because you're a gender studies major, right?


  • Not a major.


  • No major.


  • I'm one of the world's foremost experts Not leading.


  • I'm in the top ten Okay, not leading men Not you're you're not a leading world gender study.


  • It's just a gender study Yes, but that proves that you've literally studied this like this is a field that can be not only have I studied it Published virtually everybody in my field in a ten-month period true not that's true.


  • That's a fact.


  • That's unfair.


  • So But but hold on but that just shows you so you've spent a lot of your lifetime studying this field Yes, no about three years.


  • Okay, but you said multiple years studying this field.


  • Yes, would you say it's a complex field?


  • Oh Yes, no, so you but you published multiple pieces of literature on it Obviously, it's not a one done thing if I could just go on to Google and Google's a bunch of different definitions Then what's the point of studying something?


  • We're saying something is because it's nuanced because it's rooted in a lot of history Google Translate Webster dictionary.


  • Is it falsifiable?


  • That's not my point right now.


  • That's not my point right now.


  • My point right now is that you cannot take a Cumulative history of a nuanced topic and put it into one system and Webster dictionary Google dictionary, I thought Google uses Webster Okay Hi.


  • Hi.


  • I'm gonna speak to these two directly.


  • Okay when I called you a transphobe I meant it and the reason I'm saying that is because there's an underlying bias towards trans people that you really need to work on And I'm not what is that?


  • What is an underlying bias?


  • Yeah.


  • What do you mean by that?


  • I mean exactly what I said that she has an underlying bias.


  • It's not very difficult to understand Okay, pretend I'm stupid what does it mean Like so when I say I have another when someone says they have an underlying bias that could mean and a subconscious bias It could mean that they don't act like what does that mean?


  • Okay.


  • I thought I was supposed to pretend that you're stupid Okay, here we go in other words explain it in a way that is crystal clear so that anybody watching this will understand Okay Because we have people watching this of all ages all everything who are trying to figure this out for themselves What is the goal of what's the goal of this of us talking like what what is your goal in doing all of this My goal is to figure out if the lines you're on are the lines that you should be on on the basis of the reasons you have so you don't even care about like Adding to the narrative understanding social consciousness or like social Feelings towards this question.


  • You just want to know if we get the facts straight enough to be on the correct line No, there's nothing to do with fat Well, it's a little to do with facts, but doesn't really have to do with facts as a reasoning So you're just curious on individual reasoning.


  • I'm Curious to know So let's say for example, I was standing here in the neutral and I heard these These reasons and I heard this reasons and let's just say to the best extent possible.


  • I'm sincere I'm honest.


  • I try to think for myself.


  • I'm Not really well read but I'm a little well read I listen to what you have to say I listen to what they have to say.


  • Where should I go?


  • I Try to figure out what's true Because I don't know what you're adding to like the social Absolutely nothing I'm adding nothing So then why are you like because like this question just opens up the floor for like transphobic people to spread transphobic rhetoric So like why would you do that?


  • Like what is the point of this?


  • Why why would you risk adding transphobia to the world when like you just like didn't need you?


  • So do you think these questions are better off not talked about no, I think they should be better facilitated What what what what what could I do to facilitate the question better?


  • Well have a clearer goal in mind like like I've asked you like what's your goal?


  • You go was just nothing like No one's gonna convince a transphobic person that trans women should be able to convene sports If they were gonna get me convinced of that they were I should have already been convinced by that.


  • It's been a big topic Clearly, I'm not gonna change my mind cuz I'm not gonna be like, oh, yeah, like let me be transphobic real quick Like you don't have a good goal.


  • Okay, let me ask you a question Are you convinced that her her definition of transphobia is like to say that the exclusion thing was the thing that got me?


  • Like if her definition of transphobia is correct No, no, it can be anything anybody wants it to be it can be a pastrami sandwiches if someone wants it to be I feel like Could you yeah, so she gave three criteria Anybody can define anything the way they want to define it No, they can't define it as a pastrami sandwich.


  • That's a joke.


  • Like that's literally a joke.


  • Like I'm sorry.


  • That's a joke Anybody can define anything the way they want it.

    それは冗談だ 誰でも好きなように何でも定義できる。

  • There's no But she tried to look it up in Google and you told her that wasn't how to adjudicate the meanings of words My Point in that was that Google definitions cannot adequately Describe and explain such a nuanced topic.

