字幕表 動画を再生する
Good morning, guys, and welcome back. First things first, let me address the elf in the room. Yes, I did cut my hair, and I know nobody actually noticed that. I've missed you guys.
I've missed just doing chill, living alone vlogs like we love to do on here. What can
I say? I got sucked back in to my toxic relationship with Omega recently, and that has been the reason why I've been slacking on the vlog content. So for that, I'm sorry. I saw this matcha on TikTok, and it has strawberry in it or something. Ever since I saw that, all
I could think about was going to buy that. So I think I'm going to do that in a few minutes.
But to be honest, for this living alone video, I don't really have exact plan. Usually I kind of know like what I'm doing for the day. My dad and brother are actually flying into town right now, and they're going to come visit me, which I'm so, so excited about.
So I got the strawberry matcha. It's so good. It's exactly what I expected in like the best way. The strawberry is like real strawberry pureed, and they have maple syrup in here, so it's like lightly sweet. I never thought I'd be drinking matcha like this, like honestly at all. First it was coffee, now it's matcha. New York has really changed me.
There was no way I could walk past the street and not vlog it. If you know, you know. If you don't, you should. Anyways, I'm on my way right now to go stop at Sephora really quick. There's a couple of things I've been needing, specifically makeup remover. I've been really liking cleansing balms, so I might get one of those. I'm sweating. It's 97 degrees
I think, which means I need to shower immediately when I get home because that's when my back acne gets really bad. When I sweat, I have to shower like right away because then I break out. I've had pretty bad back acne for a while, and that's like the biggest thing, because
I just like need to constantly shower whenever I slightly sweat. Okay, so I don't actually need any new mascara, but I just wanted to show you guys I'm at the Too Faced booth section.
ちょっと汗をかいただけで、シャワーを浴びたくなる。新しいマスカラは必要ないんだけど、Too Facedのブースにいるところを見せたかったんだ。
I've been loving like chocolate brown mascara. This is their Better Than Sex brown mascara, and it's so good. I'm actually wearing it today. I'm also just counting down the minutes until I get kicked out for filming. Okay, I need to remember the reason I'm here, which is for a cleansing balm. I love the pharmacy one. It's this green, clean cleansing balm.
チョコレート・ブラウンのマスカラが好きなんだ。これはBetter Than Sexのブラウンマスカラで、とても良いの。実は今日もこれをつけているの。あと、撮影のために追い出されるまでの時間をカウントダウンしているところ。クレンジングバームを買いに来たんだ。薬局のものが大好きなの。緑色の清潔なクレンジングバームよ。
I sometimes wear waterproof mascara every once in a while. That will take it off. It's like so hard to get waterproof mascara off. You would know if you've worn it. It's like so pretty when it's on, but it sucks to take it off. What else? What else? I can't believe
I haven't gotten yelled at yet. I might want to try another one of the Say Glowy Super
Gels because I love them. Imagine I just vlogged that, went to Sephora, and then I didn't even show you guys what I got. That would be criminal. If someone did that and like vlogged it and didn't show what they got, I would be actually really mad. I just love a good little Sephora haul. I didn't get too much stuff. First thing I got is a restock of one of my favorite highlighters.
This is the Say Glowy Super Gel. I ended up getting it in a travel size, and it's really nice because it just makes my skin look extra glowy. Me and my mom love this so much. As you guys saw, I was talking about a cleansing balm, and I ended up getting the Pharmacy
これはSay Glowy Super Gel。結局、トラベルサイズで買ったんだけど、肌がつやつやに見えるから本当にいい。私と母はこれが大好きなの。クレンジングバームについて話していたんだけど、結局Pharmacyのクレンジングバームを買ったんだ。
Makeup Melt Away Cleansing Balm. And then the last thing that I got is probably what
I'm most excited about. This is the D.O. Eye Patches. If you guys watched my video a few months ago, I recreated Hailey Bieber's makeup routine. And in her makeup routine, she used these eye masks. But at the time, I couldn't buy them. They were out of stock. And I've just really been wanting to try these because they're reusable, which I think is so cool.
You're supposed to just take the eye cream that you use every day, put it under your eyes, and then put these on top. I wonder if I can put this in the fridge or not. That might be nice and cooling in the mornings. But yeah, that's everything that I got. Oopsies.
I have some stuff to work on. Actually, one of the main things I need to work on is my apartment situation. I'm still trying to decide where I'm going to move after this because my lease is up in 30 days, which is stressful. So I've been going through the process and thinking about if I want to buy a condo or a co-op. I've always been really interested in real estate investing. I never really talk about it because I feel like it might be a little bit boring to some people. I'm just kind of trying to decide if I want to invest in a property here or not. I'm kind of leaning towards no, but regardless, I do have to move anyways. So I've been looking at apartments. And then I also have a ton of emails to do.
I'm going to just work for a little bit. Also, do you guys recognize my necklace? If you follow me on TikTok or Instagram, I did a whole mystery jewelry bag unboxing and I got this.
