字幕表 動画を再生する
I'd say that's the gate Adams take care of the lookout.
I'm on it I Go we up against an army give or take no shit.
How are we getting through this this might help Fine set it up You're fucking kidding right that's white phosphorus.
I know what it is you've seen what this shit does you know We might not have a choice Lugo.
There's always a choice No It's really not You You ain't walking we'll fire Reisman where you at?
選択肢は常にあるんだ いや、本当に君じゃないんだ 君は歩かない ライスマンはクビだ どこにいる?
Okay prepare to fire that in order yeah, it is fine launching camera Camera online sir, okay My target Bye Carihin to fire The soldiers by the hummers Quick Fucking hummers What else wir pairing the fire Dragged off to the trench hummer disabled No one's moving it's over it's right walker, okay, we're done Let's get down there want to reach that gate before reinforcements arrive This was too much stop talking what'd you just say to me if the smoke is toxic Yeah, right Let's just keep moving I'm i'm trapped.
発射準備 カメラを起動 カメラを起動します増援が来る前に ゲートへ降りよう しゃべりすぎだ 毒の煙なら 何て言うんだ?
I can't feel my legs It's kind of close I just Oh god, please help walker.
Come on, man.
There's nothing we can do He's already dead So Why You brought this on yourself Oh We were helping What Oh no So Are those civilians where they come from there's no camp here They took them from the nest So That hotel back at the storm wall, no, no, no, no, those can't be the civvies that got kidnapped it's not possible Yeah, it is that's why gould stormed this place he didn't want the gate he was trying to rescue his people This is your fault.
もう死んでいるんだ なぜこんなことになったんだ 助けていたのに... ...そんな... ...民間人はどこから来たんだ... ...ここにキャンプはない... ...巣から連れ去ったんだ... ...ストームウォールのホテルだ... ...そんなはずはない... ...誘拐された民間人じゃない... ...そんなはずはない... ...グールドがここを襲撃したのは ゲートが必要なかったからだ... ...仲間を助けようとしたんだ... ...お前のせいだ...
God damn it.
Stop right there But it is Yourself We need to keep moving What?
Reinforcements will be here any second.
We need to keep moving a walker You're not you're not even i'm gonna make these bastards pay for what they've done now.
Are you with me or not?