    でも、彼女はグーグルでそれを調べようとしたし、あなたはそれが言葉の意味を判断する方法ではないと彼女に言った。 私が言いたかったのは、グーグルの定義ではこのような微妙なトピックを適切に説明することはできないということだ。

  • I didn't say it can't be defined I just said that Google Google definitions wasn't gonna have a definition then who which definition is correct?


  • How can I don't think there's ever the most concrete definitions when it comes to nuanced topics?


  • However, you can't just be defining words, however, you want and you know that for a fact they're Colloquially things mean things and colloquially we all know what that shit means.


  • You cannot describe it as a pastrami sandwich There is very clear parameters that you can work within it might even disagree on specific nuances But the overall like you can't just describe anything as anything words have meaning for a reason like man and woman Mmm Like I don't What is your point like what is your point like this is kind of a joke because you could just said I Know your point.


  • You just want to try to catch us in a contradiction and you have literally no reason to be doing this whatsoever You're trying that you're trying to you're trying to prove a gotcha Oh, you have no idea what you're talking about.


  • Silly liberals and you're silly trans people instead of just not being a dick I know you guys are like what what's the point of it my point for coming over here and being Participating in this is because I'm very open-minded and I like hearing other people's points of views and I'm not very I don't just shut people down when they have an opinion and start calling them names.


  • I'm not here to promote Transphobia at all that does not say are you transphobic or not in no way am I transphobic?


  • I'm just stating my opinion trying to have an equally Conversation of a debate of a debate where we can just say how we feel and move on with our lives I don't think anyone should be attacking anyone.


  • Did you agree with what she said?


  • Oh, absolutely.


  • You want to add or if not, that's okay, too No, but I think people's height people's emotions get really heightened during topics like this Just because emotions are heightened doesn't mean points shouldn't be listened to because I see both of you You're turning to each other you're whispering you're laughing and I see both of you don't make that face because I literally see what you're Doing I'm not an idiot and second of all I can probably just describe transphobia Because you do not agree with her definition.


  • Oh, I completely agree.


  • I'm just adding to it.


  • So Transphobia is systemic There is a system set in place to put trans people down to kill them to put them in prison and to completely Eradicate them and in your agreeing or in your disagreement with trans women not being able to compete in women's sports is boosting that systemic Idealism and when I say that you're a transphobe That's something in yourself that you do need to work on because that can you define that?


  • Can you define that what underlying no?

    その "ノー "を定義できるか?

  • No that I got from what you said?


  • I thought your explanation was excellent a transphobe because I got her definition.


  • What's yours transphobe is what I said So transphobe is someone that is adding to a system to put other trans individuals down whether it be Conscious or unconscious there's some sort of bias that you definitely do need to work through and actually listen to something We're saying it doesn't matter if we're getting heightened in emotion because we're passionate about something that should make you want to listen more And it shouldn't make you want to smirk and act like oh my goodness.


  • You contradicted yourself.


  • La la la la la Okay, so let me ask you a question.


  • So you're strongly agree You're cheating you're off the line, but that's okay.


  • You're strongly agree and you're strongly agree What would it take you to move to the agree line?


  • Let me let me go for I'm gonna go one two three because I haven't you asked me this already and I told you Nothing.


  • Okay, what would it take you to move the agree line?


  • Absolutely.


  • Nothing.


  • Absolutely.


  • Nothing.


  • Would you say absolutely nothing or nothing?


  • Absolutely nothing.


  • I Just said what I had to say.


  • Okay, I would be willing to revise my opinion with you know Information that comes out new studies new statistics saying if there is actually a true advantage that Transwomen have over cis women in sports But as of right now, there's nothing that could that is prominent like as in what we know that would change my position Why do you think you should be the one to facilitate this conversation when you don't even care about sports?


  • I know nothing about sports.


  • So you don't care about sports.


  • So why well, that's not entirely true Wait a second, let me let me answer your question first I actually happen to know a lot about one sport, but it's a very fringe sport, but you don't care about sports Correct.


  • I well, I don't care about any sports with a ball.


  • Do you care about trans women?


  • What do you mean do you care about trans women and trans women issues like give me any like what do you mean and Protecting trans women.


  • What do you mean?


  • What do I mean?


  • It's a straightforward question.


  • It's actually not a straight Do you do you care about trans women?


  • Do you care about their the issues they face?


  • Do you care about being a good ally to trans women?


  • Do you care about trans women?


  • Um, I was up with you until you use the word ally I care about So the answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the second question.


  • It depends what you mean It depends on what I mean by ally.

