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  • Dead easy practice to start off with, we're going to be operating within the orange area.


  • So Josh you're going to be in the orange area to start off with, don't worry about the goals, this is the little areas you're going to be operating in.


  • I'm going to serve a ball into the whites, two of the yellows are going to go and try and win the ball back, off you go, whites I want you to see if you can try and get three passes in, so do it for me nice and slow, one, two, three, yeah, once you do that you've got the opportunity to transfer the ball across the line, so run the ball across the line for me, Bunji, brilliant, you three guys have retreated behind this little area here, as soon as they come across the line, come on Louis cross there for me, yeah, you try and get three passes in there, they're now dead and they recover back to here, that's the game.


  • Ready, off we go, play, good, good stuff, right, ok, brilliant, go on, keep going, keep going, keep going, brilliant, transfer it back, great stuff, two go and press, got it, got it, excellent, well done, good, like it, once you get your three passes you can go across, brilliant Josh, love it, good, win it, go across, brilliant, we've cracked it, we've cracked it, right, ok, hold it there, hold it there, now I want you to see if you can try and keep the ball in this orange area, ok, and if you kick it out, I don't want people kicking it out, I want people trying to nick it, protect it and find a pass the other way, play, that's it, good, good, so you sink back here Finn, sink back in there, as soon as they come across, now you engage Finn, now you engage, got it, got it, good, well done, like it, good, well done, three passes, you can go there and engage them, good, 2-0 to the yellows, 2-0 to the yellows, good, three passes in there, got it, right, ok, because you kicked it out I'm going to give it to White, so White's are playing, two go pressing, brilliant, so back behind that line, got it, got it, good, good, you know when that ball gets transferred across to you and you're four and there's two coming after you, yeah, I think what the yellows sometimes did really, really well is they sort of rested a little bit and they stayed on it a little bit longer and drew them underneath that ball, yeah and that's what I want you to do in these next sorts of practices, sort of get used to staying on it maybe a little bit longer.


  • The idea to score a point is to run the ball across the line Finn, run that ball across the line, good stuff, so he works it, he runs the ball across the line at which point it crosses the line for me, brilliant, so we come safe, before he attacks that way, you three have got to come this side of the line and you attack that way, simple, happy, we'll use this as an offside line, yeah.


  • Play, off we go, good, good, good stuff, good, good, good, good, good, like it, good, so he turns around and attacks that way but this now is an offside line, brilliant, good, good, right just hold it there, so can you remember what we were talking about over there, we're now thinking about when it's right to go forward and when it's right to turn out and keep possession, now I don't know, you'll have to make those decisions for yourselves because you know yourselves much better than I do, yeah, we'll say this area here can be a safe zone if you need it to be, in possession, yeah, off we go, play, good, good, well done, so you've decided to play that forward pass, that's fine, yeah, good, good, like it, good, off we go, we'll play for a new job, good.


  • Different class, good, well done, superb, 2-1 to the yellows, recover this side, and off we go, oh what a pass and what a take, good. 3-1, got to recover this side before he comes out, superb, good, 2-2 is it, like that, keep Right, okay, so that's the little picture I want you to think about, so you're going down here, you've got one against two, I want you to make good decisions about when it's right to take them on and when it's right to turn out and keep possession and stay patient, that's the picture, yeah, that's the one I want you to think about, yellow ball, you can use the goalie marker if you want to, to go back there, good lad, oh, it's going that way, yeah, white ball going that way then now, so it's white ball going that way, white, it's a worn up, there's your offside line, you better get yourself organised, it's a Tom, yeah, like it because you kept possession and that's good, there's Louis there, you need some support, like it, oh, he's just offside, it's a yellow ball, yellow ball, well done Finn, good lad, oh, great feet, great feet, Maka, Maka, nice supporting position as well Maka, well done.


  • The idea is that you come across the halfway line in control of the ball, so go on, we'll walk through it, brilliant, good, good, we come across and you run the ball across Biscuit, yeah, run the ball across, right, hold it there, that's the first phase of the practice, we need to come across in control and you need to run the ball across the line, dead simple, once Biscuit gets across, go on, Yellers you can commit as many players forward as you like, so Harry's gone, we've gone, Caleb, you going to go?


  • You sure?


  • Yeah, okay, that's fine, so Yellers you can commit as many players forward as you like, Finn, me strikers, you've got to stay in this half, you can't chase back, yeah, so once you've done that you've got to try and score in there, so you've got more players in this half than the Whites, so what have you got to do with your possession?


  • You've got to be patient and you've got to make it count, Whites if you nick it back, nick it back for me, Carrick nick it back for me, bump, bump, Carrick's got it, yeah, he looks up and he's now seeing 3v2, so he can pass the ball across and same thing, you can commit as many players forward as you like, happy?


  • Say again?


  • You can run across as well, yeah, so the first phase you've got to dribble the ball across, second phase you've got to pass the ball across.


  • Good, good, good, good, good stuff, you're across, good.


  • Brilliant, good, we're going to start back with the Yellers, really good Yellers, now Harry, within this practice I want to see if you can practice making that decision when it's right to drive in there yourself, I want you to be dead brave, so if there's space in front of you, go and engage Louis, go and do it, so drive at him, I want you to get used to doing that for me, yeah?


  • That's OK Harry, Harry, it's OK, it's alright, just here to practice Harry.


  • Good, keep in control.


  • Love it White, nice and patient, there's your gap, you're across, brilliant, Carrick, well organised there mate, different class, really good.


  • Good, now Carrick are you happy back here, yeah?


  • Good lad.


  • There he is, there he is, there he is!


  • There he is, counter.


  • Caleb, Caleb, different class, do you see what Caleb was doing there?


  • Yeah, he's not kicked it out but he's used his body and he's been dead brave in possession, really like that Caleb, different class.


Dead easy practice to start off with, we're going to be operating within the orange area.


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