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  • So, for the next new iPad Mini, it looks like Apple are finally going to do it and give us a massive upgrade inside the iPad Mini and we could also be seeing OLED screens in the future.

    次期iPad Miniでは、アップルはついにiPad Miniの内部を大幅にアップグレードし、将来的には有機ELスクリーンを搭載する可能性もあるようだ。

  • But before that, the iPad Mini could become the iPad Mini Pro.

    しかし、その前にiPad MiniがiPad Mini Proになる可能性もある。

  • I want to share with you all the details about this including the specs, release date and price for this new iPad Mini 7th generation.

    この新しいiPad Mini第7世代のスペック、発売日、価格など、その詳細をお伝えしたい。

  • So, just reflecting on the last month or so, Apple have updated their most powerful iPads out there.


  • We have the new iPad Air which now has the M2 inside of it and we have those brand new OLED iPad Pros too with the brand new M4 chip inside of that.

    新しいiPad AirにはM2が搭載され、新しいOLED iPad Proにも新しいM4チップが搭載されている。

  • But what about the iPad 11th generation and what about the iPad Mini?

    しかし、iPad第11世代やiPad Miniについてはどうだろうか?

  • Well, the 11th generation iPad I'll talk about in another video another day so if you want to find out more information about that, make sure you subscribe to this channel and also hit that notification bell too because I'll be making a video soon about it.


  • But today, we're going to focus on the iPad Mini 7, what is going to be coming out in 2024.

    しかし今日は、2024年に発売されるiPad Mini 7に焦点を当てよう。

  • So, first of all, let's talk about this leak that we can see right here saying that Apple are looking to bring out an OLED display inside the iPad Mini.

    それではまず、アップルがiPad Miniに有機ELディスプレイを搭載しようとしているというリークについて話そう。

  • The only one sort of downer here, if you look right here, it doesn't look like we're going to be getting the OLED display inside the iPad Mini until 2026.

    ただ1つだけ残念なのは、iPad Miniに有機ELディスプレイが搭載されるのは2026年以降ということだ。

  • So this probably is going to be the next generation of the iPad Mini.

    ということは、おそらくこれが次世代のiPad Miniになるのだろう。

  • So the current iPad Mini exists right now, very similar to the one that's right next to me here.

    つまり、現在のiPad Miniは、この私の隣にあるものと非常によく似ている。

  • Well, that was probably going to be retained this time round and that the OLED display will only be coming to the iPad Mini on the next generation.

    まあ、それはおそらく今回も維持され、有機ELディスプレイは次世代iPad Miniにのみ搭載されることになるだろう。

  • So sadly, nothing new there, we're still going to be probably getting the same display type that we have right now.


  • Another question that a lot of you guys have been asking is why can't Apple put say the likes of say the M2 or even the M3 inside of the iPad Mini?

    なぜアップルはM2やM3のようなものをiPad Miniに搭載できないのか?

  • Why don't Apple just do that?


  • And the main reason is to do with its size.


  • Being that it's only an 8.3 inch display and the body's not actually that big, then obviously putting say an M2 or an M4 inside of it would really drain down the battery really quickly inside of it.


  • Obviously, some of you are going to say why don't we just clock down the speeds of the M2 or say the M4.


  • Well, funny enough, if you did that, you'd start going into say the A17 Pro kind of territory like what we have in the iPhone 15 Pro models that we have right now.

    まあ、面白いことに、そうすれば、今あるiPhone 15 Proモデルのように、A17 Proのような領域に入ることになる。

  • But this is an interesting thing to say here, that possibly with the next generation of the iPad Mini, we may actually get a Pro chipset inside of it.

    しかし、ここで興味深いのは、もしかしたら次世代iPad MiniにはProチップセットが搭載されるかもしれないということだ。

  • This could be the A17 Pro inside of this iPad Mini, which would be really exciting to see.

    これは、iPad Miniに搭載されるA17 Proかもしれない。

  • But the other possibility is it could actually be the brand new A18 Pro coming inside of it.


  • In fact, we've actually had a leak right here that Apple are looking at making an A18 Pro and an A18 at the same time inside of the new iPhone 16s.

