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  • I know what you're all thinking, and yes, that is true.


  • I wasn't even expecting to make this video this early, but all major sources have reported that the iPhone 17 will be the biggest change since the iPhone X.

    こんなに早くこのビデオを作ることになるとは思ってもいなかったが、すべての主要な情報源は、iPhone 17がiPhone X以来の大きな変化になると報じている。

  • And based on everything that I've seen, I do have to agree, with the biggest change being a new slim model replacing the iPhone 17 Plus.

    そして、私が見たすべてのものに基づいて、私は同意せざるを得ない、最大の変化はiPhone 17 Plusに代わる新しいスリムモデルである。

  • This has been reported by well-known industry analyst Jeff Poo, and at first glance, it does sound like a very strange decision.


  • Like, okay, I get why Apple would drop the iPhone 17 Plus, as both the 14 Plus and the 15 Plus were not very popular at all, with most people just going for the Pro Max model instead.

    というのも、14 Plusも15 Plusもまったく人気がなく、ほとんどの人がPro Maxモデルを選んでいたからだ。

  • But why would they replace it with a thinner version?


  • That's just weird, right?


  • Well, it's only weird if it's a direct replacement.


  • Based on everything that I'm going to be talking about in this video, you'll see that this slim model is actually the iPhone X all over again.

    このビデオでお話しするすべてのことから、このスリムなモデルが実はiPhone Xの再来であることがお分かりいただけると思います。

  • The super premium high-end iPhone that sits on top of all the other models, and comes with some groundbreaking features.


  • The main being this much slimmer design.


  • Up until the iPhone 6, Apple kept making their iPhones thinner and thinner every single year.


  • But since then, they've been making them thicker each year, as they changed their focus to improving their durability and giving them bigger batteries.


  • And personally, I don't mind that.


  • The battery life has seen some significant improvements over the years, with the 15 Pro Max being the longest lasting iPhone that I've ever used, and also the only one that was able to last me through a full day of travel.

    バッテリーの持ちはここ数年で大幅に改善され、15 Pro Maxは私がこれまで使ってきたiPhoneの中で最も長持ちした。

  • And while I do love these battery life improvements that we got over the years, part of me still misses the era of ultra-thin Apple devices.


  • So when Apple launched the new iPad Pro that was 20% thinner than the previous generation, I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, Apple was making a return to their era of making every single one of their new devices thinner than it lasts.

    だから、アップルが前世代より20%薄くなった新しいiPad Proを発表したとき、もしかしたら、もしかしたら、アップルは新しいデバイスのひとつひとつを前より薄くするという時代に戻っているのではないかと期待した。

  • And not long after, Mark Gurman published this article in which he detailed how Apple has indeed started working on a new class of devices that will be the thinnest and also the lightest in their categories, with the first being the iPad Pro.

    それから間もなく、マーク・ガーマンはこの記事を掲載し、その中で、アップルが実際に、そのカテゴリーで最も薄く、最も軽い、新しいクラスのデバイスの開発に着手し、その第一弾がiPad Proであることを詳述した。

  • Future devices will include the Apple Watch, the MacBook Pro, which desperately needs to be getting thinner, and yes, it also includes the iPhone, with the iPhone 17 Slim being the first.

    今後のデバイスには、Apple Watch、薄型化が切実に求められているMacBook Pro、そしてiPhoneも含まれ、iPhone 17 Slimがその第一弾となる。

  • Now, we don't even know how thin this new iPhone will be.


  • I would be surprised if it actually ends up being as thin as the new iPad Pro's at 5.1 millimeters thin, although based on what Mark Gurman has stated, it will be quote-unquote significantly skinnier.

    マーク・ガーマンの発言によれば、かなり薄くなるとのことだが、5.1ミリという新型iPad Proと同じ薄さになるのであれば驚きだ。

  • In our concept, we did make it 5 millimeters thin, just to give you guys an idea of how it will look like at this incredible thickness.


  • Oh, and the chassis is also to be made out of aluminum instead of titanium, so it will be even lighter than it is now.


  • Of course, this also raises the question, will the battery life get a major downgrade given this thinner design?


  • Well, that does depend.


  • The new iPads are still rated the same as the previous models, despite being far thinner, and based on battery drain tests, the M4 models last even longer than the previous ones, by a whopping 4 hours and 20 minutes.


  • And based on my usage, I can also confirm that the M4 iPad Pro lasted me for multiple days of use, something that I was just never able to do on any of the previous models.

    また、私の使用状況に基づいて、M4 iPad Proは何日も使用できたことも確認できた。

  • Plus, if Apple ends up using silicon carbon batteries, which is a new battery technology that allows batteries to be significantly thinner, they could easily achieve a much with the same battery capacity than what we have now.


  • After all, Honor, the first manufacturer to use silicon carbon batteries, has already released the incredibly thin Honor Magic V2, which is just 4.7mm when unfolded.

