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Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.
Do you ever wonder about the difference between their, there and there?
their、there、there の違いを疑問に思ったことはないだろうか?
They are all pronounced the same but have different spellings and are used differently.
Their is used to show plural possession.
their は複数の所有権を示すのに使われる。
It is Phil and Ellie's laptop.
It is their laptop.
It is Georgina and Roy's dog.
It is their dog.
Their is used to identify something for the first time and is often followed by the verb to be.
their は初めて何かを識別するときに使われ、しばしば動詞 to be が続く。
There is a cafe near our office but it's so expensive.
There is a bookshop nearby and it has some nice books.
They're has the same meaning as they are and is often followed by an adjective.
their は they are と同じ意味で、形容詞が続くことが多い。
Where are Sam and Dan?
They're late.
They're never on time.
Bye for now.
Fall can be a verb and a noun and has many meanings.
Fall は動詞にも名詞にもなり、多くの意味を持つ。
Let's look at the most common together now.
As a verb, fall can mean to come down from a high position.
動詞としての fall は、高い位置から降りることを意味する。
In the autumn, or the fall in American English, the leaves start to fall.
A similar but slightly different meaning is to suddenly go down towards the ground, probably by accident.
The noun form describes this act.
When learning to walk, toddlers fall a lot, but they're usually not bad falls.
Fall also means to become lower in size, amount or strength.
fall とは、大きさ、量、強さが小さくなることも意味する。
The noun form describes this change and is often followed by the preposition in.
There has been a fall in house prices recently but no one knows why they have fallen.
And one more useful meaning of the verb fall is to change condition.
そして、動詞 fall のもう一つの有用な意味は、状態を変えることである。
People can fall asleep, fall ill, fall silent.
Hi, I'm Sian from BBC Learning English.
BBC ラーニング・イングリッシュのシアンです。
What's the difference between stop to do and stop doing something?
stop to do と stop doing something の違いは?
Well, stop what you're doing right now because that's what I'm going to tell you.
When we use stop plus ing, the activity in the ing form stops.
stop+ing を使うと、ing 形の活動が止まる。
So, I have stopped drinking coffee.
I'm not drinking coffee anymore, I'm only drinking water.
But when stop is followed by the infinitive, it means we stop doing another action to do the action in the infinitive.
しかし、stop の後に不定詞が続く場合は、不定詞の動作をするために別の動作を止めることを意味する。
So, I stopped to buy a tea this morning.
I stopped walking in order to buy a tea.
Right, I'm going to stop talking now.
Write me a comment and tell me something that you've stopped doing.
Hi everybody, welcome back to English in a Minute.
皆さん、こんにちは!English in a Minute へようこそ。
I'm James and today we're going to look at the verb try.
ジェームスです。今日は try という動詞を見てみましょう。
It can be a little bit tricky to use this verb because it changes its meaning depending on whether you use an ing verb or a verb with to.
この動詞は、ing 動詞を使うか、to を伴う動詞を使うかで意味が変わるので、使い方が少し難しいかもしれない。
So, let's take a look at some These two sentences are almost exactly the same, but their meaning is a little bit different.
When we use try with an ing, all we're saying is that we attempted to do something.
ing で try を使うとき、私たちが言っているのは「何かをしようとした」ということだ。
It could be a new experience, something that you haven't done before.
When we use try with a verb and to, we're saying that a task is quite difficult to complete or that we've failed.
try を動詞と to と一緒に使う場合、そのタスクを完了するのはかなり難しい、あるいは失敗したということを言う。
If you'd like to try learning more English, why not go to our Facebook page or to the website.
Bye everyone.
Hi, I'm Tim from BBC Learning English and today I'm going to tell you about three useful words.
Because, as and since.
because、as、そして since です。
These are all used to give reasons.
Because is more common than as or since and we use it when we want to focus on the reason.
Because は as や since よりも一般的で、理由に焦点を当てたいときに使う。
I'm tired because I didn't sleep very well.
When we want to give extra focus to the reason, we can put the because clause at the beginning of the sentence.
理由に特に焦点を当てたいときは、because 節を文頭に置く。
Because my bed is uncomfortable, I'm getting a bad back.
As and since are more formal than because and we use them to focus on the result rather than the reason.
as や since は because よりも形式的で、理由よりも結果に焦点を当てるために使う。
I hope Tom's brought that comic as I wanted to borrow it from him.
Noodles are popular since they're easy to cook.
