字幕表 動画を再生する
What's Morty up to making a bunch of noise in his room like a huge dork He won't stop playing that VR game you made him grandpa I made that thing specifically so he'd get hooked on it except he'll never come back if he gets in too deep Oh Somebody doesn't understand the rules of this game what rules everybody here is an NPC right shut up Our backstory is that we're after you for stealing our money and stuff and guess what?
モーティは部屋でバカみたいに騒いで何をしてるんだ? おじいちゃんが作ったVRゲームをやめようとしないんだ。あいつがハマるように特別に作ったんだけど、深入りしすぎると二度と戻ってこなくなるんだ。誰かこのゲームのルールを理解してないのか。ルールってなんだ?ここにいるのはみんなNPCなんだ。黙れ。俺たちのバックストーリーは、俺たちの金や物を盗んだお前たちを追ってるんだ。何だと思う?
We're supposed to take it back by force you turn.
Holy shit.
That's your backstory.
Look I don't have your money or your stuff.
You won't get to the next checkpoint like that I mean just look at what you're wearing idiot Oh So what you gonna do Oh snap It Doesn't matter if it's a virtual simulation or a dream some some if there are zero logical contradictions Then it becomes reality to whoever's living it.
Wow, that's so convenient Reality is convenient all the time But I always get saddled with the job of making it make sense So what you gonna do Oh Snap it's coming What you gonna do Snap