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  • There is scientific evidence supporting the medicinal properties of many bitter herbs, though the strength of the evidence can vary depending on the specific herb and the type of studies conducted.


  • Bitter herbs like dandelion, gentian, and wormwood have been studied for their digestive and liver-supporting effects.


  • For instance, dandelion has been researched for its potential to support liver function, with studies suggesting it may help increase bile flow and reduce liver inflammation.


  • Gentian is well known in herbal medicine and has been shown in studies to stimulate digestive enzymes, which can improve digestion and appetite.


  • Wormwood has been studied for its antimicrobial properties, particularly its effectiveness against parasites, and it's also known to aid in digestion.


  • However, while traditional uses and some scientific studies support these effects, more large-scale clinical trials are often needed to fully confirm and understand the extent of their benefits.


There is scientific evidence supporting the medicinal properties of many bitter herbs, though the strength of the evidence can vary depending on the specific herb and the type of studies conducted.


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B2 中上級 日本語

タンポポ、ゲンチアナ、ヨモギの薬効を裏付ける科学的研究はありますか? (Are there scientific studies supporting the medicinal benefits of dandelion, gentian, and wormwood?)

  • 3 0
    Jay に公開 2024 年 09 月 21 日