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  • Honey is sweet, and great on toast. But it also plays a central role in nature's complex

  • web of turning sunlight into life.

  • The process begins with flowering plants, which are really successful at turning sunlight

  • into sugar, and live on mountains, in deserts, high in canopies and deep in the shade on

  • forest floors. But plants often depend on insects like bees to spread their pollen so

  • they can reproduce. The bees are attracted by pollen, the perfect bee food, as well as

  • by sugary nectar, which they bring back to their hive. House bees hold the nectar out

  • on their tongues to dry and then place what's left in a hexagonal wax cell with enzymes

  • for further curing. Voilá! Honey.

  • A typical hive might have 50,000 bees who in total travel more than 2.5 million miles

  • to visit 100 million flowers to produce 50 lbs of honey. With enough trips from hive

  • to flower and back again, bees make and store enough honey to sustain the hive over winter.

  • But it's not just bees that like honey - I love it, as do raccoons, bears, and of course,

  • honey badgers. As a source of sweetness, distinctive flavor, and concentration of sunlight into

  • energy, honey has no equal.

  • Except perhaps, MinuteEarth. Bear with us.

  • Both honey and MinuteEarth videos are dense, sweet, and the product of lots of work. To

  • make a MinuteEarth video, our team of writer bees gathers knowledge from scientists and

  • then holds it on their tongues to dry out... I mean, works with the illustrator bees to

  • concentrate it into two minutes of drawings, clover puns and beeutiful music before sharing

  • with you.

  • However, unlike real bees, the team making MinuteEarth can't eat our work to survive

  • the winter. And while we want nothing more than to keep making videos for you, the advertisements

  • and sponsorships we rely on haven't been able to cover all of our costs, and ideally, we'd

  • like to put our videos out there with fewer ads.

  • That's why we're asking you to help support MinuteEarth through Subbable, a site that's

  • like a combination of kickstarter and a public radio pledge drive. No amount is too small,

  • and your contributions will add up in a perk bank from which you can redeem other sweets,

  • like MinuteEarth posters, personalized drawings from the MinuteEarth team, your name featured

  • at the end of a video, and more!

  • Every worker bee produces less than a 10th of a teaspoon of honey over the course of

  • a summer, but together 50,000 bees can sustain a hive. In the same way, small contributions

  • from enough people like you can make sure the MinuteEarth honey keeps flowing freely

  • week after week.

  • And that would be the bee's knees.

  • To help support us on Subbable either click the link here or in the description, or go

  • to For those who have already contributed, thank you so much

  • for helping make this show possible!

Honey is sweet, and great on toast. But it also plays a central role in nature's complex


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私たちのハチミツはどのように作られているのか(&サブバーブル発表 (How Our Honey is Made (& Subbable announcement))

  • 272 21
    吳花花 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日