    実際、アップルが新型iPhone 16sの内部でA18 ProとA18を同時に製造することを検討しているというリーク情報もある。

  • So this would be the A18, the iPhone 16s and then the A18 Pro inside of the iPhone 16 Pro models that we're going to get.

    つまり、これはA18、iPhone 16s、そしてiPhone 16 Proモデルの中のA18 Proとなる。

  • So Apple could bring out the A18 Pro inside the likes of the iPad Mini and this would essentially make it into an iPad Mini Pro.

    つまり、アップルはA18 ProをiPad Miniの内部に搭載し、実質的にiPad Mini Proにすることができるのだ。

  • But the other thing what Apple could just do is just put the normal A18 what comes out this year inside of this iPad instead.


  • Now for everybody else who's saying, well, why don't Apple then say put the A16 inside of it?


  • Well, this is probably unlikely going to happen too, because normally when Apple bring out an iPad Mini, it normally has the most current and up-to-date A chip inside of it.

    通常、アップルがiPad Miniを発表する際には、最新のAチップを搭載しているからだ。

  • So just like last time, it came out the same time the A15 came out in the iPhones and we got A15 in this iPad Mini.

    つまり、前回と同じように、iPhoneにA15が搭載されたのと同じタイミングで、今回のiPad MiniにもA15が搭載されたのだ。

  • So this is what I'm saying, it's unlikely that it would be an A16, it's more likely to be the A17 Pro they're going to use last year's chip as it were, or it will be the normal A18 or the A18 Pro going inside of it.

    つまり、A16になる可能性は低く、昨年のチップをそのまま使うA17 Proか、通常のA18かA18 Proが搭載される可能性が高いということだ。

  • And this will probably be the major big upgrade we will see inside of the iPad Mini.

    そしてこれは、おそらくiPad Miniの内部で見られるであろう大きなアップグレードとなるだろう。

  • But for any other big changes on this iPad Mini, we might get a ProMotion display if it becomes the iPad Mini Pro, but only expect it to be normal LED kind of screen with ProMotion.

    しかし、iPad Mini ProになればProMotionディスプレイが搭載されるかもしれないが、ProMotionを搭載した通常のLEDスクリーンになることを期待したい。

  • Don't expect OLED and don't even expect mini LED potentially inside of this iPad, but only if we get a Pro chip inside of it, it would probably get ProMotion inside of it going up to 120 Hertz.


  • With that, if not, we'll be stuck with the standard sort of 60 Hertz display.


  • And also one other change we've been told about is that obviously they are actually going to manufacture the screen a little bit differently this time to stop from that jelly scrolling effect.


  • And also probably the iPad Mini's actual camera, the selfie camera or the center stage camera, this will be moved to the horizontal sort of side now because this is the last iPad to actually get this change.

    また、おそらくiPad Miniの実際のカメラ、セルフィーカメラ、またはセンターステージカメラは、これが実際にこの変更が行われる最後のiPadであるため、現在は横長の側面に移動しているでしょう。

  • So this will probably be happening as well later on this year.


  • So then guys, just quickly, quite a lot of us, including myself, always like to buy say the baseline sort of MacBook or iPad Pro that is available because going up for more storage costs us even more money.

    では皆さん、早速ですが、私を含め、多くの人はMacBookやiPad Proのベースラインを購入したがります。

  • Well the good news is there's a solution to this and this is from Charge.


  • This here is the brand new Charge disc, what is an enclosure where you can put in your own M.2 NVMe 2230 SSD inside of it.

    これは新しいChargeディスクで、M.2 NVMe 2230 SSDを入れることができるエンクロージャーです。

  • So this is the smaller type of NVMe what is available right now and for example, exists like in Steam Decks and things like that too.

    つまり、これは現在利用可能なNVMeの小型タイプであり、例えばSteam Decksなどにも存在する。

  • But it's also great for a small mini enclosure just like this Charge disc enclosure that we have right here.


  • What makes this enclosure different is that it's so tiny, it's pocket size, it only weighs 24 grams and on top of that, it has a cooling fan inside of it too to actually cool down the NVMe SSD down to 20 degrees.

