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All right now, we got to go back to the convention where Professional wrestling legend Hulk Hogan is about to give his remark.
Let's take those live Well, let me tell you something brother You Know something when I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room I felt maybe I was in Madison Square Garden getting ready to win another world title or maybe I thought The vibe was so intense the energy was so crazy It felt like maybe I was gonna press that no-good stinky giant over my head and slam him through the mat brother But what I found out was I was in a room full of real Americans brother And at the end of the day with our leader up there my hero that gladiator We're gonna bring America back together one real American at a time brother You know something I've seen some great tag teams in my time Hulk Hogan and oh, yeah, the macho man Randy Savage But you know something I See the greatest tag team of my life Standing upon us getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans You Don't even know you guys are real Americans you better get ready Because when Donald Dick J Trump becomes the president of the United States All the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trump fights because Because all the Trump fights are going to be running wild for four years So with the power of Donald J Trump and all the Trump fights running wild America is gonna get back on track and like Donald J.
Trump said America is gonna be great again You know, I when I look out and I see all the real Americans I think about How Donald Trump His family was compromised When I look out there and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero And they tried to kill the next president of the United States But no enough Mania run wild brother Mania rule again.
トランプは、アメリカは再び偉大な国になると言った。 外を見渡し、本物のアメリカ人たちを見ていると、ドナルド・トランプの家族がどのように危険にさらされたかを考える。
Let's drop a mania make America great again I Didn't come here as Hulk Hogan, but I just had to give you a little taste You Know my name my name is Terry Bollea and as an entertainer, I love you, too And as an entertainer, I tried to stay out of politics but after everything that's happened to our country over the past four years and Everything that happened last weekend.
I can no longer stay silent I Am here tonight because I want the world to know that Donald Trump is a real American hero And I'm proud to support my hero as the next president of this United States You know guys I've known Donald Trump for over 35 years You know, hold on a second.
Hold on.
I just had a flashback.
I Just had a flashback man.
This is really tripping.
You know the last time I was up on stage Donald Trump was sitting at ringside at the Trump Plaza.
I Was bleeding like a pig and I won the world title right in front of Donald J.
Trump And you know something He's gonna win in November and we're all gonna be champions again when he wins And like I said I've known that man for over 35 years and he's always been the biggest patriot and he still is He's always told you exactly what he thought and he still does brother and No matter the odds.
He always finds a way to win and when he's back in our White House America is gonna start winning again You Know guys over my career I've been in the ring with some of the biggest Some of the baddest dudes on the planet and I've squared off against warriors Yes, savages, and I've even like I said Body-slam giants in the middle of the ring and I know tough guys, but let me tell you something brother Donald Trump is a toughest of them all They've thrown everything at Donald Trump all the Investigations the impeachments the court cases and he's still standing and kicking their butts You Know we never had it better than the Trump years Back, then we had a thriving economy.
彼がホワイトハウスに戻れば、アメリカは再び勝利を手にすることができるんだ。 僕のキャリアを振り返ってもらえばわかると思うけど、僕は地球上で最もタフな男たちとリングで戦ってきた、しかし、ドナルド・トランプはその中でも最もタフな男だ。彼らはドナルド・トランプにあらゆるものを投げつけてきた......調査、弾劾、裁判......それでも彼は立ち続け、彼らの尻を蹴り続けている。
We had strong borders.
We had safe streets We had peace and respect around the world But then we lost it all in a blink of an eye Crime is out of control.
The border is out of control the price of food and gas and The only person who can clean this up is Donald Trump You know guys I really really love this country and I've lived the American dream and I want my kids Your kids and all those little teeny hulkamaniacs out there to live the American dream, too This November guys, we can save the American dream for everyone and Donald Trump is the president who will get the job done So all you criminals all you lowlifes all you scumbags all you drug dealers and all you crooked Politicians need to answer one question, brother What you're gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trump of maniacs run wild on you, brother God bless you and thank you Hey Sean Hannity here Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis You will not get it anywhere else