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Ms. Director General Audrey Azoulay, Her Excellency Sangmi Park, His Excellency
Choe Choe Choe, distinguished guests, thank you for welcoming us.
I'm Joshua speaking on behalf of the 13 members of SEVENTEEN. We were here at the
UNESCO Youth Forum just last November and it was an unforgettable experience.
We always wanted to come back. Thank you for inviting SEVENTEEN to this important occasion.
Today we are humbled and overwhelmed to stand before you for the first time as UNESCO's goodwill ambassador for youth. It is a great honor to be representing today's young people which is a priority group for UNESCO.
Looking back, this has been a long journey for us, taking one step at a time until we could stand before you as the ambassador for youth. Ever since we made our debut, our music has talked about our own experiences and genuine emotions. For the past nine years, in different stages of youth, we have engaged with people who love our music, or as we call them, CARATS. Thanks to their love, we have built a strong bond and a sense of belonging with youth around the world. Each one of our members has gradually grown a sense of duty to hopefully be able to speak on behalf of youth and to encourage them to pursue their dreams.
With this growing sense of duty, we began our donations to children's organizations in 2017.
In 2022, we partnered with the Korean National Commission for UNESCO to launch a global youth education campaign titled Going Together.
2022年、私たちは韓国ユネスコ国内委員会と提携し、「Going Together」と題した世界的な青少年教育キャンペーンを開始した。
And last year, we took part in the youth forum here at UNESCO headquarters.
Meeting with youth delegates from around the world was an eye-opening experience, which got us thinking about what more we could do for our fellow young people.
So when we received the designation letter from Director General Adjolae for the ambassadorship, all of us were surprised and honored. We really, really thought it was meant to be.
So today, we are truly thrilled to announce that we are joining hands with UNESCO to take our Going Together campaign to the next level. Today, we would like to share our vision as the Ambassador for Youth based on what we have learned in our very own lives.
だから今日、私たちはユネスコと手を携えて、Going Togetherキャンペーンを次のレベルへと引き上げることを発表できることを本当に嬉しく思います。本日は、私たち自身の人生で学んだことに基づいて、青少年大使としてのビジョンを共有したいと思います。
First, we want to tell our fellow youth that every unique dream that you have is important.
Every single dream matters, whether it is big or small, loud or quiet, traditional or innovative, personal or public. Never let anyone, including yourself, belittle your dream.
Second, when you pursue your dream, please know that you are not alone.
Find companionship with your fellow youth and also give your support to them.
As much as hard work and drive are important, a supportive community and strong companionship also play a huge role in pursuit of our dreams. We were not on a fast track to success as a K-pop band. And as a big group of 13 individuals, each of us has a different story about our intense journey of nine years.
But one thing that we all agree on is that the strong companionship we've built along the way was the key. We have so much to learn from each other. We have so much to learn from each other.
is that the strong companionship we've built along the way was the key.
We have sung a lot about love and hope that we have felt in our youth, hoping to spread positive vibes to our fellow youth. But there were also tough times when we sang together to bury our sorrow, struggling to break through and become heroes for ourselves.
And in that struggle, I cannot emphasize enough how much courage and inspiration we gained through communicating closely with CARATS. This is what kept us going.
We could overcome hardships with gratitude only because we had a supportive community who helped us build our dreams together.
In this supportive community that we've built with our fellow youth, not only did we share countless exhilarating moments, but also we stood by each other through the greatest sorrows in life, including loss of loved ones. So from the bottom of our hearts, we know that our dreams don't stand
And now, to give back what we received from all of you, we are determined to use our voice to create a global youth community made stronger through mutual love and support.
As the ambassador for youth, we will spread the power of companionship and contribute to building supportive youth communities
For the next chapter of the Going Together campaign,
SEVENTEEN will donate $1 million to the joint Global Youth Grant Scheme with UNESCO.
We believe that youth have the most creative ideas and the strongest determination to make the world a better place. We believe that we can do more to make the world a better place.
By providing funds and supporting those brilliant ideas, we hope this program will serve as a stepping stone for building positive youth communities.
The official announcement will be made in August, so please keep an eye out for that. And in the meantime, spread the word.
We are emboldened to share this journey, not only with the 13 members of SEVENTEEN, but also with youth worldwide.
Let us all be one team and build a supportive community of global youth.
In our song, Super, we repeat, I love my team, I love my crew, shouting out in awe of the companionship we feel around us.
私たちの歌『Super』では、「I love my team, I love my crew」と繰り返し、周囲に感じる仲間意識に畏敬の念を込めて叫ぶ。
And we want to tell you, from today, all youth are our team and our crew.
Please know that you are not alone.
From today, all youth are our team and our crew.
Please know that you are not alone. You are a part of us.
And your dreams are also SEVENTEEN's dreams.
Today, I'm speaking on behalf of the group, but I want to reassure you that all of us share the same vision.
I would like to invite all the members of SEVENTEEN to join me in our message to the world.
Your dream is our dance.
Because your dreams make us shine brighter.
Your dreams are our driving force.
Your dream is what we cherish.
Your dreams are more important than anything else, even after the end of the world.
Your dreams are the future of all of us.
For your dreams, SEVENTEEN will stand by your side.
SEVENTEEN will be going together for your dream.
Thank you.