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AI 自動生成字幕
  • That that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that We'll be there A wink and a smile in the great old time And we'll be there Wherever we are there's so fun to be found We'll be there when you turn that corner And jump off the bush with a big big, long and a smile We'll be there Okay, I need two men on that aerial ladder Get behind us in case the animal falls Hey, we almost there?

  • Says that it's right here Whoop, whoop, we passed it Back up, back up There it is, I see it Welcome to Purrito, gentlemen What can I get for you today?


  • Um, I'll have the veggie tacos, please And some extra salsa Okay I spare we'll have more free chips And what about you, sir?


  • What can you tell me about this?


  • Ah, yes, our famous burrito challenge Succeed in eating our whole array of burritos in one hour And you'll get your photo up on our wall It can be pretty hard though I'd be lying if I told you there weren't gonna be tears involved So, I understand if you don't want to do it anymore Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Oh, that's cute Oh, I'll do your precious challenge And I'll do it in half an hour I spare one separate checks Okay, ready, start First up, the fajita steak burrito Another Jalapeno chicken burrito Baja halibut burrito Avocado pork cassava Veggie party Bacon and egg Crazy meat Cilantro overload Finished Wow, 15 minutes That's a new record But there's still one last burrito Are you sure you want to do that one?

    1時間以内にブリトー全種類を完食すると、壁に写真が飾られるんだ。涙が出ないと言ったら嘘になるけど、結構難しいよ、あなたの貴重な挑戦、30分でやりますよ。チェックは1回だけ。さあ、スタート。まずはファヒータ・ステーキ・ブリトー。ハラペーニョ・チキン・ブリトー。バハ・ハリブット・ブリトー。アボカド・ポーク・キャッサバ。ベジ・パーティー。ベーコン・アンド・エッグ。クレイジー・ミート。コリアンダー・オーバーロード。 完食。15分。新記録だ。でもまだ最後のブリトーがある。

  • We have no choice, do it Tortilla warrants, faster Get them off the stove We'll come over here later Okay, spread them with sour cream Spread them, spread them all the way We want every corner to be covered This contest is a breeze What's one more burrito gonna do?

    仕方ない、やるしかない トルティーヤ・ワラント、もっと早く ストーブから降ろすんだ あとでこっちへ来るから サワークリームを塗るんだ 隅々まで塗るんだ 隅々まで塗るんだ このコンテストは楽勝だ ブリトーがあと1つでどうなる?

  • Uh, grills?


  • Grills Gimme, gimme, gimme Um, you doing okay there, Grizz?


  • Yeah, it's just this burrito It's so comforting Nice and warm And safe, safe burrito Well, eat it No, it's too perfect to eat I will eat it Stay away, you stay away from burrito Let's get out of here, guys Cash only Uh, are we really gonna keep that thing?

    ああ、このブリトーだけだ。心地よくて、温かくて、安全で、安全なブリトーだ。 いや、食べるには完璧すぎる。

  • Of course, silly What else would we do with such a magnificent burrito?


  • Uh, not keep it?


  • Hey, a theater, we should watch a movie Come on, come on, come on It's your turn to pay, Panda Three tickets Hello, can you hear me?

    おい、映画館だ、映画を見ようじゃないか、さあ、さあ、今度は君が払う番だよ、パンダ 3枚もしもし、聞こえますか?

  • Yes Great, three tickets, please You got four people there Uh, no, we have three You'll have to pay for that thing as well Uh, there must be a misunderstanding here You see, that's just a burrito It can't watch movies Hey, watch what you say, man Burrito's gonna enjoy this movie Don't listen to that silly Panda It's okay Um, any discounts for the burrito?

    3枚ください 4人です 3枚です その分の料金も払ってください 何か誤解があるようですが あれはブリトーです 映画は見れません 言葉に気をつけろ ブリトーは映画を楽しみたいんだ バカなパンダの言うことを聞くな 大丈夫だ ブリトーの割引は?

  • Fine Thank you That was fast We're sitting outside of a studio and then somebody comes to me and asks me for a quarter and I look to burrito Oh Shortcut hey Chris, we're back.


  • We got you.


  • Oh, what is that smell?


  • I Spare feels nauseous Chris, this is disgusting.


  • Your burrito smells horrible.


  • Oh, how could you say that about burrito and right in front of him Panda?


  • I'm shocked.


  • You're shocked.


  • I'm the one who should be shocked.


  • You never want to go out with us anymore You're never two feet away from that burrito.


  • It's creepy man.


  • I spare force to agree.


  • You guys just don't understand Also, it's not that burrito.


  • It's just burrito You've changed Grizz you're wrong burritos the best thing that ever happened to me.


  • So just leave us alone.


  • I Think it's worse than we thought I found this website about people who get too attached to their food Look at all of these This lady in Idaho became obsessed with a bag of chips someone in Japan married their bowl of ramen and this guy Adopted a jar of pickles.


  • It just goes on and on they forget about their families and friends and Sometimes just become total hermits.


  • I think one thing is certain I spare sees where this is going We have to do something about that burrito Huh What's up burrito Hey come back here kidnappers Don't hate us please Oh it smells so bad Oh my hand has juices on it Ow Ha ha ha ha We're just trying to help you Grizz This burrito is driving you insane Grizz needs burrito Up the tower Ah Dudes why are you doing this?


  • I need to be with burrito Burrito completes me Grizz please It's wrong to be dependent on something so unnatural We are doing this for you Let me cradle burrito We're concerned because we love Dude stop it Grizz you need to understand What?

    ブリトーと一緒にいたいんだ ブリトーが僕を補ってくれるんだ グリズお願い 不自然なものに依存するのは間違ってる 君のためにやってるんだ ブリトーに揺りかごをさせてくれ 愛してるからこそ心配なんだ やめてくれ グリズわかってくれ 何が?

  • Grizz I'm sorry I'm so I'm so sorry Grizz are you okay?


  • Oh my gosh we didn't mean to We didn't think it would We can still fix it Put this right there There see Grizz it's not so bad We could just put it back together That was so unpleasant Whoa I'm sorry if I was acting weird you guys We were really worried there Oh don't worry about it I feel good as new Come on let's head home Iceberg demands everyone showers Hmm I wonder why I was so obsessed with that burrito Eh I guess it doesn't matter Affirmative we've secured the area and fire and rescue is on the scene Okay I need two men on that aerial ladder Get the light then in case the animal falls Okay It's okay little guy grab on You're safe now Yeah I'm not sure how this little fella got up there He's holding my arm so tight Cute little guy I hope he doesn't get too attached Done!

    そんなつもりじゃ... まだ直せるはずだ これをそこに置くんだ そう悪くはない 元に戻せばいいだけだ 不愉快な思いをさせて すまない 変なこと言って... 本当に心配してたんだ 気にしないで 新品のように気分がいい さあ 家に帰ろう アイスバーグがみんなに シャワーを浴びるよう要求してる なんであんなに夢中だったんだろう消防救助隊も出動中だ 2人ハシゴに乗せて ライトを点けろ 動物が落下した場合に備えて 大丈夫だ つかまってろ もう安全だ どうやって登ったんだ?

  • You


That that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that We'll be there A wink and a smile in the great old time And we'll be there Wherever we are there's so fun to be found We'll be there when you turn that corner And jump off the bush with a big big, long and a smile We'll be there Okay, I need two men on that aerial ladder Get behind us in case the animal falls Hey, we almost there?

AI 自動生成字幕

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