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  • Greece has become the first country in the European Union to introduce a six-day working week for some businesses.

    ギリシャは、一部の企業に週 6 日労働制を導入する EU 初の国となりました。

  • The measure applies to firms that provide 24-7 services, or those experiencing an extraordinary workload.

    この措置は、24 時間 365 日体制でサービスを提供している会社や、異常な仕事量を経験している会社に適用されます。

  • Greece's pro-business government calls the regulation worker-friendly, but it's sparking outrage amongst trade unions, and people on the street don't like it either.


  • If your employer says, "This is it, take it or leave it," you can't do anything about it.


  • This is Greece.


  • We're going back to earlier decades.


  • This law has nothing to offer.


  • It will not solve the problem of businesses that don't have enough staff.


  • The World Health Organization says a 40-hour week is already too much.

    世界保健機関WHOは、週 40 時間労働はすでに多すぎるとしています。

  • In other European countries, the workload is decreasing.


  • The six-day week is unacceptable.

    週 6 日制は容認できません。

  • We should not let it be imposed.


  • If I saw that six-day work was wearing me down, I would not do it.

    もし 6 日間の労働が私を疲弊させるとわかったら、私はそれをやらないでしょう。

  • I prioritize my mental health, not money.


  • Journalist Anthe Karasava joins us from Athens.


  • Welcome to DW.

    DW へようこそ。

  • On paper, Greece's economic growth is sound.


  • It's above the Eurozone average.


  • So how is the government justifying this move?


  • Well, actually, this is somewhat of a paradox, because companies across the globe are actually toying with the idea of actually limiting and shortening work hours and working weeks.


  • But the government here says that it's introducing this new labor scheme of a 48-hour working week to boost productivity, as it calls it,

    しかし政府は、生産性を高めるために週 48 時間労働制という新しい労働制度を導入すると言っています。

  • and this because, A) because of Greece's shrinking population and ailing, woefully bad demographics,

    これには、A) ギリシャの縮小する人口と病んでおり、非常に悪化している人口統計が関係しています。

  • and B) because of a severe shortage in skilled workers.

    そしてB) 熟練労働者の深刻な不足も原因です。

  • Greece has been facing a terrible decline in its demographics.


  • The prime minister has called it a ticking time bomb, in fact.


  • And what has simply exacerbated the situation in recent years has been a massive flight, around 500,000 skilled, young, well-educated Greeks who fled the country at the height of a financial crisis here, a decade-long crisis.

    そして、近年状況を悪化させたのは、大規模な国外逃亡です。50 万人ほどの熟練した、若くて教育水準の高いギリシャ人が、10 年に及ぶ金融危機のさなかに国外に逃亡したのです。

  • And the government has not been able to woo them back.


  • So this is how it's ultimately justifying the reason for going ahead with this scheme.


  • And what are experts saying about this?


  • Because it seems just ridiculous that, OK, we have a shrinking population and fewer skilled workers, so we'll make the few that we have work harder, rather than attracting more back to the country.


  • Absolutely.


  • Well, there have been trials and tested runs of four-day work weeks in other parts of Europe and abroad.

    週休 4 日制の試みは、ヨーロッパの他の地域や海外でも行われています。

  • Germany, Japan, South Africa, for example, have tried it, and it's tested, and it has proven effective.


  • But in Greece, this has not happened.


  • In fact, there is no substantive proof, and there haven't been any strong, credible professional voices to come out and support this scheme.


  • In fact, any kind of professionals that I've been hearing, at least in the past few days, are labor experts from abroad, for example, in the UK, that are raising a critical eye at this scheme.


  • So is there any support for the measure amongst people, amongst normal working people?


  • The government must have known that this would be a hated move.


  • It is a hated move, and it is considered a barbaric one against, you know, trade unions are saying that it is effectively eroding rights that Greek workers have,


  • and that the government effectively is playing to the hands of big money and big corporations.


  • And it is also counterintuitive in the sense that it is allowing, for example, pensioners, the right to continue working in their jobs rather than making way for fresh blood to come in.


  • But at the same time, if the government, the government is simply saying that if it doesn't have the skilled personnel, then this is the best that it can ultimately come up with.


  • So it will be facing more and more opposition from locals, and there are very few right now who are actually supporting it.


  • Thanks for talking us through that, Anthe.


  • Anthe Karasava in Athens.


Greece has become the first country in the European Union to introduce a six-day working week for some businesses.

ギリシャは、一部の企業に週 6 日労働制を導入する EU 初の国となりました。

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