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  • Don't say, "I came from" if someone asks you, "Where are you from?" Hey, guys, it's Shane from English Understood here. "Where are you from" is a very common question that you often get asked when you meet someone new, so it's important that you know how to answer it correctly. "Where are you from" is normally asking about your country or your city.

    "どこから来たの?"と聞かれても、"I came from "とは言わないように。やあ、みんな、English Understoodのシェーンだよ。"Where are you from "は初対面の人によく聞かれる質問なので、正しい答え方を知っておくことが大切です。通常、"Where are you from "はあなたの国や都市を尋ねるものです。

  • It's not asking where you came from today.


  • To answer the question, simply say, "I'm from" plus your country. "I'm from Australia." "I'm from China." "I'm from Brazil." And if you want to ask the other person where they are from, simply add "What about you" after your answer. "I'm from Australia.

    質問に答えるには、"I'm from "に自分の国を加えて言うだけでいい。「オーストラリアから来ました。「中国から来ました「ブラジルから来ましたまた、相手の出身地を聞きたい場合は、答えの後に "What about you "と付け加えるだけでいい。「オーストラリアから来ました。

  • What about you?" So, now let me ask you a question: "Where are you from?" Comment down below.


Don't say, "I came from" if someone asks you, "Where are you from?" Hey, guys, it's Shane from English Understood here. "Where are you from" is a very common question that you often get asked when you meet someone new, so it's important that you know how to answer it correctly. "Where are you from" is normally asking about your country or your city.

"どこから来たの?"と聞かれても、"I came from "とは言わないように。やあ、みんな、English Understoodのシェーンだよ。"Where are you from "は初対面の人によく聞かれる質問なので、正しい答え方を知っておくことが大切です。通常、"Where are you from "はあなたの国や都市を尋ねるものです。

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