    シリコンカーボンバッテリーを初めて採用したメーカーであるHonorは、展開時わずか4.7mmという驚異的な薄さのHonor Magic V2をすでに発表している。

  • And you know what else is pretty incredible to have?


  • Our sponsor.


  • Meet Norpass, the popular password manager made by the NorVPN team.


  • Recently, I visited their HQ in Lithuania, and not only did I meet the team, but I also saw how they work and discussed why passkeys are the future of passwords.


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  • Now, remember when I said that the iPhone 17 slim will be the iPhone 10 approach all over again?

    さて、私がiPhone 17 slimはiPhone 10のアプローチの再来になると言ったのを覚えているだろうか?

  • This wasn't just because of the 17 slim being this premium model that sits on top of all the other models, but also because just like the iPhone 10, it is also set to come with a smaller display at 6.55 inches, as opposed to the massive 6.9 inch panel that we're going to have in the iPhone 17 Pro Max.

    これは、17スリムが他のすべてのモデルの上位に位置するこのプレミアムモデルであるという理由だけでなく、iPhone 10と同様に、iPhone 17 Pro Maxに搭載される巨大な6.9インチパネルとは対照的に、6.55インチと小さめのディスプレイが搭載されることが決まっているためでもある。

  • And I think that the only reason why Apple's doing this is because they want to trick us into paying even more for a larger model the following year, which is exactly what they've done with the iPhone 10.


  • They priced it at $1000, $200 more than the iPhone 8 Plus.

    価格は1000ドルで、iPhone 8 Plusより200ドル高い。

  • And even though the display was technically bigger on paper, the aspect ratio was narrower, so when I switched from the 8 Plus to the iPhone 10, it felt like I was getting a smaller display that was also less enjoyable to type on due to the more compacted keyboard.

    そのため、8 PlusからiPhone 10に乗り換えたとき、ディスプレイが小さくなり、キーボードがコンパクトになったことでタイピングがしにくくなったように感じた。

  • And I remember at that time being like, oh man, I wish Apple had a larger iPhone 10 model.

    その時、アップルにはもっと大きなiPhone 10モデルがあればいいのに、と思ったのを覚えている。

  • Well, fast forward a year later, and they launched the iPhone 10S Max, which they sold for $1100, or $300 more than the iPhone 8 Plus.

    それから早1年後、iPhone 10S Maxが発売され、iPhone 8 Plusより300ドル高い1100ドルで販売された。

  • This is exactly what I believe Apple will be doing with this iPhone 17 slim or 17 Ultra, whatever they end up calling it.

    これこそ、アップルがこのiPhone 17スリムあるいは17ウルトラ(最終的に何と呼ぶかは知らないが)でやることだと私は信じている。

  • They'll release this smaller 6.55 inch model next year, probably at $100 to $200 more than the iPhone 15 Pro Max, so expect $1300 to $1400.

    おそらくiPhone 15 Pro Maxより100ドルから200ドル高いので、1300ドルから1400ドルと予想される。

  • And then the following year, they'll release the bigger variant at $100 more.


  • And then a few years from now, the other iPhone models will also get a price bump, once again repeating the iPhone 10 moment that eventually led to the entire smartphone industry bringing their prices up.

    そして数年後、iPhoneの他のモデルも値上げされ、最終的にスマートフォン業界全体が値上げに踏み切るきっかけとなったiPhone 10の瞬間が再び繰り返されることになる。

  • Now, in order to justify this price increase, they just cannot make it only thinner, right?


  • They need to do more than that.


  • And of course, we do have some other notable upgrades here too.


  • For example, the Face ID camera is rumored to now be placed under the display, something that we've been hearing for many years now, with only the front camera remaining visible and likely the same size as the Dynamic Island is right now in height, in order to make it easy for developers to keep that same Dynamic Island functionality as we have now.

    例えば、Face IDカメラはディスプレイの下に配置されると噂されているが、これはもう何年も前から聞かされていることで、開発者が今と同じダイナミックアイランドの機能を維持しやすくするために、フロントカメラだけが見えるようになり、高さも今のダイナミックアイランドと同じサイズになる可能性が高い。

  • This front camera is also set to be upgraded to a brand new 24MP sensor with a 6-element lens from the current 12MP with a 5-element lens that we've got on the 15s.


  • Also this year, we're getting that new 48MP ultrawide.


  • And then next year, we're set to be getting a new 48MP telephoto too, which means that if this iPhone 17 slim is getting a 24MP front camera too, then all the photos will be taken at a default resolution of 24MP, no matter which lens you use, giving you a much sharper image.

    そして来年には、新たに48MPの望遠レンズも搭載されることになっている。つまり、このiPhone 17 slimが24MPのフロントカメラも搭載するのであれば、どのレンズを使っても、すべての写真はデフォルトの解像度24MPで撮影されることになり、よりシャープな画像が得られることになる。

  • So that's the front.


  • Now, the back is also getting some big changes.


  • As we all know, ever since the iPhone 11 Pros, the camera module design hasn't really changed at all, it only got bigger.

