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  • If you look at a map of Scotland, you'll notice an almost perfectly straight line through the highlands that cuts from coast to coast.


  • This region is home to plenty of valleys and peaks, but this valley is eerily straight.


  • Some interesting geology had to happen there at some point, and it wasn't just one event.


  • About 520 million years ago, most of Earth's landmass was split between two big continents,


  • Laurentia and Gondwana.


  • This meant the modern-day island of Great Britain was separated, with the north of Scotland sitting on Laurentia, and the southern half of the island on Gondwana.


  • Then, the two landmasses collided around 430 million years ago, during a period known as the Caledonian Orogeny, which joined the two pieces through the collision, forming the island we now know as Great Britain.


  • This process resulted in the crumple and buckle of the Earth's crust, which also formed new mountains and fault lines all around the world.


  • One of those new faults was the Great Glen, which is a strike-slip fault.


  • This kind of fault happens when two tectonic plates shear, or move horizontally, past each other.


  • Other types of faults typically move one of the plates vertically, which creates mountains and all kinds of elevated terrain above the fault.


  • But because of how these two plates collided with each other during its formation, the pieces of the Great Glen fault move horizontally.


  • And they've actually moved a few times since the formation of the fault.


  • The Great Glen fault has occasionally reactivated, and the two landmasses, Laurentia and Gondwana, moved anywhere from 8 to 29 kilometers each time.


  • This is a thing that faults do from time to time to dissipate built-up stress.


  • When force is applied by the two landmasses punching against each other, stress is created.


  • And when it reaches a tipping point, the plates shear and move in opposite directions to relieve that built-up stress.


  • The biggest reactivation happened relatively recently, sometime in the last 66 million years, possibly prompted by other parts of Earth's crust spreading apart nearby.


  • But why don't we see straight lines like this more often?


  • Well, these days, the Great Glen fault line is even more visible due to a string of lakes, or locks.


  • That's because most of the islands of Great Britain and Ireland were covered in enormous ice sheets during a handful of ice ages over the last few hundred thousand years.


  • The glaciers around the Great Glen started receding over 10,000 years ago, carving a deep valley along the fault line that actually goes below sea level, making that straight line through Scotland even more visible.


  • So this straight fault line is the product of half a billion years of time and geology, and it's evidence of the large-scale events that formed Earth as we know it today.


  • Thank you for watching this episode of SciShow!


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  • [♪ OUTRO ♪)]


If you look at a map of Scotland, you'll notice an almost perfectly straight line through the highlands that cuts from coast to coast.


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