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  • Most of us rely on Intelligent Transportation Systems, or ITS, without even knowing it.


  • These technologies include electronic toll collection, dynamic message signs, traffic cameras, real-time transit notifications, ramp meters, directional map applications, traveler information systems, smart parking systems, and advanced traffic signals. ITS provides solutions that save lives, improve our overall mobility, increase the efficiency of our transportation system, and reduce our environmental footprint.

    これらの技術には、電子料金徴収、ダイナミック・メッセージ・サイン、交通カメラ、リアルタイム輸送通知、ランプ・メーター、方向地図アプリケーション、旅行者情報システム、スマート駐車システム、高度交通信号などが含まれる。 ITSは、人命を救い、全体的なモビリティを向上させ、交通システムの効率を高め、環境フットプリントを削減するソリューションを提供する。

  • For 30 years, the ITS Joint Program Office has funded and coordinated projects that deploy these technologies in communities while looking ahead to the future of transportation. In launching the third generation of ITS, the ITS Joint Program Office continues to revolutionize transportation for all Americans.

    30年にわたり、ITS合同プログラムオフィスは、交通の未来を見据えながら、これらの技術を地域社会に導入するプロジェクトに資金を提供し、調整してきた。 第3世代のITSを立ち上げるにあたり、ITS合同プログラムオフィスは、すべてのアメリカ人のために交通に革命を起こし続けている。

  • Driverless vehicles will reduce the number of crashes caused by human error, as well as enable contactless movement of goods and people.


  • Integrated technologies will solve mobility challenges for all travelers, with a focus on those in underserved communities.


  • Accessibility applications will help travelers plan, execute, and pay for their complete trips, from start to end. Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, will support more informed predictions of traffic flow, incidents, and road blockages and conditions.

    アクセシビリティ・アプリケーションは、旅行者が旅行の最初から最後まで、完全な旅行を計画し、実行し、支払うのを支援する。 人工知能のような新しいテクノロジーは、交通の流れ、事故、道路の封鎖や状況について、より多くの情報に基づいた予測をサポートする。

  • And, advanced communications technologies will enable vehicles to exchange information to navigate our roads safer.


  • For all these technologies to function, data must be shared openly.


  • For example, open source data from multiple states will provide travelers with in-depth information, both before and during their trip. The use of open data can improve the safety of both travelers and transportation workers by enabling alerts to possible delays and hazards.

    例えば、複数の州からのオープンソースデータは、旅行者に旅行前と旅行中の両方で詳細な情報を提供する。 オープンデータの利用は、起こりうる遅延や危険に対する警告を可能にすることで、旅行者と交通機関従事者双方の安全性を向上させることができる。

  • Connectivity and open data communication for vehicles and infrastructure will aid in crash avoidance applications and improve traffic management.


  • Expanded cybersecurity efforts are needed to help defend our advancing transportation network from attack.


  • This includes all modes of transportation. The ITS Joint Program Office has demonstrated how to successfully deploy connected vehicles and infrastructure in communities across the nation.

    これにはすべての交通手段が含まれる。 ITS合同プログラムオフィスは、コネクテッド・ビークルとインフラを全米の地域社会で展開する方法を実証してきた。

  • We've funded the development of standards, evaluations, technical assistance, and knowledge transfer, all to build the path to an interoperable, secure, effective, and affordable vehicle-to-everything communications environment.


  • And as our transportation system advances, we are exploring how to address its impact on critical issues such as public health, job creation, social equity, and climate change.


  • Because the possibilities of ITS technologies are limitless.


  • The U.S.


  • Department of Transportation is working to bring the safety and mobility benefits of innovative technologies to our roads and communities across the country.


  • Find out more today.


Most of us rely on Intelligent Transportation Systems, or ITS, without even knowing it.


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インテリジェント交通システム:現在利用可能なものと将来のビジョン (Intelligent Transportation Systems: What’s Available Today and the Vision for Tomorrow)

  • 6 0
    史詠瑄 に公開 2024 年 10 月 11 日