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  • I have this urge, I have this urge to kill, I have this urge to kill and show that I'm alive I'm getting sick from these apologies from people with priorities that they're like, that is so much more than mine But I'm shuddering, I'm shuddering again, no one will listen and no one will understand Because suffering is contagious because no one likes me when I shrink, want to go back to when it all began So I flash the thought, to stay undone, I got this headache and my lips on the line I felt like I won, but I wasn't done, they're never ending since I've been pretend Got to keep on going, and carry on, so you'll wake up and the sun will shine But I'm not so strong, and I'm not gone, they're still out there to take what's left of mine

    この衝動がある、殺したい衝動がある、殺して生きていることを示したい衝動がある、優先順位の高い人たちからの謝罪にうんざりしている、"全てが始まった時に戻りたい" "だから私は考えを閃かせた" "やり直したい" "この頭痛と唇が危うい" "勝ったような気がした" "でもまだ終わっていない" "私が偽り続けてから彼らは決して終わらない" "そうすればあなたは目を覚まし太陽は輝く" "でも私はそんなに強くないし消えてもいない" "彼らはまだ私のものを奪いにそこにいる

I have this urge, I have this urge to kill, I have this urge to kill and show that I'm alive I'm getting sick from these apologies from people with priorities that they're like, that is so much more than mine But I'm shuddering, I'm shuddering again, no one will listen and no one will understand Because suffering is contagious because no one likes me when I shrink, want to go back to when it all began So I flash the thought, to stay undone, I got this headache and my lips on the line I felt like I won, but I wasn't done, they're never ending since I've been pretend Got to keep on going, and carry on, so you'll wake up and the sun will shine But I'm not so strong, and I'm not gone, they're still out there to take what's left of mine

この衝動がある、殺したい衝動がある、殺して生きていることを示したい衝動がある、優先順位の高い人たちからの謝罪にうんざりしている、"全てが始まった時に戻りたい" "だから私は考えを閃かせた" "やり直したい" "この頭痛と唇が危うい" "勝ったような気がした" "でもまだ終わっていない" "私が偽り続けてから彼らは決して終わらない" "そうすればあなたは目を覚まし太陽は輝く" "でも私はそんなに強くないし消えてもいない" "彼らはまだ私のものを奪いにそこにいる

AI 自動生成字幕

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