    このエンクロージャーが他と違うのは、非常に小さく、ポケットサイズで、重さはわずか24グラム、その上、NVMe SSDを20度まで冷却する冷却ファンも内蔵していることだ。

  • The enclosure allows you to transfer up to 10 gigabits per second and it allows you to say transfer a 4K movie in under two minutes.


  • The enclosure is also cable free but what you could also use is this cable here what to protect the enclosure as well.


  • It's a completely tool free SSD assembly so no screwdrivers needed whatsoever and also there's also a right protection mode on the side of the enclosure too.


  • And say that you even want to do ProRes recording on an iPhone 15 Pro model, well as you can see right here, this is perfect for this.

    そして、iPhone 15 ProモデルでProResレコーディングを行いたいとします。

  • This is definitely one of the best tiny disc enclosures I've ever seen.


  • And if you want to find out more information about this Charge enclosure, make sure you check out all the details that are in the description of this video and I'll also be providing a link in there too and with that again guys, let's go back to the main video.


  • So next of all, let's talk about the release date then for this iPad mini, when we'll be able to get our hands on it.

    それでは次に、このiPad miniの発売日について、私たちが手にすることができるのはいつになるのかについてお話ししましょう。

  • Now most likely Apple are going to be doing an event in the sort of early teens to mid teens of September time and this will be the iPhone event.


  • And Apple will probably bring out the iPad mini at the same time as this event too.

    そして、アップルはおそらくこのイベントと同時にiPad miniも発表するだろう。

  • So we'll probably actually see it being launched here with that A18 or that A18 Pro chip to go inside of it.

    そのため、おそらくA18もしくはA18 Proチップを搭載して発売されることになるだろう。

  • So look towards around that sort of period and you'll be able to get your hands on it probably about a week later or so.


  • So this will probably be the sort of end teens of September time or the sort of early 20s of September time in sort of date wise.


  • That is when you'll be able to get your hands on this brand new iPad mini.

    その時こそ、この新型iPad miniを手に入れることができるのだ。

  • So next of all, let's talk about then the actual price for the iPad mini and what we're going to get there.

    それでは次に、iPad miniの実際の価格と、そこに至るまでの道のりについてお話ししましょう。

  • So most likely with the iPad mini, it will probably start at the same price as $499 USD but this time round, we may actually get a starting configuration of 128GB option and also the ability of getting a 512GB option too because right now it's 64GB and also it's 256GB so it might be one tier higher which is really good news to hear if Apple do this.

    そのため、おそらくiPad miniは499ドルと同じ価格からスタートすると思われるが、今回は128GBのオプションから始まり、512GBのオプションも用意されるかもしれない。

  • But there again, if Apple decide to make this a mini pro model, then expect the price to probably go up probably by about another $100 again.


  • This is if we do get ProMotion inside of it and also let's say the A18 Pro inside of this Mac mini too.

    もしProMotionが搭載され、さらにA18 ProもMac miniに搭載されるのであればの話ですが。

  • It's probably going to cost about around that.


  • It'll be less than the iPad Air but obviously, yeah, it would probably be more than what the current iPad mini is available right now at.

    iPad Airよりは安くなるだろうが、現在のiPad miniの価格よりは高くなるだろう。

  • But that is everything we know for the brand new iPad mini.

    しかし、これが新型iPad miniについてわかっていることのすべてだ。

  • What are your thoughts on it?


  • Will you be getting yourself the iPad mini 7 which is coming out in 2024 or will we be skipping and getting something different?

    2024年に発売されるiPad mini 7を手に入れるのか、それともスキップして違うものを手に入れるのか。

  • Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


  • And also guys, if you want to hear the latest Apple news, reviews and comparisons too, make sure you subscribe to this channel and also hit that notification bell as well.


  • Until next time guys, I'll see you really soon.


  • Take care now.


  • Bye bye.


So, for the next new iPad Mini, it looks like Apple are finally going to do it and give us a massive upgrade inside the iPad Mini and we could also be seeing OLED screens in the future.

次期iPad Miniでは、アップルはついにiPad Miniの内部を大幅にアップグレードし、将来的には有機ELスクリーンを搭載する可能性もあるようだ。

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