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Keep scanning for defenders! Where's the space? What's the best position?
Okay, we are going to play a game today which is going to help us with our passing, receiving and movement skills. Okay, now what we're going to do is it's going to start off really simple as a little bit of a warm-up and then we are going to build it up, build up and in the end we're going to end up with some little mini 2v2 matches. Do you think we can do that? Fantastic, right. First thing
I need is a volunteer to show us how we're going to start the game.
You've come first hand up, brilliant. Okay, okay, right. Karen's going to be my partner. So what we're going to do, in a second you're going to have one ball and a partner, all right. Now the pitch we are going to play on has got four squares.
We've got two yellow squares over there, we've got a blue square in the middle and two more blue squares at this half, okay. Now we're going to start off as goalkeepers, all right. So with your partner you're going to find a space to start with. When I say go, when you've got the ball you're not allowed to move with it, all right. So I've got to look to my partner and I'm going to pass it, all right. Now, he can't move so what have I got to do? I'm going to move in some space, brilliant. So I'm going to move in space, yes, brilliant. Now for us to score some points, because we want to score some points, one of us has got to catch the ball in one of the five boxes, okay. So you might run into a box, okay. If I can reach the box, one point, we've scored one, okay. Now, before we can go back to that box, we've got to go to at least another two boxes. Every time we go to a box we get a point, does that make sense? Let's do it really quick, okay. Ready, so we've got zero points at the moment, ready, let's play. Okay, I'm going to go in there, one point, let's go to another, oh don't go too far, I can't do it that fast, brilliant.
And again, yes, do you want to go on this one, over here, there we go, two points, okay, and so on. Play, off we go, that's it, I like it. Well done, keep counting those scores, keep going, like it, well done. Nice catch, I love it, brilliant movement like that, fantastic, excellent. Oh, can we catch it, keep going to the corners, that's it.
Great catch, I love that. What a catch, that is brilliant. And hold it there, okay.
What we're going to do is build the game up, because now we're not going to be goalkeepers, now we're going to be outfield players. So if I'm Emilia's partner, okay, this time when you've got the ball, it's going to be at your feet, and, yes Emilia, okay, I can dribble with it as well and I can move with it. To score, this time, instead of throwing it, we're going to pass it with our feet into a corner. So I might look and see Emilia's going to a square, she's going to that yellow square over there, I might think, oh, do you know what, that's quite a big kick, I'm not sure, I might get a little bit closer, and if I pass it in there, that'll be one point to us. What am I then going to do now? Where am I going to move?
Moving to space, I might look, yes Emilia, okay, I might go here, I might be looking to see where Emilia's going, oh, she's going in there, I might pass it in there, and that's two points. And play, off we go.
Like it, brilliant.
That's it, you can dribble it, remember, you can dribble it.
Think about the timing of that pass.
Brilliant passing, I love it.
And freeze where you are. We can see over here we've got quite a few players, just like we might have in a match, alright. Now, if Emilia's my partner, if I'm standing here, is this a good place to be standing, if you two are standing there like you were? No, okay, because it's really hard, because of my position, does that make it quite hard for Emilia to pass to me? Okay, alright, so what I might do, I might think, do you know what, it's a bit crowded here, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to let Emilia know, Emilia, I'm going over here. Now, is there more space now for her to pass here? She's got a clear way, so now she can time the pass in here, okay, and I can use my receiving skills in here to receive the ball. I also want you to think, if you've got the ball, the timing of your pass. So if I'm passing to
Emilia, am I going to do it now? No, I'm not going to do that. Is there a space, oh, not quite, I'm still looking, there we go, I'm going to time it, where there's some space that Emilia's moved into, she's moved her position into a space.
That's it, oh, good information, you can dribble towards it if you need to, there we go, good, like it. There we go.
That's it. We're going to make it a little bit more of a challenge, okay, we're going to raise it up again, okay, we're going to step up again. So this time, you can stop other teams scoring as quickly. Now, you can touch their footballs, alright, but you're not allowed to kick them outside of the area, okay. You two can stand up for me, brilliant, and if you come over here with your ball, there you go, you can use that one. So, I might, as I'm running with my partner, okay, I might just get in the way of your game for a little bit, okay, and what might you have to do? Move, okay, it might be that I see you're passing to Emilia, okay, if you pass to
Emilia, and I might be able to pinch it like this, and then carry on with my game, okay. So, can you cause the other team problems? Three, two, one, play, off we go.
Cause them problems, cause them problems.
Let's have a look, love that, brilliant.
Like it, stop the other teams from scoring, score as many as you can yourself. Oh, well done, brilliant, love that. Excellent work so far, we're gonna raise it even further now, the challenge, and we're actually gonna have some defenders now, okay, so we've got our six defenders over here, okay, you are now going to be working and scoring points individually, alright, and this is how you score points. So, if you two could come and stand over there with the ball, alright.
Now, as a defender, you can either score one point or three points. They're going to be trying to stop you getting to the corners, if they touch your football, so if you were passing it, and you got in the way, and you touched it, that's worth one point, okay, but defenders can score three points, because defenders, if they get the ball, and steal it, and they can dribble to one of the corners, and leave it there, that's worth three points, then go and find another ball. One point if you touch a football, three points if you can steal it and drop it in one of the boxes, make sense? Right then, and play, defenders are off, off we go.
Oh, I can still go and get it, here you go, use that one, there you go.
Brilliant, keep looking out for those defenders, like it. Keep scanning for defenders, where's the space, what's the best position? Like it. Oh, what skill, love it.
Well done, keep away from those defenders. Think about the timing of that pass. Right, this is what we're going to do now, okay, so we've gone from passing and moving with our hands, we've then gone to passing and moving with our feet, we've then gone to people disrupting and trying to get in the way, the last step was defenders, we're now going to go to the final step, which is a 2v2 version of the game. Three, two, one, and play, off we go. That's it, you have to steal it and get the ball into the corner. That's it, well done. Oh, play on, one point if it's in there, but keep going, that's it, brilliant. Make sure we stay in the square, boys. Oh, can we go to another square? That's it, love it. Keep looking where the space is, look where the areas to score are. Brilliant.
And pause there. Now that we're matched up and we're playing 2v2, it's much trickier because you've always got a defender on you, haven't you? So, I want to show some deception skills. Who knows what deception means? Trick them, I love that, so deceive and trick them. So, I might try and trick the defender, so if
I'm over here and the defender's marking me, okay, if I just stand still like this it's going to be really hard for Reggie to pass me. So, I might go over here, then I might go like this, oh yes, ready, like that, love it, okay. I want to see lots of deception and tricks to get into space. Go on, keep going, find some space. Stay on the pitch. Brilliant, well done.
Like Emilia, great pass, well done.
Nice start.
And hold it there, okay.