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  • biceps quads arms like here chest i don't know if i can say this on camera you can say whatever you want today i'm answering the most important question known to gym bros worldwide what is the one muscle girls find most attractive to find out i'm surveying over 200 girls to accurately determine which muscle ranks the highest and which ones they just don't seem to care for at the end i'll also reveal the one unexpected personality trait that actually outperformed all the muscles we surveyed but to start things off i want to first ask the guys what muscle they believed most girls would pick do we really understand what women want well this is obvious isn't it i don't know is it a well-rounded physique you gotta pick one muscle shoulders nice broad shoulders yeah shoulders we're looking for that dorito look you know what i mean that like triangle is basically what makes up your frame you know what i mean classic biceps back i think back because like you know fills you up a little bit more and you can see it from further away i'm gonna say chest yeah chest broadens you out of it quite a thing to to admire to appreciate quads quads the booty booty yeah how important is the booty on a guy really important how would you rank his booty two abs abs yeah no girls yeah i'll say calf or deltoids calves a lot of look at his calves i can see what dude these are literally the biggest guys i've ever seen in my life after talking to the guys our leading predictions were chest and shoulders which means it's finally time to start talking to some ladies but i'm gonna need some assistance this is max max has one of the best proportioned physiques i know and it's going to be our muscle model for the day just in case the girls need a visual reference before making their choice what max doesn't know is i'm secretly playing matchmaker today max is as nice as he is buff and he's single too so as we interview girls for science let's see if we can find someone truly special for him in case you're wondering this is max he's our muscle model for the day clearly very well built if you could pick one muscle on the guy that's most attractive what would you pick traps okay these guys are here yeah yeah chest number one and why is that i don't know i just like find that really attractive probably their arms biceps arms yeah maybe abs would be like a second best kind of thing probably abs just like them how would you rank his traps okay show show them what's going on okay yeah like a nine ten like pretty yeah you're up there how would you rate his chest seven seven seven yeah okay good oh pretty good i mean could be bigger are you single yeah you are yeah okay the great thing is max over here is also single so i don't know maybe you could exchange numbers you know maybe me here i have a boyfriend you are single max is uh he's also single turns out our first couple attempts didn't quite go as planned and even though max is in amazing shape he's also incredibly shy yeah well for the record jeremy didn't give me a heads up that i'd be asking girls giving me giving me their number today so it's good i feel like i need to be put on the spot more it's uh it'll help me grow as a person what's your type a girl who goes to the gym all right gym girls where you at and while i was failing in my role as a wingman we were at least getting some really valuable answers from the girls shoulders probably shoulders and what back quads quads you were quick with that i know what i like shoulders for sure yeah uh let's say shoulders shoulders yeah it kind of just gives them that nice frame probably the chest the pectoral muscles chest yeah yeah because it makes you look like bigger you take up more room i don't know what is it about quads i just it shows like lower body takes a little bit more time uh to i don't know not everyone's blessed with big legs i personally like a guy that has bigger legs than me so what what is it that makes the the triceps the back of the arms so attractive i have no idea you don't know yeah it's like a really pretty muscle probably arms biceps biceps that's what i said did you just think that to her no what is it about biceps that makes them so sure i don't know i just i don't know if i can say this on camera you can say just big arms it's just nice in addition to having the girls picking their number one muscle i also had them rate each muscle on a scale of one to ten with ten being the most attractive after we get enough data i'll be using a scientific tool called anova to determine which muscle is not just most attractive but if it actually reaches statistical significance this way we can confidently say if certain muscles are genuinely more attractive and which muscles aren't you put calves as one can you uh explain this is good news for guys though because they're the hardest muscle for most guys to grow i just don't think it's that important like i'm like always looking at your face so like looking down at like your calves i'm just like i don't think it's that no i don't think it's that important a lot of girls love the calves and at this point i was already finding one muscle group that was doing surprisingly worse than i expected shoulders nine abs six really i'm not gonna look at a guy and be like oh he has no abs like no abs are last yeah abs i don't really care about abs really if you just eat a bit less they show a little bit more whereas like you have to like really put in the work to like grow your quads and glutes and chest interesting abs are overrated you hear that but before you guys ditch the diet and jump on a bulk for the rest of your life i did notice something interesting with the data although on average abs are scoring low when i count how frequently girls were picking abs as the most attractive muscle it's actually in the top three suggesting that while on average girls don't really seem to care much for abs the ones who do really find them