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  • So you found yourself in a downhill line in a bunker. It can be a difficult shot for many

  • people, but perhaps if you know how to play it, it's not as difficult as what you think.

  • What I want you to do is take a wider stance than normal. This is important because I want

  • you to try to get your hip level and your shoulder level as close to parallel to the

  • slope as possible. If your stance is too narrow and you try to achieve this position, simply

  • you wouldn't be able to keep your balance. So, we've got a wider stance, your hip level

  • and your shoulder level is with the slope, and you'll perhaps need to add a little more

  • loft to the club face. The nature of the slope will have the ball flying a little lower than

  • normal. So, opening the club face a little bit can help you to recover some of that loft.

  • So, once you're in the setup position, the key is to swing with the slope. You're going

  • to swing down the slope, rather than what I see many players do is fighting the slope.

  • They'll back away from it, trying to get the ball out. This will always result in hitting

  • the sand early, or not hitting the sand at all, hitting the ball clean over the green.

  • So, in this setup position, you're simply going to stay there and swing down the slope.

So you found yourself in a downhill line in a bunker. It can be a difficult shot for many


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B1 中級

ショートゲームレッスン - ダウンヒルバンカーショット (Short Game Lesson - Downhill Bunker Shot)

  • 50 5
    david に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日