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We detected unusual trades on Pfizer stock today July 29th and what's also very unusual about this is that Pfizer reports earnings tomorrow July 30th before the market opens and so in this video we will analyze this unusual option activity to find out how wealthy investors or potential insiders are trading Pfizer for earnings.
Are they bullish and buying Pfizer or bearish and because as we all know the rich have more access to information sometimes leaked insider information such as earnings reports to make better financial decisions.
No wonder the rich get richer.
So without further ado let's dive into the data as usual.
As we can see here on the option time and sales tape the most significant and meaningful trade that we detected today were these 2,500 contracts being traded at the same time at 1.32 at the 52 second mark.
We can see September 20 options 31 strike calls and the 31 strike puts we can see that this is a spread and so when we take a look at the chain for these September 20 options we can see at the 31 strike puts volume greater than the open interest of 961 so we know that these are opening trades.
Even though the calls have a higher open interest than the 2,500 contracts being traded at 1.32 at the 52 second mark.
In our analysis we believe these are still opening trades where they are selling the 31 strike puts and buying the 31 strike calls and you can see that is exactly what we also did here.
That's why we have a position here green meaning we bought these 31 strike puts and so when we analyze this trade you can see that this is a long synthetic strategy as the price of Pfizer goes up these options gain in profit positive if it goes down it is a negative loss because on the x-axis here this is the share price of Pfizer stock currently trading at $30 and so when we take a look at the Greeks you can see 100 Delta a positive so this is a long bullish trade and it is a 100 Delta because it is a long synthetic strategy which mimics a hundred shares of stock which also gives a hundred Delta and because they sold the 31 strike puts saying they're willing to own a hundred shares at this strike price we multiply 31 times a hundred shares that is $3,100 of buying power per contract and since we know they did 2,500 contracts this trade required $7.7 million dollars now keep in mind this is an earnings trade so it is higher risk and so we use position sizing to trade this that is why we simply just bought the call options right at the 31 strike calls where we do not have to spend as much as $3,100 per contract we can just buy these 31 strike calls as one single trade here as you can see here but we can decide how many we want by position sizing to manage our risk okay and so you can see this is also a long bullish trade as the price goes up these options gain in value but keep in mind there is a higher risk with this type of trade because we have a negative theta trade okay so these call options decay in value and we also have a positive Vega which is not very good for earnings because after earnings Vega will decrease so a positive Vega goes against the volatility crush that you typically happens after earnings so this is a higher risk trade if you want the lower risk higher probability of profit trades then make sure to go to our website we'll put a link at the top here let us know in the comments below what you think will happen to Pfizer after earnings do you think and agree with this video will it go up or do you think it will crash as usual please smash the like button subscribe if you haven't take care and have a great day
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