attractive and score them as a 10 which just goes to show you that even if a muscle doesn't score high in our study there's still someone out there who may be attracted to just that calves would be like a close second what is it about calves i have no idea but i think they're so beautiful if a guy has a good set of calves on him a lot of girls love the calves this is a really underrated muscle but for me be the brachioradialis muscle oh my god most people don't even know what that is so it's a muscle right here i mean i can demonstrate all right show show her show so like flex this muscle right here if you have this your hands are also really nice it's like overall like a really nice i guess it shows like you're hard working very hands-on yeah and how important do you think muscles are on a gut um as someone that goes to the gym i find them important so yeah what makes them important um like healthy lifestyle look fit yeah just overall good wellness i think that's attractive nice yeah and uh if you could rank his muscles out of 10 what would you give him like an eight they're putting an effort they show up for you in ways you need them to max showed up for me today and i really needed him so he he exhibits that quality and he is also single are you single i am single are you single yes i am you are yeah okay well the great thing is that max is also single here and he's looking he's not only good looking kills it in the gym but he's honestly one of the sweetest people i know show her your brachioradialis one more time it's very nice 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 okay is that good enough may i have your number he's on one knee yeah he's already on one knee of course i'll give you my number with max's body and my skills as a wingman i was finally able to set max up with some potential first dates but how much of his success was coming from his muscles well this goes back to our ancestral times back then strong muscles showed that a man could protect and support his family but it wasn't just about fighting ability since building muscle needs protein rich food it meant that these men were good hunters too but today even though most men get muscles at gyms rather than hunting attraction to muscles should still be hardwired into their dna how important do you think like muscularity is when it comes to oh no it's not important no no oh that's deep question it probably can move up like say like one point on a scale of one to ten that's the first thing that draws me in and then the personality will keep me there i wouldn't say it's like super important it's not that important for me but like you said for some people it's very important well i'm slightly biased because i'm in the fitness industry so i understand that it takes a lot of discipline and a lot of work to get a muscular physique and i personally strive to have that so i think for me it's without a doubt very important it is important for attraction i guess a bonus but yeah okay i would just say as long as they take care of themselves i think it's important where they stand in their fitness journey i don't think it's super relevant to me as long as they're pursuing it yeah is that what like initially attracted you to to him no no really but but it helps it sure does now while having some muscle was definitely seen as positive by almost every girl we spoke to they were generally seen as far less important than what most guys predicted so if you are hitting the gym you're probably better off picking a goal that's important to you rather than just trying to impress girls now i won't say muscle doesn't help but in my experience it typically leads to a lot more compliments from gym bros rather than ladies as for the results of our survey we managed to collect over 50 responses from our interviews on the beach but based on a statistics tool called g power it recommended we aim for at least 200 to make our results statistically valid so after sending out a quick online survey we had all the data we needed and here's what we found calves came in at the very bottom of our survey with only three first place votes out of 205 responses as it turns out not a lot of girls really love calves next were glutes legs and abs now while these muscles significantly outperform calves their scores were still much lower than the upper body muscles chest back and shoulders however the differences between these three muscles didn't quite reach statistical significance so although i'm confident i can't for sure say that nice shoulders are objectively more attractive than back or chest muscles however there was one muscle that reached statistical significance when compared to all the other muscles arms arms not only crushed the rankings but it was also the first place vote for over 30 of the girls we surveyed but even though building a ripped physique won't guarantee the girl of your dreams there was one personality trait that outperformed every muscle we surveyed like you can have like these super funny sorry probably good sense of humor there's no point because they're not funny they're funny you can handle jokes funny guy good sense of humor hopefully they're funny so while i can't teach you how to be funnier i can help you get lean and muscular as fast and efficiently as possible using science we've helped countless people transform their bodies and lifestyles with proven meal plans and workouts using the best data available to sign up today just head over to and take our quiz to find the best plan for you in your body isn't that right max max max i will say you have like a baywatch thing situation thank you actually i get that whenever i wear these shorts this is probably why you wear them yeah exactly

    上腕二頭筋 大腿四頭筋 腕はこんな感じ 胸は......カメラでこんなこと言っていいのかな......好きなように言っていいよ 今日は、世界中のジム・ブラザーが知っている最も重要な質問に答えるよ。しかし、まず始めに、多くの女子が選ぶと思われる筋肉は何かを男子に聞いてみたい。丸みを帯びた体格なのか、1つの筋肉を選ばなければならない 肩幅の広いいい肩 そう、肩だ。胸は体の幅を広げてくれるし、大腿四頭筋は賞賛に値するし、大腿四頭筋を高く評価できる。ということは、いよいよ女性たちに声をかける時が来たということだ。

