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  • A first-of-its-kind warning across Japan Thursday for a long-feared mega-quake, following a powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake that rocked the country's southern coast.


  • Reverberations felt for miles, caught on cameras in offices along the coast and at an airport.


  • Please evacuate right now.


  • Tsunami warnings issued following the quake urging some residents to leave the seaside, but so far, injuries and damage have been minimal. Researchers have long warned of a megaquake eight or nine magnitude, potentially even more damaging than the 9.1 that set off a tsunami in 2011 and ravaged Japan's northeast coast. The disaster, one of the worst in this century, killing more than 18,000 people, leaving parts of the country in ruin, including a nuclear disaster at Fukushima that rattled the world.


  • There was a magnitude 7.3 earthquake that happened two days before that earthquake, and about five percent of the time, we see that there is an earthquake called foreshock that precedes a larger event.


  • Japan sits on the circum-Pacific belt known as the Ring of Fire, where tectonic plates meet, leading to lots of quakes and volcanic activity. The U.S.'s Pacific coast also on the Ring of Fire.


  • Southern California just getting hit with a 5.2 magnitude quake Wednesday.


  • Experts believe we should be ready for one of those megaquakes too.


  • There's a lot of effort being put into preparing for such an event in terms of both the seismic hazard, the ground shaking, and the tsunamis.


  • Preparing for what seems unthinkable, but might be inevitable.


  • Dana Griffin, NBC News.


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A first-of-its-kind warning across Japan Thursday for a long-feared mega-quake, following a powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake that rocked the country's southern coast.


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