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  • Good morning Hank. It's Tuesday. So yesterday some friends and I went to the Indianapolis

  • Motor Speedway, and I got to drive around the track with race car driver Sarah Fisher

  • at 180 miles per hour and experience profound fear-joy, which would be a good name for a

  • band. But for now the relevant thing is while I was going around the track I felt like Sarah

  • Fisher was driving the Batmobile and I was Robin.

  • And that reminded me that while I'm a big Sarah Fisher fan, I kind of hate Batman.

  • Like Hank, if I were a billionaire, the first thing I would do would be to pledge 90% of

  • my money to charity. Then I would build my own race track that Sarah Fisher could drive

  • me around, then I would give AFC Wimbledon a bunch of money so they could build a new

  • stadium. Then I'd build a huge house with lots of secret rooms that you can only access

  • by touching certain books on a fake bookshelf, and then I would still be SUPER rich because

  • a billion dollars is a lot of money... but I am getting slightly off topic here.

  • The point being, Hank, I don't think I'd be a particularly good or generous billionaire,

  • but one thing I wouldn't do is spend a gajillion dollars developing a Batmobile that only I

  • am allowed to drive.

  • I mean look Hank, Spiderman go bit by a radioactive spider; he has to be Spiderman; he doesn't

  • have a choice; he can't stop shooting webs so you might as well use that skill to aid

  • the police.

  • Similarly, Sailor Moon didn't choose to be an alien princess from Silver Millennium,

  • but Batman is just a rich guy with an affinity for bats who's playing out his insane fantasy

  • of single handedly ridding Gotham of crime; how is that heroic?

  • Now I know what you're saying Hank- Iron Man- and fair enough, Tony Stark is a billionaire

  • who could use his wealth a little bit better. And that's a story unto itself about how the

  • superheroes elevated by each generation say a lot about that generation.

  • But at least Iron Man has that weird nuclear bomb heart thing built with the help of the

  • token good, and therefore doomed Arab guy. And then he's like "Aw I should use my nuclear

  • heart for good." It's not much but it's something. Meanwhile can you really argue that Batman

  • is good for Gotham? I mean in the Batman universe crime is caused by:

  • 1. Evil people who just wanna see the world burn and

  • 2. Stupid people who follow the evil but charismatic cat person/joker/penguin.

  • God, the villains in Batman are terrible.

  • Also, slightly off topic but I would argue that Catwoman despite her jewelry thieving

  • etc. is by almost any measure much more heroic than Batman. But anyway, crime is not actually

  • caused by evil; it's caused by systemic disenfranchisement and poverty and lack of access to job opportunities

  • and education.

  • And yet Batman continues on, not funding police departments or schools or building low income

  • housing, but tearing up the infrastructure of the city he claims to love while fighting

  • villains who are only powerful because that city is already so blighted and dysfunctional.

  • I'm sorry I'm losing my temper, but does Batman understand how difficult it is for an under-funded

  • city like Gotham to replace roads and bridges?

  • Anyway Hank, it seems to me that one of the more realistic facets of the Batman saga is

  • that Gotham never gets better for long after Batman's villain-destroying exploits. Batman

  • saves Gotham over and over and over again, but he never actually improves it.

  • Also, why does no one ever call Batman out for devoting all of his resources to fighting

  • crime in Gotham? When he could also be fighting, I don't know, global poverty or habitat destruction

  • or climate change.

  • Now Hank I'm not saying that cleaning up the streets of Gotham isn't a worthy goal for

  • a billionaire, but to reiterate, he's bad at it.

  • I will say this, Hank, Batman has inspired some great graphic novels and some very good

  • movies.

  • All of which go to extraordinary lengths to make it seem like bad things just keep happening

  • to Batman, so he has to develop a massive arsenal that he keeps in a Batcave.

  • But Hank, the question at the core of the Batman story still bothers me. Why do we celebrate

  • the vigilantic ambitions of individual billionaires? Surely we understand that the real work among

  • humans is done not in isolation but in collaboration? We do understand that, right?

  • And no I am not just saying all of this because my hair looks more and more like Wolverine's

  • by the day.

  • Hank, I will see you on Friday.

Good morning Hank. It's Tuesday. So yesterday some friends and I went to the Indianapolis


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私はバットマンを憎むの種類 (I Kind of Hate Batman)

  • 364 7
    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日