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  • Once more I'll say goodbye to you, things happen but we don't really know why, if it's supposed to be like this, why do most of us ignore the chance to miss, oh yeah, torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation, run away try to be me, yeah, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap Once more you tell those lies to me, why can't you just be straight up with honesty, when you say those things in my ear why do you always tell me what you wanna hear, oh yeah, wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe, I'm not feeling this situation run away try to find that safe place you can hide, the best place to be when you're feeling like me, yeah, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap when you say, me, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation, run away try to find that safe place you can hide, the best place to be when you're feeling like me it's the best place to be when you're me, yeah, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap when you say, me, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap

    もう一回君にさよならを言うよ、物事は起こるけど、僕たちはその理由をよく知らないんだ、こうなるはずなのに、どうして僕たちのほとんどはチャンスを逃すことを無視するんだろう、そうそう、僕の夢の継ぎ目は引き裂かれて涙に変わるんだ、この状況を感じないんだ、逃げて、僕であろうとするんだ、そうそう、僕の嫌いなものは全部僕を中心に回っているんだ、そうそう、"私が折れる前に手を引いて" "もう一回私に嘘をつく前に" "どうして正直になれないの?" "私の耳元でそんなことを言う時" "どうしていつも聞きたいことを私に言うの?

Once more I'll say goodbye to you, things happen but we don't really know why, if it's supposed to be like this, why do most of us ignore the chance to miss, oh yeah, torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation, run away try to be me, yeah, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap Once more you tell those lies to me, why can't you just be straight up with honesty, when you say those things in my ear why do you always tell me what you wanna hear, oh yeah, wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe, I'm not feeling this situation run away try to find that safe place you can hide, the best place to be when you're feeling like me, yeah, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap when you say, me, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation, run away try to find that safe place you can hide, the best place to be when you're feeling like me it's the best place to be when you're me, yeah, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap when you say, me, all these things I hate revolve around me, yeah, just back off before I snap

もう一回君にさよならを言うよ、物事は起こるけど、僕たちはその理由をよく知らないんだ、こうなるはずなのに、どうして僕たちのほとんどはチャンスを逃すことを無視するんだろう、そうそう、僕の夢の継ぎ目は引き裂かれて涙に変わるんだ、この状況を感じないんだ、逃げて、僕であろうとするんだ、そうそう、僕の嫌いなものは全部僕を中心に回っているんだ、そうそう、"私が折れる前に手を引いて" "もう一回私に嘘をつく前に" "どうして正直になれないの?" "私の耳元でそんなことを言う時" "どうしていつも聞きたいことを私に言うの?

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