biceps quads arms like here chest i don't know if i can say this on camera you can say whatever you want today i'm answering the most important question known to gym bros worldwide what is the one muscle girls find most attractive to find out i'm surveying over 200 girls to accurately determine which muscle ranks the highest and which ones they just don't seem to care for at the end i'll also reveal the one unexpected personality trait that actually outperformed all the muscles we surveyed but to start things off i want to first ask the guys what muscle they believed most girls would pick do we really understand what women want well this is obvious isn't it i don't know is it a well-rounded physique you gotta pick one muscle shoulders nice broad shoulders yeah shoulders we're looking for that dorito look you know what i mean that like triangle is basically what makes up your frame you know what i mean classic biceps back i think back because like you know fills you up a little bit more and you can see it from further away i'm gonna say chest yeah chest broadens you out of it quite a thing to to admire to appreciate quads quads the booty booty yeah how important is the booty on a guy really important how would you rank his booty two abs abs yeah no girls yeah i'll say calf or deltoids calves a lot of look at his calves i can see what dude these are literally the biggest guys i've ever seen in my life after talking to the guys our leading predictions were chest and shoulders which means it's finally time to start talking to some ladies but i'm gonna need some assistance this is max max has one of the best proportioned physiques i know and it's going to be our muscle model for the day just in case the girls need a visual reference before making their choice what max doesn't know is i'm secretly playing matchmaker today max is as nice as he is buff and he's single too so as we interview girls for science let's see if we can find someone truly special for him in case you're wondering this is max he's our muscle model for the day clearly very well built if you could pick one muscle on the guy that's most attractive what would you pick traps okay these guys are here yeah yeah chest number one and why is that i don't know i just like find that really attractive probably their arms biceps arms yeah maybe abs would be like a second best kind of thing probably abs just like them how would you rank his traps okay show show them what's going on okay yeah like a nine ten like pretty yeah you're up there how would you rate his chest seven seven seven yeah okay good oh pretty good i mean could be bigger are you single yeah you are yeah okay the great thing is max over here is also single so i don't know maybe you could exchange numbers you know maybe me here i have a boyfriend you are single max is uh he's also single turns out our first couple attempts didn't quite go as planned and even though max is in amazing shape he's also incredibly shy yeah well for the record jeremy didn't give me a heads up that i'd be asking girls giving me giving me their number today so it's good i feel like i need to be put on the spot more it's uh it'll help me grow as a person what's your type a girl who goes to the gym all right gym girls where you at and while i was failing in my role as a wingman we were at least getting some really valuable answers from the girls shoulders probably shoulders and what back quads quads you were quick with that i know what i like shoulders for sure yeah uh let's say shoulders shoulders yeah it kind of just gives them that nice frame probably the chest the pectoral muscles chest yeah yeah because it makes you look like bigger you take up more room i don't know what is it about quads i just it shows like lower body takes a little bit more time uh to i don't know not everyone's blessed with big legs i personally like a guy that has bigger legs than me so what what is it that makes the the triceps the back of the arms so attractive i have no idea you don't know yeah it's like a really pretty muscle probably arms biceps biceps that's what i said did you just think that to her no what is it about biceps that makes them so sure i don't know i just i don't know if i can say this on camera you can say just big arms it's just nice in addition to having the girls picking their number one muscle i also had them rate each muscle on a scale of one to ten with ten being the most attractive after we get enough data i'll be using a scientific tool called anova to determine which muscle is not just most attractive but if it actually reaches statistical significance this way we can confidently say if certain muscles are genuinely more attractive and which muscles aren't you put calves as one can you uh explain this is good news for guys though because they're the hardest muscle for most guys to grow i just don't think it's that important like i'm like always looking at your face so like looking down at like your calves i'm just like i don't think it's that no i don't think it's that important a lot of girls love the calves and at this point i was already finding one muscle group that was doing surprisingly worse than i expected shoulders nine abs six really i'm not gonna look at a guy and be like oh he has no abs like no abs are last yeah abs i don't really care about abs really if you just eat a bit less they show a little bit more whereas like you have to like really put in the work to like grow your quads and glutes and chest interesting abs are overrated you hear that but before you guys ditch the diet and jump on a bulk for the rest of your life i did notice something interesting with the data although on average abs are scoring low when i count how frequently girls were picking abs as the most attractive muscle it's actually in the top three suggesting that while on average girls don't really seem to care much for abs the ones who do really find them attractive and score them as a 10 which just goes to show