So I don't know if you guys remember in my vlog a couple weeks ago, I went and I painted a vase at this pottery store. I finally got it back. It went through the kiln and I'm going to show you guys. Don't get your hopes up. I did like little flowers on it. The one thing I kind of messed up is like the base paint, but if you turn it like this way, it looks good. I rate it like a seven out of 10. So I'm going to go to the store and grab some fresh flowers for this, especially because my dad and brother are coming. I think it'd be nice to just have this setting out. The older I get, the more I really appreciate flowers. I used to really not care about them because I was like, they're going to die anyways. What's the point? But then I realized it's not about that. It's just about having something to cheer yourself up and like make your day really nice. Anyways, let's go get some flowers guys.
The guy was so nice at the flower shop. I ended up checking out and the guy was like, oh, these ones don't look very fresh. I'm going to get you a new set. He got me a fresh, very fresh bouquet.
It's all right. I like it. It's not my favorite arrangement ever. I think the reason I like getting flowers for myself so much is because it just goes to show that you don't need to ask or wait for anybody else to get you them. Obviously I always talk about this, but you have to take care of yourself as if you would someone you're in a relationship with. And that's like, what's probably helped me with my confidence the most doing things for myself that I would do for a boyfriend or a best friend. It's not a waste of money to buy flowers. I used to think that it's not. My dad and brother are coming in about an hour. I'm so excited for them to come. I've been texting them. I think we're going to go to dinner tonight, but before they get here,
I'm going to go through my makeup again. I know it feels like I just did this recently of everything in my apartment. My makeup, skincare area gets the messiest, the quickest. I think a lot of it might be due to the fact that I buy so much stuff and I get PR, which is so fun, but I do need to go through it pretty often. And I always feel so much better after doing it. So
I'm going to show you guys, this is what it looks like right now. I need to go through, toss some stuff that's probably expired and just like declutter this area. It's to the point where
I don't even like want to do my makeup anymore because I'm just so overstimulated. Let's get to organizing.
I want advice how you deal with making new friends in college.
Okay. My dad and my brother are here. So you guys know I've been doing little advice segments in my vlogs because I get a lot of questions from you guys and I just thought it'd be a fun way to give you guys my opinions. Usually I do this alone, but I thought it'd be fun to have my brother and dad join mostly because they're here and because I want their opinion.
Thank you.
That too.
Nice to be valued.
It's so sad. I go through my DMs on Instagram. So if you guys have any advice, DM me. I wanted advice on how you deal with making new friends in college and trying your best to not feel lonely.
It's been really tough for me. So I just want some insight on how to not feel lonely all the time.
The answer is-
Oh, you're going to go first?
Unless you want to go-
You got to really work on keeping an open mind and everything. So I would say from friends, you're going to want to try to meet more new friends than you ever did before. And you're going to want to try more new things than you ever did before. Ashton will have his opinion since he was in college too.
Wait, can I read it again? I forget what the question was.
Oh my gosh.
I agree. I think you kind of have to put yourself out there. Like my first two months of college were completely different than the rest of my college experience because I put myself out there a lot, especially as a transfer. I was a transfer. So I think I extra had to put myself out there like that. I think just joining clubs that you like will automatically bring people who are like-minded to you because you guys like the same things. And just like striking up conversation. I feel like people are friendlier than you would think. Like most of the time, people are pretty receptive.
And you're all starting out that way. I mean, everyone's all coming from the same place.
You're all starting out as a freshman. What I regretted doing is staying in my dorm. I secluded myself in my dorm, and I didn't go out as much, and I didn't meet people on my floor, and I isolated myself, and I felt more lonely. As the freshman year went on, I sort of like grew out of that, and I sort of like started to meet new people.
I might add too that about the staying in the dorm, you don't want to stay in the dorm too much, and you probably really don't want to stay on your cell phone. All the statistics show the more you're on your phone, the more depressed you could get.
Yeah. So definitely when you're first moving, try to meet the people that are right across from you.
Thanks, guys.
Oh, I wasn't recording the whole time.
No. Please tell me you're kidding.
No, the red button was on.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
I need to go to bed immediately. I'm actually so excited though to get unready because my skincare game elevates itself every time that I go through and organize it. It makes me want to actually do my full skincare regimen. I'm also breaking open my new cleansing balm, so it's just a good skincare night.
Oh, I almost forgot to say my dad and my brother are back at their hotel now.
No choice but to put this song on.
Surprise! I remembered to do an outro. I am all cozy. By the way, I loved that eye mask that I got. I tried it out for the first time tonight, and it was so nice, and I just feel cooler using it. Anyways, I'm so tired. I'm going to go to bed, but I love you guys.
Thanks for watching. If you guys have any videos you want to see from me, please comment them down below. I always love hearing what you guys want to see, and I read every single comment. But yeah, I love you guys. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in my next vlog. Bye.