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You ever feel like making something stupid?
I feel like making something stupid.
Hey, is this a duck or a bunny? I don't know, fart noise. *pbbt*
How come I think this triangle's possible, it's not possible, it's an impossible triangle.
This is like the easiest game of chess ever. And A and B are different colors.
Oh my God, they're not! That's 'cause your eyes eat Stupido's for breakfast and then they forgot to put their pants on,
and they went to the market for some buttered biscuits for their face.
And those orange dots aren't different sizes, I knew you thought they were, blaaarh
This is like a dinner party for lego people, and prolly all perverted.
Those pervert tables are the same shape just rotated, see?
Why your eyes so stupid?
What, you don't think your eyes are stupid, then why you see all those little dots? There's no little dots!
And why does the building on the right look more slantilated than the building on the left?
They're the same building!
And your friend's eyes are stupid too, I bet you find a friend that thinks this naked lady is spinning in a different direction than you think she's spinning in.
*sigh* Your eyes think that straight lines are bendy, and I bet sometimes when you look in the mirror your eyes think that you're ugly.
That's stupid. You're not ugly. And these lines aren't bendy; they're straight.
Sometimes I don't like my eyes. They see things that aren't real and I have to remind myself that they're not real.
This is an illusion: He looks like a regular guy but he's really my favorite optical illusioniscientartist.
He reminds me that when there's a big black hole that's growing and seems like it's gonna swallow me up,
Sometimes I just have to look away for a second, and when I look back, it recedes.
He makes me remember that my surroundings can make the exact same thing look completely different, but it's still the exact same thing.
Eyes can be so stupid.
And now Stefan Bucher will solve one of your problems.
Rosa writes: "When I'm nervous, my hand make some repetitive motion, like tearing paper or drawing a line over and over."
"Is there a way to make my hands stop even if I can't calm down?"
I don't know that you want to stop, Rosa.
All you have to do is figure out a reason for those lines to be there, and then you can make a really good career out of that, like I did,
And remember that tearing paper can be a really good editor. There you go! Problem solved.
Bye bye, it's the... bye bye song.
Uuuh, ahhh, make it stop!