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  • Evangelicalism is a broad movement within Protestantism emphasizing the authority of the Bible, the necessity of personal conversion, being born again, and active evangelism.


  • Evangelicals often stress the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a life reflecting Christian values.


  • Worship styles vary widely but typically emphasize preaching and contemporary music. Universalism is the belief that ultimately all people will be saved and reconciled to God.


  • Universalist Christians argue that God's love and mercy extend to all humanity regardless of individual belief or conduct.


  • This view contrasts with more traditional doctrines of eternal damnation. The Unitarian Universalist Association, though not strictly Christian, has historical roots in Christian Universalism.


Evangelicalism is a broad movement within Protestantism emphasizing the authority of the Bible, the necessity of personal conversion, being born again, and active evangelism.


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