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  • I can't go to sleep without my teddy T.E.D. held hands and said T.E.D. teddy One little alphablock went off to bed Four little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head I need a cuddle before I can sleep H.U.G. held hands and said H.U.G.

    テディがいないと眠れない T.E.D.が手をつないで言った T.E.D.テディ 1人の小さなアルファブロックがベッドに行った 4人の小さなアルファブロックがベッドに飛び乗った 1人が落ちて頭をぶつけた 眠る前に抱っこが必要 H.U.G.が手をつないで言った H.U.G.。

  • One more alphablock went off to bed Three little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped her head Actually, I just can't get to sleep N.A.P. held hands and said N.A.P.

    もう一人のアルファブロックはベッドに向かった。 三人の小さなアルファブロックがベッドの上でジャンプした。

  • One more alphablock went off to bed Two little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head C.O.T. held hands and said C.O.T.

    もう一人のアルファブロックはベッドに向かった 二人の小さなアルファブロックはベッドに飛び乗った 一人は落ちて頭をぶつけた C.O.T.は手をつないでC.O.T.と言った。

  • One more alphablock went off to bed One little alphablock jumping on the bed That's me!


  • I fell off and bumped my head I, I need a kiss goodnight L.I.P.S. held hands and said L.I.P.S.


  • No more alphablocks jumping on the bed Alphablocks!

    ベッドに飛び乗るアルファブロックはもういらない アルファブロック!

  • Feeling sleepy And so the pretty princess lay down on a big comfortable I need something to lie on Do something Red!


  • And as Little Red Riding Hood made her way through the forest The big bad wolf jumped out Please try again T.E.D.


  • Who's been eating my porridge?


  • Growled the Daddy Bear No, that's Goldilocks My turn!


  • E.D.


  • Bed!


  • So the pretty princess lay down on a big comfortable bed And fell fast asleep Plenty of years passed Prickly plants grew all over the palace Preventing anyone from getting in But then an extremely brave and handsome prince came to the princess' rescue Did somebody say X?


  • No Oh yes you did Oh no I, oh wait, yes I did Wake up fair princess X!


  • X!


  • And they lived happily ever after Alphablocks!


  • Moon!


  • What's a moon?


  • No We're on the moon No way Moo No, don't eat the moon No!


  • Anyone for tea?


  • Lovely, but how will we get home?


  • Oooo Funny smell Truly terrible tootsies Try again Oooo Hoot!


  • Oooo Boo Boo Oooo Oooo Boo Boo Oooo Boo Boo Alphablocks!


  • We'll grind the wheat and grind it well I'm the little white hen I'm ready to go, who can help me mix the dough?


  • Not I said the cat, not I said the pig Well fancy that Along came X X strikes again, I'm here to help the little red hen Mix Nice Now who will help me bake the bread?


  • But all the animals shook their heads Not I said the dog, not I said the cat, not I said the pig Well fancy that Along came H and O and T Hot!

    しかし、すべての動物が首を振った。 犬とは言わなかった、猫とも言わなかった、豚とも言わなかった!

  • It's hot, said H, so carefully The bread smelled good Nice, said H, now who will help me eat this bread?


  • I will, said the dog, I will, said the cat, I will, said the pig Well fancy that Out came the words No way, not you lot, no chance, not today I'll only share it with my friends And this is where our story ends No, not enough, said the little red hen Then he had an idea Let's make it ten And that's the story of the little red hen Who liked to say no every now and then But he's learned a new word, can you guess?


  • The little red hen can now say...


  • Yes!


  • Yes to the dog, yes to the cat, yes to the pig Well fancy that One day, Little Red Riding Hood decided to visit her grandmother Who lived on the other side of a deep, dark...


  • Moon Moon?


  • Don't you think wood might be better?


  • We like moon Just then, from behind a tree, out jumped a big, bad...

    私たちは月が好きだ そのとき、木の陰から、大きくて、悪い......が飛び出してきた。

  • Wolf Wolf, it's supposed to be wolf The wolf was called the big, bad wolf Because he was very big and very...

    ウルフ・ウルフ、それはオオカミのはずだ オオカミは大きくて悪いオオカミと呼ばれていた。

  • Good Good?


  • So the big, good wolf kept Little Red Riding Hood safe As they walked to her grandmother's...


  • Boot, of course What else?


  • When the wolf saw grandma, he began to lick his lips Yum, yum, yum, growled the wolf I'm very, very hungry But the wolf was a very good wolf And indeed a very good...

    オオカミはおばあちゃんを見ると、唇をなめ始めた。 おいしい、おいしい、オオカミはうなり声を上げた。

  • So he went into the kitchen and made them all lots of delicious...


  • Food Food And they all lived happily ever after The end Thank you for watching!

    食べ物 食べ物 そして、みんな幸せに暮らしました 終わり ご視聴ありがとうございました!

I can't go to sleep without my teddy T.E.D. held hands and said T.E.D. teddy One little alphablock went off to bed Four little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head I need a cuddle before I can sleep H.U.G. held hands and said H.U.G.

テディがいないと眠れない T.E.D.が手をつないで言った T.E.D.テディ 1人の小さなアルファブロックがベッドに行った 4人の小さなアルファブロックがベッドに飛び乗った 1人が落ちて頭をぶつけた 眠る前に抱っこが必要 H.U.G.が手をつないで言った H.U.G.。

AI 自動生成字幕

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