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  • This was me almost every day after school. Six weeks later, this is me having reduced my screen time by 85%. But to understand why I did this, we need to go back to the beginning. It's 8pm and I haven't done any homework yet.


  • You see, I spent around 6 hours on my phone every day. That's 42 hours a week, or almost 3 months a year wasted on my phone. Something needed to change. Here was the plan.

    私は毎日6時間くらい携帯を触っていた。週に42時間、1年にすると3カ月近くをスマホに費やしていたことになる。何かを変える必要があった。 これがその計画だった。

  • For the next 6 weeks, I would decrease my screen time by 1 hour a week until I was at 1 hour.


  • Then, for the remaining 2 weeks, I would keep my screen time under 1 hour every day.


  • And to make it harder on myself, if I missed a day, I would have to restart the challenge from the beginning, but half all the time of the original challenge.


  • You may be wondering what my ultimate goal is right now. I mean, sure, I wanted to decrease my screen time. But why?


  • Usually what I do when I work out is I watch some sort of video on my phone. And since I have so much screen time left over, I'm probably just going to watch some sort of video while I run, because right now I haven't even gotten to an hour yet.


  • You see, recently, I realized that my life was a mess.


  • My room was messy, my time management was non-existent, my sleep schedule was in a completely different time zone, my screen time was through the roof, and I was super stressed all the time.


  • I got literally nothing done and was basically digging my own grave with how unhealthy my lifestyle was. So this year, I set my goal to get my life back together, and to do that, I have to start with my screen time.


  • Okay, so it's 3:40 and my screen time is now up to 2 hours and 20 minutes, which is almost halfway through the amount of time I have. I still have like 9 hours with like 3 hours of screen time, so I need to stop being on my phone.


  • So it's now 11:10. There's 50 minutes left until tomorrow, and in 50 minutes, I'm not going to reach 5 hours.


  • I spent so much time on my computer watching videos instead of on my phone watching videos, it equally wastes my time as my phone.


  • In the future, I'm going to have to try to limit my computer time too.


  • My screen time ended up being 3 hours and 33 minutes.


  • After smoothly sailing through the first week, it was now time for the second one.


  • Week 2 was pretty much a breeze. Staying under 4 hours was easy because I've been staying under 4 hours most days during week 1 anyway.


  • 2 hours and 41 minutes.


  • The power just went out.


  • Usually, it's pretty easy to stick to a goal for a few days, and the past few weeks have proven pretty easy.


  • But as week 3 came around, I began to get nervous.


  • These weeks were the test to see if I could follow through with my goal.


  • If I failed to stay below my screen time limit these weeks, I would lose all my progress and suffer a penalty.


  • It's now 10pm and I still only have a little bit over 1 hour on my phone.


  • Throughout weeks 3-4, I realized that I picked up my phone a lot less than usual.


  • I had to power off my phone. I'm already at 1 hour and 53 minutes.


  • When I put it down and turned it off, I usually wouldn't pick it back up again.


  • And now my screen time is at 41 minutes.


  • My screen time right now is 1 hour. I can technically go on my phone for the rest of today and I won't go over my screen time.


  • I'm going to try not to because next week, I only have 1 hour of screen time, which is really scary.


  • So it's week 5 of this challenge, which means that my screen time this week is limited to 1 hour max.


  • And right now, my screen time is at 26 minutes.


  • When I started this challenge, I honestly thought it would be so difficult because coming from like 1 month ago, my screen time was at like 8 hours every day.


  • But like every week, I've been kind of like anticipating using it less.


  • So I've been just like using it less.


  • During the beginning, my computer would kind of just replace my phone. I'd bring my laptop with me literally everywhere I went.


  • The only difference of my screen time usage was on the bus, where instead of using my phone, I would just like listen to music or something.


  • But I recently got a monitor, which means I can't just use my computer as my phone.


  • I feel like these 2 weeks, I'm going to really have to learn how to not use my phone or not be on a device everywhere and kind of live more in the present.


  • So far, I've been doing pretty well actually. Right now, I only have like 22 minutes on my phone.


  • I haven't really been updating too much, just because I've been successfully completing this challenge.


  • I feel like my days have been going so much better. Like usually when I walked home from school, I'd be on my phone the whole time. But now I'm not on my phone. I'm kind of going to live in the moment.


  • It's 10:20 right now and I'm about to go shower and this might sound crazy, but I think right now is the earliest time I've showered in like over a year.


  • As a screen time check, yesterday I was at 38 minutes.


  • Right now, it's like 12am, February 12th, which means that my screen time challenge is officially over.


  • Yesterday, I had 22 minutes of screen time. So I managed to stay under 1 hour for 2 weeks and I successfully completed the challenge so I don't have to restart or anything.


  • I'm so glad to be able to use my phone again, like for however long I want.


  • I'm really hoping I'm not going to go back to the thing where I did like 10 hours a day. I feel like I've gotten used to not using my phone so much.


  • In the end, I successfully completed the challenge.


  • Would I do it again? No.


  • Towards the end, the one-hour screen time became to become an unnecessary stress.


  • However, I noticed a lot of benefits from doing this challenge, so I would totally recommend you do it yourself too.


This was me almost every day after school. Six weeks later, this is me having reduced my screen time by 85%. But to understand why I did this, we need to go back to the beginning. It's 8pm and I haven't done any homework yet.


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