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  • Some people listen to themselves, rather than listen to what others say.


  • These people don't come along very often, but when they do, they remind us that once you set out on a path, even though critics may doubt you, it's okay to believe that there is no "can't," "won't," or "impossible." They remind us that it's okay to believe "impossible is nothing."

    このような人たちは滅多に現れないが、現われれば、いったん道を踏み出せば、たとえ批判的な人たちに疑われようとも、"できない"、"やらない"、"不可能 "はないと信じていいのだということを思い出させてくれる。彼らは、"不可能は何もない "と信じていいのだと気づかせてくれる。

Some people listen to themselves, rather than listen to what others say.


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