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English easy practice Do you want to learn English vocabulary faster?
英語の簡単な練習 英単語をもっと早く覚えたいですか?
Want to have better listening comprehension and pronunciation And boost your speaking skills quickly Then welcome to our new video to improve your English skills in This video we'll dive into a fun and interactive learning experience designed to improve your English speaking skills Now we will have a four-part exercise part 1 listening practice part 2 Vocabulary part 3 listen and answer practice part 4 shadowing practice Now are you ready to train your brain to speak English fluently?
このビデオでは、英語のスピーキングスキルを向上させるためにデザインされた、楽しくてインタラクティブな学習体験に飛び込みます!4つのパートからなるエクササイズパート1 リスニング練習パート2 ボキャブラリーパート3 リスニング&アンサー練習パート4 シャドーイング練習 さあ、英語を流暢に話すために脳を鍛える準備はできましたか?
Let's get started Part 1 English listening practice In the first part you'll listen to a conversation between native English speakers Try to focus on the meaning of the conversation when you listen to it This will help you understand real-life conversations better How do I get to You Hi Mike, how are you?
Let's get started Part 1 英語のリスニング練習 最初のパートでは、ネイティブ・スピーカーの会話を聞きます。
Hi, Anna, I'm good.
How about you?
I'm good, too Hey, can you help me with something?
Sure, what do you need?
How do I get to the library from here oh It's easy Go straight down this road for two blocks Okay, then what then turn left at the traffic light Walk for another block and you'll see the library on your right Got it straight for two blocks left at the light then one more block Yes, that's right Do you need any more help?
No, that's all thanks a lot Mike You're welcome Anna.
マイク どういたしまして。
Have a good day If you like this video give it a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future Part 2 learn vocabulary Now let's explore some new words together in our vocabulary section I'll explain a few words and use them in example sentences to help you grasp their meaning easily Vocabulary How do I get to a Station example, how do I get to the nearest bus stop?
Straight moving in one direction without turning or curving Example go straight down this road for two blocks You Block a section of a street between two intersections Example walk for another block and you'll see the library on your right Watch this video till to the end to improve your English fast You Part 3 listen and answer practice Time for some interactive practice Listen carefully to the questions I ask about the conversation Try to answer them out loud before I reveal the correct answers This will boost your speaking and listening skills Repeat this exercise every day until you can say the answers quickly and confidently Answer the questions out loud Hi Mike, how are you?
曲がることなく、一方向にまっすぐ進む 例)この道を2ブロックまっすぐ進む 例)2つの交差点に挟まれた通りの一部分をブロックする 例)もう1ブロック歩くと、右手に図書館が見える このビデオを最後まで見て、英語を早く上達させよう Part 3 listen and answer practice インタラクティブな練習の時間です。 私が会話について尋ねる質問に注意深く耳を傾けてください。
Hi, Anna, I'm good.
How about you?
I'm good, too Hey, can you help me with something?
Sure, what do you need?
Did Anna ask Mike for money No, she didn't she didn't ask for money What did Anna ask Mike for She asked him for help Did Mike agree to help Anna You Yes, he did he agreed to help her How do I get to the library from here What did Anna need help with She needed directions to the library she asked Mike how to get to the library Did Anna want to go to the post office No, she didn't want to go to the post office Where did Anna want to go To the library she wanted directions to the library What did she say to learn how to go to the library She said how do I get to the library Oh, it's easy go straight down this road for two blocks Did Mike give directions to Anna You Yes, he did he gave her directions to the library Did Mike tell Anna to go straight for ten blocks No, he didn't tell her to go straight for ten blocks How many blocks did Mike tell Anna to go straight Two blocks he told her to go straight for two blocks Okay, then what then turn left at the traffic light Should Anna turn back after going straight for two blocks No, she shouldn't go back You After going straight for two blocks, where should Anna turn She should turn left at the traffic light Mike told her to turn left at the traffic light Walk for another block and you'll see the library on your right How many blocks should Anna walk after turning left One block Mike told her to walk for another block Did Mike say the library would be on the left No, he didn't say the library would be on the left Did Mike say the library would be on the right Yes, he said the library would be on the right You Got it straight for two blocks left at the light then one more block Did Anna confirm the directions with Mike Yes, she did she repeated the directions back to him Did Anna repeat the directions correctly You Yes, she did she repeated them correctly Yes, that's right, do you need any more help Did Mike ask Anna if she needed more help Yes, he did he asked if she needed more help You No, that's all thanks a lot Mike You're welcome Anna Did Anna ask for more help after getting directions No, she didn't she said that's all she needed Did Anna thank Mike for his help Yes, she did She thanked him a lot Did Mike say you're welcome to Anna Yes, he did he said you're welcome Part four shadowing practice Lastly we have the shadowing practice You Read your lines out loud after the speakers as they talk in the conversation Focus on the rhythm and intonation of the English expressions and sentences This exercise will sharpen your pronunciation and overall speaking abilities Let's begin You Hi Mike, how are you?
アンナはマイクにお金を要求したか いいえ、彼女はお金を要求しませんでした アンナはマイクに何を要求したか 彼女は彼に助けを求めた マイクはアンナを助けることに同意したか はい、彼は彼女を助けることに同意しました ここからどうやって図書館に行くか アンナは何に助けを求めたか 彼女は図書館への行き方を必要とした 彼女はマイクに図書館への行き方を尋ねた アンナは郵便局に行きたかったか いいえ、いいえ、郵便局には行きたくなかったのです」 「アンナはどこに行きたかったのですか」 「図書館に行きたかったのです」 「図
I'm good, too.
Hey, can you help me with something?
How do I get to the library from here You Okay, then what Got it straight for two blocks left at the light then one more block No, that's all thanks a lot Mike Hi Anna, I'm good.
ここからはどうやって図書館に行けばいいんですか? じゃあ、信号の左2ブロックをまっすぐ行って、もう1ブロック。
How about you?
Sure, what do you need?
Oh, it's easy go straight down this road for two blocks Then turn left at the traffic light Walk for another block and you'll see the library on your right You Yes, that's right, do you need any more help You're welcome Anna have a good day Great job on completing the English speaking practice You Keep watching this video every day for one week and repeat the exercises to see significant improvements in your English skills Don't forget to like and subscribe for more helpful content Happy learning Thanks for watching guys now I recommend you watch this great video, too It will help you to improve your English skills and you will love it I promise