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  • Humans are apes with smartphones, living on a tiny moist rock which is speeding around a burning sphere a million times bigger than itself.


  • But our star is only one in billions in the Milky Way, which itself is only one in billions of galaxies.


  • Everything around us is filled with complexity, but usually we don't notice because being a human takes up a lot of time. So, we try to explain the universe and our existence one video at a time.


  • What is life?


  • Are there aliens?


  • What happens if you step on a black hole?


  • If you want to find out, you should click here and subscribe to the Kurzgesagt in a Nutshell YouTube channel.

    それを知りたければ、ここをクリックし、YouTubeのKurzgesagt in a Nutshellチャンネルに登録してほしい。

Humans are apes with smartphones, living on a tiny moist rock which is speeding around a burning sphere a million times bigger than itself.


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