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  • This is joy coming to you live in Riley's mind make some no We gotta get our mouth guard people beer Discussed glad to have her on our team our little girls growing up so fast It Should be nothing but smooth sailing from hello.


  • I'm anxiety.


  • Where can I put my stuff a new emotion?


  • Sorry, we wanted to make such a good first impression.


  • What do you mean?


  • We?


  • Oh, yeah, not happening that's on we on what it's what you would call the boredom What's your name big fella, that's embarrassment welcome to headquarters embarrassment.


  • Oh, we're doing a fit No, oh, nope going high.


  • Oh, you got a real sweaty palm there, buddy Look we all have a job to do I plan for the future you want to sit with us.


  • These girls are so cool We can't let her know works.


  • I just I got this Joy, I'm just curious.


  • Maybe um, I could thank you Yeah, yeah That's not gonna haunt us for the rest of our lives at all I know change is scary.


  • Let's do this Hey Riley, but we need new friends or we'll be totally alone in high school that would be hold in with the new Riley's life requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you.


  • You can't just bottle us up We are suppressed Let operation new Riley begin You aren't packed yet Well, that's a preview of the next ten years come on Riley means us have I ever steered you wrong before many times What is that it's a sarcasm sarcasm boy, are we so lucky we ran into you guys Wow, those guys are jerks Wow, those guys are jerks

    私たちを閉じ込めるなんてできない 私たちは抑圧されてる 新しいライリーの作戦を始めましょう まだ荷造りしてないんだから ライリーとは私たちのこと ライリーとは私たちのこと 今まで何度もあなたたちを間違った方向に 導いたことがあったかしら?

This is joy coming to you live in Riley's mind make some no We gotta get our mouth guard people beer Discussed glad to have her on our team our little girls growing up so fast It Should be nothing but smooth sailing from hello.


AI 自動生成字幕

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語

インサイド・アウト2|公式予告編 (Inside Out 2 | Official Trailer)

  • 3 0
    DOOORA に公開 2024 年 10 月 02 日