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For most of its history, America has probably had the most fragmented banking system in the world.
And this was a deliberate policy choice.
To avoid concentrating financial power in the hands of a few bankers, Congress designed regulations to favor smaller, regional banks.
And anytime a bank got too big, it would be promptly broken up.
However, today there's one American bank that stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Not only is J.P.
Morgan the biggest bank in America by any metric, it's also become systemically important to a historically unprecedented degree.
It's the only bank big enough to bail out its struggling peers.
It's the market maker for U.S.
And its CEO, Jamie Dimon, is almost a politician in his own right.
So in this video, we thought we'd take a look at how J.P.
Morgan became the banking behemoth it is today, why this is a violation of American history, and why J.P.
Morgan's size, combined with its systemic importance, presents a difficult dilemma for regulators.
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So, J.P.
Morgan's boom era really begins with the arrival of Jamie Dimon as CEO in 2005.
When Dimon took over, J.P.
Morgan was one of a handful of big American banks, but by no means the biggest, and it specialized in investment banking and wealth management rather than retail banking.
Over the course of the next two decades or so, however, who is still CEO today, has transformed J.P.
Morgan into both America's largest and most systemically important bank.
Dimon made his plans clear almost immediately after taking charge.
In his first letter to shareholders in early 2006, he wrote, size, scale, and staying power matter, and announced his intention to create what he described as a fortress balance sheet.
In other words, to make J.P.
Morgan so big and so safe that it could weather any crisis.
And following this announcement, Dimon did three things that helped J.P.
Morgan move to the front of the pack.
The first was to cut costs and bureaucracy.
Now, Dimon made his name as the austere but effective CEO of Bank One in the early 2000s, and he pulled a similar trick at J.P.
Morgan, cutting back stuff like consultant fees and executive perks.
The second thing he did was to take advantage of the liberalisation of American banking laws.
For context, for basically its entire history, America has had banking laws that have tried to prevent big bank monopolies and instead encouraged smaller regional banks.
Now, this is for a variety of reasons, including a general anti-elitist wariness of bankers.
But it's also because one of the lessons learned by the American political class from the 19th and 19th centuries was that banks didn't actually lend enough, and especially not to poorer rural areas.
In a sense, this is still true today, and smaller regional banks still account for an outsized fraction of small business loans, unlike in other developed economies.
Now, banks were also rarely allowed to operate outside of their home state, in part because states used to receive significant revenues from taxing their chartered banks.
Even today, America has probably the most fragmented banking system in the developed world.
No bank holds more than 15% of all deposits, and there are over 4,100 commercial banks spread across the country, compared to about 350 in the UK and 260 in Germany.
America has also never really had a national bank per se, like Deutsche Bank in Germany or BNP Paribas in France, which have both historically cooperated with their respective governments.
However, beginning in the 90s, many of these regulations were relaxed, allowing American banks to grow in scale.
The first banker to take advantage of this trend was Citibank, which established itself as America's largest retail bank in the early 2000s.
But Diamond was quick to catch up, and JP Morgan would overtake Citigroup only a few years after his arrival.
The third thing that Diamond did, and perhaps the thing he's most known for, was anticipate the 2008 financial crisis.
Diamond has always held weekly meetings with the heads of JP Morgan's main businesses to discuss potential risks.
And in 2006, in one of these meetings, Diamond and members of JP Morgan's management identified risks involved with subprime mortgages, which allowed them to reduce their exposure 18 months before other banks did.
In a letter to shareholders in early 2007, Diamond presciently warned about a, quote, industry excesses and mismanagement in subprime home loans, and that the ultimate impact could get ugly.
This meant that when the crisis struck, JP Morgan was sort of the only bank left standing, which is why it was able to rescue two failing smaller banks in Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual.
Diamond also claims that JP Morgan neither wanted nor needed a bailout, but agreed to tap into a Treasury Department emergency support to remove the stigma for other firms.
Diamond and other JP Morgan executives have said since that they regret the acquisitions, and apparently made massive losses on both of them.
But this was the beginning of both JP Morgan's industry dominance and its special relationship with the federal government as their go-to bailout guy.
This became apparent again last year when JP Morgan bailed out First Republic Bank after it suffered a bank run a few days after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.
And that's because JP Morgan was basically the only big bank that could absorb First Republic.
Bank of America apparently couldn't take the risk, and Citigroup and Wells Fargo weren't even invited because of ongoing regulatory issues.
This deal was a win for both the FDIC and JP Morgan.
The FDIC were able to maintain financial stability without costly or politically controversial bailout, while JP Morgan were able to buy up a whole load of assets on the cheap and circumvent the FDIC's anti-monopoly regulations that would normally ban acquisitions for any bank that controls more than 10% of all deposits.
Anyway, after the acquisition of First Republic, JP Morgan is now by far and away the biggest bank in America, and it does everything.
Retail banking, commercial banking, investment banking, trading, payment processing, card services, wealth management, you name it, JP Morgan does it.
JP Morgan now has subsidiaries across the world too, and it banks not just other countries, but also other governments, the IMF, and even the World Bank.
JP Morgan has also emerged as a de facto market merger in the U.S.
Treasury market, which is a lucrative business in its own right, but also makes JP Morgan especially important to the American government.
All in all, JP Morgan is now the largest non-Chinese bank in the world, with nearly $4 trillion of assets under management, and they now hold more deposits than any other U.S. bank, despite paying interest on a lower overall fraction of deposits.
Not only that, but JP Morgan's market cap is now more than the next two biggest American banks combined, and last year they made more profit than any American bank ever, breaking in nearly $50 billion.
Unsurprisingly, some politicians and regulators now worry that JP Morgan's size is both monopolistic and inconsistent with America's long tradition of decentralizing banking.
Elizabeth Warren, for instance, described the First Republic deal as deeply troubling, and other analysts have drawn parallels to the Panic of 1907, where JP Morgan's founder and namesake, J.
Pierpoint Morgan, locked rival financiers in his library and cajoled them into propping up struggling institutions to prevent a rash of bank runs.
While Morgan was widely credited with saving the American banking system, the episode prompted Congress to create the Federal Reserve so that the system would never again be so reliant on one banker.
And 30 years later, JP Morgan was broken up by the Glass-Steagall Act.
But taking on JP Morgan again today could be difficult, both because of its systemic importance, and because taking on Jamie Dimon, who's been a vocal critic of banking regulation, is just no easy task.
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