    あなたが何を意味するかによる。 私が何を意味するかによる。

  • Yes What do you what do you think ally means as someone who's I'm not a leading top But someone in the field, what do you think so just let me just say Often we use words that we think we know what other people means I'm asked Allies an easy word to understand how I mean At your biblical age.


  • Are you 55?


  • Biblical are you telling me biblical?


  • It means you're older than the Bible.


  • Do you really not?


  • Not that old do you really not know what ally it depends what you mean if you mean Different people mean different things by ally Like it doesn't mean somebody willing to I'm asking you.


  • What do you think?


  • Like what's your definition of ally?


  • Okay, I'm more than happy.


  • Yes.


  • I will answer that question.


  • Let me just we'll go back to claim you have my word I will answer that question.


  • So I'm just gonna wrap up you have my word So you guys there's nothing to get you to change your mind and absolutely nothing Is there anything that would get you to to move to the slightly Either to the strongly disagree or to the slightly disagree Like is there any piece of evidence that you would have to hear or reason or argument?


  • I?


  • Think I would definitely be open to changing my opinion or even just hearing other people out So what would it look like for you to move?


  • Oh, you have to play by the rules of the game, which means you have to stand on a line.


  • Yeah So what would it take for you to move to the slightly disagree?


  • I Am evidence reason data like what would that look like?


  • I'm not sure but I would like to note that I think for a trans woman to compete and women's sports She has a biological advantage and then for a trans man to compete in men's sports.


  • She has a biological disadvantage so I'm just want to make that point that I do think that's something to consider and I don't agree with Attacking people personally whether it's that he's old or that I'm sitting here Smiling.


  • I don't think that anything to do with this conversation has to do with how you treat other people And if you're gonna sit here and say you accept all people then you need to sit here and accept all people.


  • I Don't accept bigots.


  • I don't accept accept racist old people.


  • Yeah old people like you because you're an ass I accept older people who are open-minded like my parents for say who are actually older than you and I accept people who are Willing to actually open their minds up Okay, so you you accept you you you're accepting of people who are willing to open their minds But yet you are not willing to open your mind for evidence that would take you to go to the agree line I'm not willing to open my mind to be a bigoted piece of shit.


  • No Anyone who does not have the same opinion as you is a bigoted Compete in women's sports has transphobic beliefs point-blank period trans women are Women, therefore they compete in women's sports.

    いいえ、あなたと同じ意見を持っていない人は、偏屈な人です 女性スポーツの競技者は、トランスフォビア的な信念を持っています トランス女性は女性であり、したがって女性スポーツの競技者です。

  • Like that's really just like the end of conversation like there's really no like It's all based in transphobia, so I would it's not about like me believing in facts, it's not about me listening to the research It's literally just called like I'm saying this line because I refuse to be transphobic.


  • Also, you never answered my question I told I promised you I would at the end.


  • I promise you have my word, but I just because if I do this We're gonna wrap it up.


  • I promise you the moment.


  • This is over.


  • You have my word I want to talk to you about by all of them Yes, these two the one that's on her phone and not actually paying attention to me because she doesn't respect me Speak through it.


  • So no because I deserve to be respected and paid attention to no I will not take that blatant disrespect.


  • Absolutely not.


  • You want to bring up biology, right?


  • I hope you know, there's more than just XX and XY chromosome variations.


  • There are XX XY There are XX Y and actually a black woman who is biologically female has XX XY Chromosomes and then was banned from playing sports in the women's category Although which sport it was track and field Although she is a cisgender woman born with by a lot anatomically female body bodily organs She was said that there was a biological advantage So are you saying that anyone born with a different chromosomal variation?

    XXにはXYがあり、XXにはYがある。生物学的に女性である黒人女性がXX XY染色体を持ち、陸上競技であったが、女子のカテゴリーでスポーツをすることを禁止された。

  • Even though they are sis are not allowed to compete in sports either I'm gonna ask you Where did you come from?


  • Who are you?


  • Wait a second.


  • Who are you?


  • Where did you come from?


  • Where did the woman who was right there stand?


  • Where did she go?


  • It is well talk to your school talk to your school they're making us leave talk to her right there All right Okay, we're being asked to wrap up we have to wrap up we have to wrap up You can I can't this is you I didn't want this to end this is the boss this is the boss You

    学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ 学校に相談しろ

We're gonna have a conversation about trans women should be able to compete in women's sports Anybody have an opinion about that?


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