you that even if a muscle doesn't score high in our study there's still someone out there who may be attracted to just that calves would be like a close second what is it about calves i have no idea but i think they're so beautiful if a guy has a good set of calves on him a lot of girls love the calves this is a really underrated muscle but for me be the brachioradialis muscle oh my god most people don't even know what that is so it's a muscle right here i mean i can demonstrate all right show show her show so like flex this muscle right here if you have this your hands are also really nice it's like overall like a really nice i guess it shows like you're hard working very hands-on yeah and how important do you think muscles are on a gut um as someone that goes to the gym i find them important so yeah what makes them important um like healthy lifestyle look fit yeah just overall good wellness i think that's attractive nice yeah and uh if you could rank his muscles out of 10 what would you give him like an eight they're putting an effort they show up for you in ways you need them to max showed up for me today and i really needed him so he he exhibits that quality and he is also single are you single i am single are you single yes i am you are yeah okay well the great thing is that max is also single here and he's looking he's not only good looking kills it in the gym but he's honestly one of the sweetest people i know show her your brachioradialis one more time it's very nice 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 okay is that good enough may i have your number he's on one knee yeah he's already on one knee of course i'll give you my number with max's body and my skills as a wingman i was finally able to set max up with some potential first dates but how much of his success was coming from his muscles well this goes back to our ancestral times back then strong muscles showed that a man could protect and support his family but it wasn't just about fighting ability since building muscle needs protein rich food it meant that these men were good hunters too but today even though most men get muscles at gyms rather than hunting attraction to muscles should still be hardwired into their dna how important do you think like muscularity is when it comes to oh no it's not important no no oh that's deep question it probably can move up like say like one point on a scale of one to ten that's the first thing that draws me in and then the personality will keep me there i wouldn't say it's like super important it's not that important for me but like you said for some people it's very important well i'm slightly biased because i'm in the fitness industry so i understand that it takes a lot of discipline and a lot of work to get a muscular physique and i personally strive to have that so i think for me it's without a doubt very important it is important for attraction i guess a bonus but yeah okay i would just say as long as they take care of themselves i think it's important where they stand in their fitness journey i don't think it's super relevant to me as long as they're pursuing it yeah is that what like initially attracted you to to him no no really but but it helps it sure does now while having some muscle was definitely seen as positive by almost every girl we spoke to they were generally seen as far less important than what most guys predicted so if you are hitting the gym you're probably better off picking a goal that's important to you rather than just trying to impress girls now i won't say muscle doesn't help but in my experience it typically leads to a lot more compliments from gym bros rather than ladies as for the results of our survey we managed to collect over 50 responses from our interviews on the beach but based on a statistics tool called g power it recommended we aim for at least 200 to make our results statistically valid so after sending out a quick online survey we had all the data we needed and here's what we found calves came in at the very bottom of our survey with only three first place votes out of 205 responses as it turns out not a lot of girls really love calves next were glutes legs and abs now while these muscles significantly outperform calves their scores were still much lower than the upper body muscles chest back and shoulders however the differences between these three muscles didn't quite reach statistical significance so although i'm confident i can't for sure say that nice shoulders are objectively more attractive than back or chest muscles however there was one muscle that reached statistical significance when compared to all the other muscles arms arms not only crushed the rankings but it was also the first place vote for over 30 of the girls we surveyed but even though building a ripped physique won't guarantee the girl of your dreams there was one personality trait that outperformed every muscle we surveyed like you can have like these super funny sorry probably good sense of humor there's no point because they're not funny they're funny you can handle jokes funny guy good sense of humor hopefully they're funny so while i can't teach you how to be funnier i can help you get lean and muscular as fast and efficiently as possible using science we've helped countless people transform their bodies and lifestyles with proven meal plans and workouts using the best data available to sign up today just head over to and take our quiz to find the best plan for you in your body isn't that right max max max i will say you have like a baywatch thing situation thank you actually i get that whenever i wear these shorts this is probably why you wear them yeah exactly

上腕二頭筋 大腿四頭筋 腕はこんな感じ 胸は......カメラでこんなこと言っていいのかな......好きなように言っていいよ 今日は、世界中のジム・ブラザーが知っている最も重要な質問に答えるよ。しかし、まず始めに、多くの女子が選ぶと思われる筋肉は何かを男子に聞いてみたい。丸みを帯びた体格なのか、1つの筋肉を選ばなければならない 肩幅の広いいい肩 そう、肩だ。胸は体の幅を広げてくれるし、大腿四頭筋は賞賛に値するし、大腿四頭筋を高く評価できる。ということは、いよいよ女性たちに声をかける時が来たということだ。

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