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  • I saved every letter you wrote me From the moment I saw you


  • I knew you were mine You said you were mine

    あなたは私のものだと知っていた あなたは私のものだと言った

  • I thought you were mine Do you know what Angelica said

    あなたは私のものだと思っていた アンジェリカが何と言ったか知っている?

  • When I told her what you'd done She said, you were married in Icarus


  • He has flown too close to the sun Don't take another step in my direction


  • I can't be trusted around you Don't think you can talk your way into my arms, into my arms I'm burning the letters you wrote me

    "僕は君のそばでは信頼できない" "僕の腕の中に入ってこられると思うな" "僕の腕の中に入ってこられると思うな" "君が僕に書いた手紙を燃やすよ

  • You can stand over there if you want I don't know who you are


  • I have so much to learn I'm re-reading your letters and watching them burn I'm watching them burn


  • You published the letters she wrote you You told the whole world how you brought this girl into our bed In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives Heaven forbid someone whisper he's part of some scheme Your enemy whispers so you have to scream


  • Yeah, I know about whispers I see how you look at my sister


  • But don't, I'm not naive I have seen women around you


  • Don't think I don't see how they fall for your charms, all of your charms


  • I'm erasing myself from the narrative Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted when you broke her heart You have thrown it all away, stand back, watch it burn Just watch it all burn

    私は物語から自分自身を消し去る 未来の歴史家に、あなたがイライザを傷つけたとき、イライザがどう反応したかを考えてもらおう あなたはすべてを投げ捨てた、立ち止まり、燃え尽きるのを見届けろ 燃え尽きるのを見届けろ

  • And when the time comes Explain to the children


  • The pain and embarrassment You put their mother through


  • When will you learn That they are your legacy


  • We are your legacy If you thought you were mine

    私たちはあなたの遺産 あなたが私のものだと思っていたなら

  • Don't


I saved every letter you wrote me From the moment I saw you


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