    周知の通り、iPhone 11 Pros以来、カメラモジュールのデザインは全く変わっておらず、ただ大きくなっただけだ。

  • The standard iPhone 16s are getting a new camera design this year, but the 16 Pros are not.

    標準的なiPhone 16sは今年、新しいカメラデザインが採用されるが、16 Prosはそうではない。

  • So this high-end iPhone 17 model is set to finally be changing that, by possibly having the camera in the top center, essentially the same approach that Google has taken with their Pixel phones.

    そのため、このiPhone 17のハイエンドモデルは、グーグルがPixel携帯で取ったのと基本的に同じアプローチで、カメラを上部中央に配置する可能性があることで、最終的にそれを変えようとしている。

  • Which does make a lot of sense.


  • Think about it.


  • Apple is making this iPhone 17 model significantly thinner.

    アップルはこのiPhone 17モデルを大幅に薄型化している。

  • Unless they give it a potato camera, the camera bump would stick out even more.


  • And it is already 4mm thick on the 8.25mm iPhone 15 Pro Max.

    そして、厚さ8.25mmのiPhone 15 Pro Maxの厚さはすでに4mmである。

  • If Apple were to decrease the thickness of the iPhone to 5.25mm, then the camera module would increase by at least 3, to a total of 7, possibly even more with that new larger main sensor that's been rumored.


  • The iPhone already wobbles significantly when it's sitting flat on a table.


  • This new version will just wobble like crazy, unless of course they put the camera modules in the middle.


  • Then they can immediately solve this issue, while also giving the iPhone a brand new look too.


  • Additionally, we're expecting some even more upgrades.


  • We could see up to 12GB of RAM from the current 8, Jeff Boo states 8 only for the Slim model and then 12 for the Pro models, although I would expect the Slim or Ultra to have at least 12, as it is going to be more expensive than the Pros.


  • As for any other new features, there's also set to be a new anti-reflective coating for the display, possibly something similar to what Samsung has done with the S24 Ultra, which was great, as it significantly reduced reflections without giving us that grainy texture that we got on the nanotexture display of the iPad Pro for example.


  • And this glass is also set to be more durable, although it isn't quite clear yet if this will just be on the iPhone 17 Slim or on the other Pro models as well.

    また、このガラスはより耐久性の高いものになる予定だが、これがiPhone 17 Slimだけに搭載されるのか、他のProモデルにも搭載されるのかはまだはっきりしていない。

  • We're also getting WiFi 7 with up to 40Gbps speeds, 4 times higher than WiFi 6C, and literally the same speeds as Thunderbolt.

    また、WiFi 6Cより4倍高速で、文字通りThunderboltと同じ速度の最大40GbpsのWiFi 7も提供される。

  • Obviously in practice these will be far lower, but still fairly impressive tech.


  • And I do believe that WiFi 7, by the way, will be coming to the other iPhone 17 models, at least the Pro models, as WiFi is integrated into the main chip itself.

    ちなみに、WiFi 7はメインチップ自体に統合されているため、他のiPhone 17モデル、少なくともProモデルにも搭載されると私は信じている。

  • And of course, given that this is an entirely new generation of iPhones, we're likely going to see some fresh new colors too.


  • The ones that we designed are Gold, Silver, Tungsten, and Sapphire.


  • With Sapphire looking especially gorgeous.


  • Oh, and if you love the wallpaper that we've got in our concept, it is part of our new Candy Canvas Pack for our app Wallpapers, made by our designer Michael Swengle.


  • And speaking of wallpapers, due to popular demand, we've now launched an actual store on our website, where you can purchase individual packs.


  • And if you guys love this, we'll bring this feature into our app as well.


  • The store refreshes each Wednesday with a different selection of 6 packs.


  • This week we've got Vibrant Views, Spectrum Splash, Poetic Pigments, Minimal Mammals, Mesmerizing Mountains, as well as Striking Stadiums.


  • A beautiful pack of 10 of the most popular football stadiums in the world, which to celebrate the ongoing 2024 Euros, we are selling at a 50% discount.


  • You can check out our Wallpapers store and our Wallpapers app by using the links below.


  • All in all, I do believe that one of the main reasons for this iPhone 17 Slim or Ultra even existing is Apple wanting to recreate that iPhone X pricing moment in order to boost their slowing iPhone sales, where they released a super expensive high-end model of the iPhone, but in a smaller 4-factor, only for this to be followed by an even more expensive, larger models adopting this higher price point.

    全体として、私はこのiPhone 17 SlimまたはUltraが存在する主な理由の1つは、アップルがiPhoneの売上を低迷させるために、iPhone Xの価格設定の瞬間を再現したいからだと考えている。

  • And according to this poll from 9to5Mac, a lot of people would actually be fine paying this much for an iPhone.


  • But let me know, what do you guys think?


  • And definitely subscribe if you enjoyed this video.


  • I'm Daniel, this has been Zenoftech, and I'll see you guys in the next one.


  • Zenoftech, signing out.


  • Cheers.


I know what you're all thinking, and yes, that is true.


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