We often use as and since clauses at the beginning of the sentence.
as 節や since 節を文頭で使うことはよくある。
Just remember to add a comma.
So, as our minute is up, I'll finish recording this video.
Hello everyone.
I'm Sam from BBC Learning English and today we are looking at five ways to use the word hard.
BBC ラーニング・イングリッシュのサムです。今日は hard の5つの使い方をご紹介します。
As an adjective describing a thing, it can mean the opposite of soft.
For example, wood is hard.
The opposite of easy.
For example, the exam was hard.
And it can mean something that involves effort.
Running a marathon is hard.
As an adverb describing an energy, such as she works hard.
Or to use force, for example, he hit the ball hard.
Just be careful not to confuse it with hardly because that has a different meaning.
So, not too hard, is it?
Let's learn some common uses of the word contact.
Firstly, contact can be used as a verb to mean speak or write to someone, often when someone wants to give or receive information.
まず、contact は動詞として、誰かに話しかけたり、手紙を書いたりすることを意味する。
The doctor contacted me this morning to tell me the results of my tests.
Contact can also be used as a noun to talk about speaking or writing to someone.
Contact は名詞としても使え、誰かに話しかけたり、手紙を書いたりすることを指す。
As a noun, it's often used with other words such as in, lose or make.
名詞としては、in、lose、make など他の単語と一緒に使われることが多い。
In contact with means speak or meet regularly.
In contact with とは、定期的に話したり会ったりすること。
Make contact means try to speak or write to someone after finding where someone is.
While lose contact means no longer communicate.
Stay in contact when you go away.
Contact can also be used to refer to a person who can help or give you information in work or socially.
Contact は、仕事や社会生活であなたを助けたり、情報をくれたりする人を指す場合にも使われる。
My contacts told me there's a job opening at the business.
Contact as a noun refers to people whose names, numbers and or email addresses you have stored on your mobile phone.
名詞としての Contact は、携帯電話に保存されている名前、電話番号、電子メールアドレスの人を指す。
I'll add you as a contact on my phone.
Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.
Have you ever wondered about the difference between as if and as though?
as if と as though の違いを不思議に思ったことはないだろうか?
We use as if and as though to make comparisons about an imaginary situation or a possible situation that might be true.
asif や as though は、想像上の状況や本当かもしれない状況について比較するときに使う。
To make comparisons about an imaginary situation, we use the past tense for the verb following as if or as though.
想像上の状況について比較するには、as if や as though に続く動詞に過去形を使う。
He acted as if he didn't hear anything, but he did.
They feel as though they weren't appreciated, but they were.
To make comparisons about a possible situation that might be true, we use the present tense for the verb following as if or as though.
本当かもしれない可能性のある状況について比較をするには、as if や as though に続く動詞に現在形を使う。
He speaks as if he knows a directions.
She looks as though she lives here.
My stomach is rumbling as if I didn't have any breakfast, but I did.
Let's talk about appearance.
What's the difference between look and look like?
look と look like の違いは?
So, we use look with an adjective to say how something or someone appears.
だから、何かや誰かがどのように見えるかを言うのに、look を形容詞と一緒に使う。
We don't know for certain, but we're making a statement based on what we can see with our eyes.
You look really tired today.
When did you go to bed?
Now, remember, we can also use look for things.
さて、覚えておいてほしいのは、look for things も使えるということだ。
These grapes look delicious.
We use look like to compare the appearance of something or someone to something else.
私たちは、何かや誰かの外見を他の何かと比較するときに look like を使う。
So, look like is followed by a noun or a noun phrase.
つまり、look like の後には名詞または名詞句が続く。
I look like my mother.
We have the same eyes.
You can also use these rules with these verbs, sound, smell, taste, and feel.
This smoothie smells disgusting, but it tastes good.
Hello, everyone.
I'm Sam from BBC Learning English, and today we are going to look at the three ways in which we use if only.
BBC Learning English のサムです。今日は if only の3つの使い方を見ていきましょう。
We use this to say that we would like something to be different, but careful, it has different forms.
For the past, we use if only plus past perfect.
過去については、if only と過去完了を使う。
If only I hadn't left my keys at home.
For the present, we use if only plus past simple.
現在については、if only と過去単純を使う。
For example, if only I understood maths, or if only I were better at maths, where we use were instead of was.
And to talk about the future, we use if only plus would plus a verb.
そして未来について話すには、if only+would+動詞を使う。
For example, if only he would call.
If only English were easier.