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I can't believe I'm in Tokyo!
How I get to live in Japan as part of my medical school We're going to Japan, Tokyo Record?
医学部留学で日本に住むことになった理由 日本に行くんだ、東京記録?
Or cast?
It's only a recording Thank you Can I take a photo?
Yeah, of course For your wife?
Yeah, you can take a photo Did it work?
Can I try?
Shall I try?
There was a three hour layover in Shanghai I'm changing in Shanghai And I've been just sleeping it And now we're boarding the flight to go to Tokyo What food did you pick?
上海で3時間の待ち時間があったんだ。 上海で着替えて、ずっと寝ていたんだけど、これから東京行きの飛行機に乗るんだ。
What food did I pick?
What food did I pick?
What food did I pick?
Oh my god, I'm here This is crazy This is crazy So we're here I don't know how to get this door now The key box code for the entrance to the room is I had to climb four floors to get here With two huge suitcases I'm so tired I haven't slept in like Freaking a day I haven't slept in a day properly I've been travelling for like 24 hours No joke I hope this goes well at least Because I've been actually like waiting outside For 25 minutes My code didn't work to get into this building Okay, this is an experience Be grateful Sometimes stuff just doesn't go this way Open please Let's do a quick tour of the room It's quite small But I have my own space It's like a studio So it's not bad at all How nice This is the bathroom I'm so excited Can you tell?
I am so geeked right now Thank god Thank god for this Oh my god I can't believe I'm in Tokyo No way It's raining right now a little bit But I need to get some food Because I'm starving And also the room is really dirty So I'm going to get some cleaning wipes Because I'll be in that room for the next 10 days Then I'm moving to another place It's raining It's raining It's raining It's raining It's so good My first night in Tokyo It's raining I'm talking to myself Because I honestly don't know how I'm going to solo travel Because my medical internship elective starts on Monday And today is Thursday night So I've got 3 full days of Having to hang out alone No, having the privilege to hang out alone In Tokyo So I'm going to make the most of that Actually Yes It's just really new I've never solo travelled before So it's exciting But also a little bit Scary So quick explanation of how I get to live in Japan As part of my medical school In the UK at the end of a medical degree Students have the option to do a Hospital placement in any country around the world This is to experience a new healthcare system And to discover a new country And it is a one in a lifetime opportunity That most British medical students Including myself Look forward to Day 1 of our studies So of course I'm journaling during this trip With my favourite Day 1 journal So I write about my feelings As I navigate a completely new country All alone And the places I visit It's like creating a time capsule For my future self And preserve the memories And adventures I'm having in Japan Thank you to Day 1 journal for sponsoring this video Their premium account is fantastic You can add as many photos And videos from your trip as you like And if you ever need some inspiration Or prompting They have super helpful travel templates Go to day1up.com slice silly heart To check it out My favourite part is the search function It's super easy to find every mention Of a place Or a person And relive those moments If you're interested Go to day1up.com slice silly heart And use code silly heart To get a 2 month free trial With Day 1 journal premium Oh wow Good morning Or shall I say good afternoon Because it's 2pm I slept for I slept for 14 hours Okay now we've got to quickly Clean the floors And properly settle in I've sent the pictures of the floor To my landlady Like the dust And the hair I found And she kindly refunded me 10% of my cost of staying here So that's not too bad But now I've got to clean it myself I'm so tired These are all the hospital clothes I have Apparently in Japan In hospitals You've got to wear a white coat At least the hospital I'm going to be attending Here is my status coat And some smart trousers It's already dark outside And I haven't even had my first meal of the day Jet lag is hard But starting from tomorrow We'll start a routine And stick to it And I'm going to go to sleep early today Of course Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello daddy What are you doing?
東京にいるなんて信じられないよ。今雨がちょっと降っているけど、お腹が空いたから何か食べなきゃ。雨が降っている 雨が降っている 雨が降っている 東京での最初の夜 雨が降っている 独り言を言っている 正直、どうやって一人旅をすればいいのかわからない なぜなら、医療インターンシップの選択科目が月曜日から始まるから そして今日は木曜日の夜だから、丸3日間も一人でぶらぶらしなければならないんだ、東京で一人でブラブラする特権があるんだ。だからもちろん、この旅行中はお気に入りのDay1ジャーナルで日記を書いている。co
How is England?
I've missed you England Look at this view Abla Do you see it?
I pay 70,000 for a night like this But because it was dirty They refunded me the 10% of it 4.42 I've been awake for about an hour though I've been just in bed Trying to catch some sleep But jet lag isn't allowing it I thought let's just get ready for the day And explore Tokyo as early as we can 3-4am is my normal wake up time anyway I went for pharmacy What about yourself?
I'm an accountant I'm a medical student I'm a dialogue Houston Fail, thank you Oh wow You travelled a lot then 67 countries so far Oh 67 countries, wow Which one is your favourite so far?
僕は会計士で、僕は医学生で、僕はダイアログをやっているんだ ヒューストン 失敗したね。
Colombia Colombia How is your food?
コロンビア コロンビア料理はどうですか?
It's good, thank you You got arrested?
Yeah We're in Harajuku Takeshita street I'm here to do some shopping I need to get washing liquid To do my laundry Before my placement starts And also I want to look around For some pink clothes Let's see what they have Doctor Mmm Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Thank you I'm still trying to figure out This detergent thing It's so hard And I don't have much data here Clean, dirt, natural soap Yeah That should do it Cash on delivery Oh, okay Thank you Now let's do some Clothing shopping Yeah There's so many Cool street wear clothes here But they're super expensive It's now dark outside And I am in Shibuya crossing Wow This is crazy Being a tourist Ugh I'm Achillea Mankrish I'm a solo traveler I just found you Hi So nice meeting you Michelle Shibusawa Shibusawa So luxurious and cute Look at this There is fake sushi in the bathroom All this stuff they give you for free First day of medical school in Tokyo, Japan Daiji
原宿の竹下通りで買い物してるんだ 入所式が始まる前に洗濯したいんだ それとピンクの服も見て回りたいんだ どんなのがあるかな?ありがとうございます さて、洋服の買い物をしましょうか ここにはクールなストリートウェアがたくさんある でも、超高いんだ 外は暗くなったし、私は渋谷の交差点にいる うわー、これはクレイジーだ 観光客になってる うっ、私はAchillea Mankrish 一人旅してるんだ ちょうどあなたを見つけた こんにちは、お会いできてうれしいです ミッシェル渋沢 渋沢 とても豪華でかわいい 見て