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I said Compton what the deal what's up man that's right that's right y'all look good out here man this special hold on let me get my phone out hold up I gotta take my I don't want to hold y'all up too long but I gotta get this hold up that's right man I want to come out here just to tell y'all how much I appreciate y'all I'm proud of y'all I'm proud of the city of Compton I'm proud of Compton
"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。"コンプトン "って言ったんだ。
College most importantly I'm proud of the graduates out here you know that's right I know what it takes you know y'all had a lot of hardship not only in your house in your communities but most importantly within yourself and that's the toughest thing to overcome and we still growing day by day brick by brick making sure that we develop not only on the physical form but in the spiritual as well you know so seeing y'all out here it's not only a representation of the world what is a representation of me and when I walk out in these cities and these these countries I could be proud and say this is where I'm from you know
I still believe in Compton Compton always been a future for me I think we breathe some of the most incredible individuals creators intellectuals talent we had it since day one that's why I always screamed this city I'll try with the world it's no place like this one right here no place no place and I still believe I still believe in everything that we doing brick by brick I still believe it's time that we change the narratives you know some people tell us you know this generation I don't have what it takes Gen Z we talk about it all day they try to pull us down and say we don't know what we're doing they wrong though you know why because not only y'all have what it takes but y'all have something even bigger y'all have the heart y'all had a courage to be independent thinkers independent thinkers it's nothing more valuable than that y'all can go out here and tell and express your thoughts and say it with conviction and passion and stand on it and be unapologetic about it and somebody pull you to the side you know what you was wrong about that and you could be like I appreciate it you know or they could say I appreciate you for giving me the wisdom and the courage to be just as much as in depth and you know strong with conviction about the message that you have and it spreads not only between the person you talking to but subconsciously through kids that's younger than yourselves and that's something I can always appreciate this degree that y'all have right here is just as big as any degree I don't care what school don't care what institution Compton College this Compton degree is just as big now it's all about taking these resources and taking what you learned and applying them as simple as that and applying them you go have hardships you go have tribulations just as you had coming up here but guess what you got somebody special behind your corner and all around you and that's God period period period every step of the way when you fall and you have your shortcomings he's right there when you have your victories he's right there get yourself grace give yourself time to grow and appreciate it because he's growing with you every individual out here is experiencing a human life a human experience and God is experiencing it with you so when you go through things he's going with it he's right there with you he's talking to you all you got to do is talk back I walk on a beach every day and I'm talking to God
僕にとってコンプトンは常に未来なんだ。僕たちは最も素晴らしい才能を持ったクリエイターや知識人を輩出してきた。私たちがレンガを積み上げるようにやっていることすべてを、私は今でも信じている 物語を変える時が来たのだと。なぜかというと、君たちには必要なものがあるだけでなく、もっと大きなものがあるからだ。君たちにはハートがある。信念と情熱を持ち、信念を貫き、堂々としていれば、誰かに引っ張られる。そしてそれは、話している相手だけでなく、無意識のうちに自分より年下の子供たちにも広がっていく。私がいつも感謝できるのは、
I'm just talking like he the homie I swear to God I put that on my grandmama grave I talked to him next to me like the homie just like the people that you grow up with you I don't care if you got a curse you got a cuss you got you talk to him as if you know him since you was born the way he knows you it's the truth it's the truth so I want y'all to go out here celebrate yourselves enjoy yourself but keep that spirit within you because it don't stop from here it don't stop I love y'all and I hope we continue to spread spread this love I appreciate y'all my love oh yes yes dr. Carlin you don't have your phone we got to get dr. Carlisle one dr. Curry can you get dr. Carlisle please yes yes come on you got to come with me come on
"ホーミー "のように話しているんだ。だからみんな、ここで自分を祝って、楽しんで、でもそのスピリットは自分の中に持ち続けてほしい。カーリン、電話がないんだ......カーライル先生を呼んでくれ......カリー先生......カーライル先生を呼んでくれるかい?