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  • This is the new iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max.

    これが新しいiPhone 16 Proと16 Pro Maxだ。

  • Now, it's hard to see any differences, but there are some significant ones, and let's get into it.


  • Now, from the back, both phones look very similar to last year's iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max, but as I start to turn them around, you can start seeing some of the differences.

    さて、背面から見ると、両機種は昨年のiPhone 15 Proと15 Pro Maxと非常によく似ているが、向きを変え始めると、いくつかの違いが見えてくる。

  • On the right side is a new button that's, well, not really a button.


  • It's a touch controller for the camera that can not only open the camera and take a photo, but can also be used to change the zoom, switch cameras, photo styles, and the aperture and portrait mode.


  • The new controller will also get an Apple Intelligence feature called Visual Intelligence that you can press and get context of whatever your camera is pointing at.

    新しいコントローラーには、Visual Intelligenceと呼ばれるApple Intelligence機能も搭載される。

  • This feature seems very similar to Google Lens, and unfortunately, I won't get to try it until later this year when it comes out.

    この機能はGoogle Lensと非常によく似ているようだが、残念ながら、今年の後半に登場するまで試すことはできない。

  • The other big difference is the actual screens are larger.


  • The 16 Pro has a 6.3-inch screen, inside roughly the same size body as the iPhone 15 Pro, which had a 6.1-inch screen.

    16 Proは6.3インチのスクリーンを搭載し、6.1インチのスクリーンを搭載したiPhone 15 Proとほぼ同じサイズのボディに収められている。

  • The iPhone 16 Pro Max's screen is 6.9 inches compared to 6.7 on last year's 15 Pro Max.

    iPhone 16 Pro Maxのスクリーンは、昨年の15 Pro Maxの6.7インチに対し、6.9インチとなっている。

  • The iPhone 16 Pro Max has the largest screen ever made on an iPhone.

    iPhone 16 Pro Maxは、iPhone史上最大のスクリーンを持つ。

  • Yeah, I sound a little bit like Apple right now, don't I?


  • In terms of color, well, you have finishes.


  • Especially if you like titanium, you have natural titanium, white titanium, black titanium, and desert titanium, the most colorful of the titaniums, and that's me being very generous.


  • And then there are the cameras, which this year are exactly the same on both the iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max, including that five-times telephoto camera replacing the three-times telephoto on the 15 Pro last year.

    昨年の15 Proに搭載された3倍の望遠カメラから5倍の望遠カメラに変更された。

  • The main 48-megapixel camera gets a faster sensor.


  • The ultra-wide is brand new with a 48-megapixel sensor, and I'll compare that against the 15 Pro, which had a 12-megapixel ultra-wide sensor.

    ウルトラワイドは4,800万画素のセンサーを搭載した真新しいもので、1,200万画素のウルトラワイドセンサーを搭載した15 Proと比較してみる。

  • And this higher-resolution ultra-wide sensor should also give a boost in image quality to macro photos.


  • The Pro models can now capture spatial photos and spatial audio, as well as 4K 120-frame-per-second slow motion, which Apple introduced by showing a new song and video by The Weeknd that was filmed on the new iPhone 16 Pro and had copious amounts of slow motion.

    アップルは、新しいiPhone 16 Proで撮影されたザ・ウィークエンドの新曲とビデオを上映し、大量のスローモーションがあることを紹介した。

  • Powering all of this is a larger battery in Apple's new A18 Pro chip, which has a faster CPU and a faster GPU, and Apple says two-times faster ray tracing than last year's 15 Pro.

    これらすべてを駆動するのは、アップルの新しいA18 Proチップに搭載された大容量バッテリーで、より高速なCPUとGPUを搭載し、アップルによれば昨年の15 Proより2倍高速なレイトレーシングが可能だという。

  • Notice the reflections in the water and the way the lighting and highlights look in this game that I'm playing here.


  • The big boost is a larger neural engine, which powers onboard Apple Intelligence for things like AI-suggested writing tools that pop up in documents or emails, photo tools, including cleanup to remove unwanted people or things from an image, and a number of Siri changes, including a new voice designed to sound more natural, more contextual conversations.


  • Siri even gets a new interface with a glowing border around the edge of the phone when you use Siri, and you don't just have to talk to Siri.


  • You can actually double-tap the bottom of the screen so you could type to Siri instead of using your voice.


  • Unfortunately, with Apple Intelligence, all these wonderful features will not be on the phones out of the box and will come over a software update next month.


  • The iPhone 16 Pro is $999, and the 16 Pro Max is $1,199, and they're both available to pre-order starting September 13th and will be in stores starting September 20th.

    iPhone 16 Proは999ドル、16 Pro Maxは1,199ドルで、どちらも9月13日から予約受付を開始し、9月20日から店頭に並ぶ予定だ。

  • But that's all I got, and I wanna hear from you.


  • What do you think of the new iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max?

    新しいiPhone 16 ProとPro Maxをどう思いますか?

  • What feature really stands out to you?


  • Please throw your thought in the comments.


  • Last, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up, and thank you for watching.


This is the new iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max.

これが新しいiPhone 16 Proと16 Pro Maxだ。

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