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  • I don't know. We've been together like 6 months so I felt like I had to...

  • Been there.

  • Regretted that?

  • I'm actually still a virgin.

  • WOW~

  • Girls love that!

  • (If men lost their virginity like women lost their virginity)

  • Why would someone buy the cow if they can get milk for free?

  • Pretty sure, girls don't see me as a cow, Dad.

  • Yes, but you get the idiom. You see what I'm saying.

  • I want you to know something.

  • You're a genie in the bottle and you just have to make sure they don't rub you wrong.

  • -Dad, you're totally misinterpreting that song. -I don't think so.

  • How do I know what to do?

  • You don't have to do anything. Just lay back and let it happen.

  • She won't be disappointed?

  • You're kidding? She's gonna be so happy it's happening.

  • There’s probably gonna be blood. It's gonna be a lot of blood.

  • Should I buy condoms?

  • No! No way. And it's like you're asking for it.

  • But I am asking for it.

  • You're making a work for it.

  • Deep breaths. It gets better when you do it. Bring a towel. Wait, why do I need a towel?

  • Oh, right.

  • Hypothetically, how would I know if I was ready?

  • When you should put a ring on it.

  • You could only lose your virginity once.

  • Maybe twice if you're on a butt stuff.

  • If I do this, would it make me a slut?

  • Better that than a prude

  • I'll just turn the lights off and were boxers here. No, briefs. Girls like briefs. That's what they wanna get.

  • It seems dangerous.

  • This is gonna be great.

  • Before we do anything though, I guess I should just tell you I've never done this before.

  • What?

  • I'm a virgin.

  • Oh! Umm...I didn't know that. That makes a big deal and I just don't want this to be big deal.

  • No, no, no. It's not a big deal. Whatever. It's my virginity. Goodbye,virginity. Who cares virginity.

  • Are you sure?

  • Yeah, I have my towel.

  • It's fine.

  • Okay, just don't fall in love with me.

  • Lean back. It'll hurt a little.

  • -What? -You just tell me if it's hurting.

  • Do I look any different?

  • No.

  • You were home late.

  • He knows.

  • I'm just very tender, very sweet, sometime got a little lazy. Don't tell your mother.

  • -I won't. -There's nothing going on here. You don't have to clean in here now. We're talking. It's guy talk. Okay, she's gone. -It's the worst day of my life.

I don't know. We've been together like 6 months so I felt like I had to...


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

もし男が女が女を失うように処女性を失ったら (If Men Lost Their Virginity Like Women Lose Theirs)

  • 10582 505
    彭彥婷 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日