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This video was sponsored by LastPass. Hey there!
このビデオのスポンサーはLastPassです。 こんにちは!
Welcome to Life Noggin! Getting sick is the absolute worst, but it's just a part of being, well, alive.
ライフ・ノギンへようこそ! 病気になるのは最悪だが、それも生きていることの一部だ。
On Earth, every living organism has at least one virus that can infect it, from plants and animals to bacteria and single-celled archaea. But what about non-living things?
地球上では、動植物からバクテリア、単細胞の古細菌に至るまで、あらゆる生物が少なくとも1つは感染可能なウイルスを持っている。 しかし、生物以外はどうだろう?
You've probably heard that viruses aren't technically alive, so can a virus catch another virus? Before we get into the nitty-gritty, I wanted to thank LastPass who sponsored this video.
ウイルスが別のウイルスに感染することはあるのだろうか? 細かい話に入る前に、このビデオのスポンサーをしてくれたLastPassに感謝したい。
LastPass eliminates the struggle of having to look for all your passwords, and relieves the anxiety around getting locked out of your accounts.
Because LastPass is your own personal password manager and remembers everything for you, you'll no longer need to write or reset your password.
And don't worry, all your passwords are encrypted, so only you can see them. LastPass will even autofill passwords automatically when visiting Android or iOS apps and mobile sites.
パスワードはすべて暗号化され、あなただけが見ることができます。 LastPassは、AndroidやiOSのアプリやモバイルサイトにアクセスする際にも、パスワードを自動入力してくれます。
So logging in is seamless, and you can get to the things you love quicker.
Since downloading LastPass, I've had so much extra time to focus on the things that actually matter, like beating all my friends at trivia games.
LastPass lets you keep track of all your passwords easily, so you can stay stress-free.
Put your passwords on autopilot with LastPass.
Click the link below to find out more and try LastPass today.
And now, back to the episode. So, can a virus catch another virus?
さて、エピソードに戻ろう。 では、ウイルスが別のウイルスに感染することはあるのだろうか?
Well, until recently, the answer was no.
Viruses are simple, submicroscopic parasites, a hundred times smaller than bacteria.
Without a metabolism or proteins for transcription and replication, they're little more than zombies borrowing life from other creatures. So if viruses can't even keep themselves alive, how can they sustain another?
代謝も転写や複製のためのタンパク質もないウイルスは、他の生物から生命を借りているゾンビにすぎない。 では、ウイルスが自分自身の生命さえ維持できないのであれば、どうやって他の生命を維持できるのだろうか?
Nature, it seems, is always surprising us.
In the early 2000s, scientists discovered an exceptional virus that altered our understanding of life itself.
At first, experts assumed it was bacteria.
But what they actually found was a giant virus, so large that it could be glimpsed with a simple microscope. Inside, the virus had many more genes than normal, encoding for proteins, metabolic pathways, even replication machinery.
しかし、実際に発見されたのは巨大なウイルスであり、単純な顕微鏡でちらっと見ることができるほどの大きさであった。 ウイルス内部には通常よりも多くの遺伝子があり、タンパク質や代謝経路、さらには複製装置までもがコードされていた。
Experts named it the mimivirus, short for mimicking microbe.
And soon, they began to find others just like it.
That's when things got really meta.
Because while the mimivirus was a surprise, the discovery of its relative, the so-called mamavirus, was a bombshell.
Slightly larger than the mimi, the mamavirus turned out to be hiding an itsy-bitsy virus of its own. With just 21 genes, this little fella named Sputnik is the first example of a virus infecting a virus infecting an amoeba.
ミミより少し大きいママウイルスは、それ自身の小さな小さなウイルスを隠していることが判明した。 わずか21個の遺伝子を持つこのスプートニクという小さな生物は、アメーバに感染するウイルスに感染するウイルスの最初の例である。
Since then, dozens of other virophages have been found.
And while there's still a lot we don't know about this madness, the basics are familiar.
After infecting its first host, Sputnik releases its DNA into the amoeba.
Unable to reproduce on its own, it then attaches to an already-present mamavirus, injecting its genetic material into that second host, too.
Once inside, this foreign DNA hijacks the host's viral factory so it can begin to replicate, ultimately making it harder for the mamavirus to do the same.
It's David and Goliath on a minuscule scale. Today, we know virophages can infect both mama and mimiviruses, as well as plenty of others.
ダビデとゴリアテの戦いだ。 今日、ウイルスファージはママウイルスとミミウイルス、そしてその他多くのウイルスに感染することがわかっている。
As such, some consider them viral parasites, representing a whole new class of virus, while others think that they are too basic to be called even that.
Whatever they are, they're probably important, and we keep learning more and more about virophages and giant viruses. In fact, just last year, a paper was published stating that some giant viruses, called pandoraviruses, are so large they can encode thousands of proteins, 90% of which are not seen anywhere else on Earth.
その正体が何であれ、おそらくは重要なものであり、私たちはