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Concord is overwatch for chubby chasers.
Concord's got a beta out pimps.
No monologue on this video Let's just get right into my first impression.
All right Concord is like the netflix adaption of overwatch They spent way too much money on it and took every last character to the ironing board Everyone caught around to budget cuts even yeah, they did damn.
Yeah true bastions curves away They turned his ass into a 1000 gallon trash dumpster I didn't I didn't even know they made plus size robots.
They don't even get me started on doors This you ain't never gonna see a girl from only fans cosplaying this at anime convention I'll tell you that guardian of the galaxy looking ass.
Well, listen, i'm not here to make fun of old fucking blueberry Yeah, it's for modern audience if the modern audience is a golden corral Willy wonka let's talk about the game Before we get to talking about the game one last thing honestly concord is so shit that it broke obs and destroyed all my recording So go ahead and use your imaginations to see the other missing 59 frames.
This really the game Bro, i've seen mobile games that have a less intrusive ui than this.
This is crazy.
Like what the fuck?
God damn, yeah, this sucks This is real bad.
It's real bad.
It's a real real real bad Second okay.
All right, let's do it.
Let's get into it First off playstation's never gonna beat the movie game allegations If every time they steal an idea their twist is just adding expensive cgi cut scenes to it I'm sure sony heard that overwatch fans just love watching overwatch movies.
I just don't think they were clued in Yeah, they don't know what the movies are like.
This is the thing.
I bet overwatch porn is more popular than overwatch Like I mean, let's be real What kind should they probably at least say blizzard knows right because you know bro like you think they're bringing in a new character like this Like because they were bringing out some weird-ass characters And i've had overwatch stocks were going down like this And somebody at blizzard was like guys You know what we have to do Everybody knows what we have to do like We have to make something for the fans out there and i'm not talking about the fans of our game Talking to fans talking about the fans of our characters Like this is it right fans yeah, like what do you mean like, of course Just love watching overwatch movies.
I just don't think they were clued into what kind shit They probably at least spent tens of thousands of dollars making these only for 70 percent of drug-addled overwatch players to immediately Hammer that skip button, especially when old paul blart strip mall cop comes shuffling and fucking dog You think fancy trailers can make up for your shitty gameplay.
What do you world of warcraft second and look and hey that trailer suck Hey, whenever this trip, nah, I don't want to hear any of this shit.
So this trailer pissed me the fuck off This made me so I when I remember when I saw this I was like fuck man What's this bullshit Kung fu panda garbage What do you mean that trailer is cool nah, it's it's nah, this is the first soft modern trailer This was soft.
だから、この予告編は私を怒らせた これは私をそうさせた 私はこれを見たとき、私は覚えているとき、私はクソ男のようだった このでたらめなカンフーパンダのゴミは何を意味するのか 予告編は、クールナ、それはそれは、これは最初のソフト現代の予告編 これはソフトだった。
You go look at garrosh and grom hellscream killing manoroth With no shirts on sweating and and there's blood everywhere like that's what I wanted to see not this pussy shit What do you mean?
Craft second and let's get that powerpoint up on the screen.
Even the gameplay has thyroid issues I know sony like slow dragged out games, but my 600 pound life like moving on a bunch of physically fit heroes and dog Yeah, it's like here's another thing, right?
Is like I mean, I guess that you have You have road hog But Road hog is fatter than this and it somehow looks better than this So Like road hog is me, yeah Dog is painful.
It doesn't matter if you're playing is this thing or blue balls here you shuffle everywhere We do have footage of totally not winston's run.
Look at that run.
That's not even a jog.
That's barely even speed walking You're embarrassing yourself.
No, what's worse than the movement is the time to kill in all fairness.
Damn, bro.
Like let me see that again Walking you're embarrassing yourself.
No, what's worse than the movement is the time to ease Holy fuck god.
What the fuck they put money into this?
Damn, that's too bad Oh man think about how much how much they spent on this game No fan service either It's not even about having fan service It's about having a character that people want to be Like But road hog has personality he's cool and it doesn't really show his face right he's not really a person in a way nobody wants to be Fucking these weird ass ugly characters.
このゲームにいくら費やしたか考えてみろよ。 ファンサービスもない。ファンサービスがあるかどうかじゃなくて、みんながそうなりたいと思うようなキャラクターがいるかどうかが問題なんだ。
Like nobody wants to do this.
Like it's it's gross.
Like what are you talking about?
You want to be one of those people you go to walmart You go to walmart and just take your card and run around with your car you're going to play concord It's pretty much the same thing.
You're going to see the same people All fairness pvp games where you have to shoot people for Presidential terms in order to kill him has never really been my bag Let me show you a few minutes before concord shut off my body cam Look at low t doom guy firing five rockets to kill the enemy.
Look at this sniper damage.
Look at door He's got that hot dog with it.
Look at this lmg damage John lewis of the lewis gun just died for a second time after seeing that and I know you're saying How is it?
How is it possible that you could go and make a game like this?
Like I just don't understand like what what were they thinking that they thought that they could make overwatch?
They said over overwatch 2 they try to make overwatch 3.
They made overwatch 0 This is just a worse version of like overwatch when it came out was better than this Like how did this get greenlit?
彼らはオーバーウォッチを0にした。 オーバーウォッチが発売された時はこれより良かったのに、どうしてこれが承認されたのか?
This is amazing bro, like what are you doing?
They're delude from the positive positivity, I don't know Let's use overwatch gunplay.
That is actually my point overwatch is shit And this no, no overwatch is way better than this overwatch plays infinitely better than this.
It looks better It's more visually appealing the character movements are are more fluid Uh the way that people lose health is but everything about overwatch is better than this It's even worse grow up and go get shot in kaboom like the rest of us very slow very clunky not fun Not good.
I'd rather be at the whoopee goldberg diablo 4 crossover event than here playing this god damn third Let's all laugh at the player account for a moment People didn't even want to play the game for free But they didn't want to play the other overwatch knockoff That's true.
このクソみたいなサードをここでプレイするくらいなら、ディアブロ4のクロスオーバー・イベントに参加したほうがマシだ ちょっとプレイヤーアカウントを見て笑ってみようよ。
This was so funny.
What was the game that you had to buy in order to get in onto the game?
Was it marvel rivals you had to buy it i'm trying to remember Concord no besides concord There was another one I thought it was yeah, it might have been this yeah marvel rivals well either way, um So you look at marvel rivals.
Everybody said oh, well, it's just the beta.
It's just the beta.
Let me see marvel uh marvel Rivals look at this Oh, it's not out.
Yeah, well either way, um, you can see right here 52 000 people played it So this whole idea that like oh, of course people aren't going to play it.
It's just a beta totally fucking deleted completely fucking argument destroyed And so do I Number five this may be the most budget cut History it used to be an agreed upon This may be the most budget cut raw, why would you why would anybody want to be this like Foster in history you I just used to be an agreed upon fact that sex sells now It's an obvious fact that budget cuts bankrupt realism's getting a little too real Isn't it nether realm you go look at the more successful beta going on right now?
それはただのベータ版だ 完全にクソ削除 完全にクソ議論破壊 そして、私もそうだ 5番 これは最も予算が削減されるかもしれない 歴史 それはかつて合意されたものであった これは最も予算が削減されるかもしれない 生の、なぜあなたは、なぜ誰もがこのようなフォスターのようになりたい 歴史の中であなた 私はちょうど今、セックスが売れるという合意された事実であった 予算削減が倒産することは明白な事実である リアリズムは少しあまりにも現実的になってきた それはネザーリアルは、あなたが今起こっているより成功したベータ版を
And the heroes look like hero storm is causing a storm in my jorts my soul.
Yeah, she's hot as hell You know why because hallie barry played storm back in the 90s for x-men.
I remember that Anybody who watched x-men remembers that?
My jorts my soulmate man, which punisher is built like a fucking mountain.
He is on test My very same beautiful voluptuous pear-shaped build I want to play as a man that has used so many steroids Yeah, you won't see 35 this is a hero shooter where our heroes are the residents of seattle I can't wait for the homeless hero.
This is a hero shooter where our heroes.
Why would they give her?
Why would they give her thug nificence haircut?
Like from the boondocks like why it's just so weird For real no for real like what?
Is Of seattle, I can't wait for the homeless hero that throws pocket Oh my god It'd be like mccree stun grenade just bam and then you're knocked out for the next four to six hours I'm getting off track and I make fun of the pronouns But but to be honest these things came in handy I had to use this shit like a star guide to some of these constellations just to show you this in action You see that guy right there?
That's one big ass dipper right there.
Jesus two seconds man or lady wrong Not that you big ass dipper right there.
Jesus two seconds Jesus This looks like a background character from hell boy, too Like what is it what the fuck it's man or lady wrong now that you bigoted son of a bitch undecided They're undecided why would you put like the gender that like it doesn't know what gender it is.
Oh my god Oh What the who the fuck was this for They forgot maybe it's undecided because the developers haven't figured it out Look at this roster You got buzz heavy here discord moderator piss filter yondu black widow maker tumblr fursona glaucoma guilt the trash man If you self-identify as a trash player special forces the experts on it This lady I wonder since she's a a more uh, you know masculine female character with short hair, I I hope they don't make her a lesbian, you know, like I wonder what do you think the odds are that they're gonna try to make her a lesbian?
I'd say it's like at least 89 98.
少なくとも89 98ってところかな。
Yeah somewhere in there 100.
It's crazy to me man It's really something Isn't that a stereotype?
That's the funny thing about it, isn't it You know, I got nothing she's the only one on this roster that actually does damage 2007's heart attack grill winner soldier 75 the heavier weapons guy african-american sniper hank hill ass florida gators fan looking Shubby, buddy.
Motherfucker this thing that looks like a crawled out of doors your goggles stay on during sex looking ass big ass, baby That's one big ass, baby the new blade michael jackson pre-allegations Shit lord mom did that lordy mart that one's a thinker that one's for the rainbow six fans out there the goon goblin Wait, what did that lordy mart that one's a thinker that one's for the rain?
"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろうが、"虹の6人 "ファンにはたまらないだろう。
What the fuck?
Rainbow six fans out there the goon goblin.
Wait, wait, hold up Oh Man this sucks It's just like I don't even know what to say Seems easy to headshot.
Yeah You know what this is like This is like if you got a doom guy cosplay from wish This is the this is the version that you get at the flea market The silverware surfer except the only thing he surfs is door dash fat alberta.
I got you And last but not least token white, all right, that's enough i've got nothing for the talking refrigerator now What about oh my god in there?
But quentin tarantino's foot fetish already caught me one strike this week.
I'm gonna lay low for a bit pimps It's all good.
Papa neil.
All I ask is that next time you don't deadname me.
All right, i'm hurt Thanks for watching everyone.
I gotta go.
I gotta start drafting up my appeal for the inevitable strike.
This video is gonna receive.
Goodbye Thanks to the flock of pimps for bankroll in this video and another huge Thanks to all the pimpers for going the extra mile.
I will see you all when I see you This guy is great.
I really like his videos like I watched a freakazoid the first video that I watched of his was actually him Talking shit about me I think he's great man.
He's really good There's a video give it a like.
Yeah, it's great energy.
I know man.
It's funny the things are it's just fucking funny They're finally not gonna ruin our games.
面白いものだ......クソ面白いものだ 彼らはついに我々の試合を台無しにするつもりはないようだ。
They're gonna make their own.
Hey, here's the thing though, right?
Isn't it a good thing that they actually they went and they made their own game this time?
They made their own game And now you get to see if people actually like it or not to be honest with you The gameplay seemed pretty mediocre.
I think people would have played this if it seemed all right But it's like this combined with like a lot of the you know The messaging like I don't know why like why would you have a hero shooter?
And all the heroes look weird like who the fuck wants to have a hero shooter?
Like yeah, we're gonna go pick out, uh, you know six people from walmart and we're gonna put them in a game Well, which one do you want to be?
Well, I tell you one thing.
I want to be at target.
Fuck that I want to be somewhere else