We've got two yellow squares over there, we've got a blue square in the middle and two more blue squares at this half, okay. Now we're going to start off as goalkeepers, all right. So with your partner you're going to find a space to start with. When I say go, when you've got the ball you're not allowed to move with it, all right. So I've got to look to my partner and I'm going to pass it, all right. Now, he can't move so what have I got to do? I'm going to move in some space, brilliant. So I'm going to move in space, yes, brilliant. Now for us to score some points, because we want to score some points, one of us has got to catch the ball in one of the five boxes, okay. So you might run into a box, okay. If I can reach the box, one point, we've scored one, okay. Now, before we can go back to that box, we've got to go to at least another two boxes. Every time we go to a box we get a point, does that make sense? Let's do it really quick, okay. Ready, so we've got zero points at the moment, ready, let's play. Okay, I'm going to go in there, one point, let's go to another, oh don't go too far, I can't do it that fast, brilliant.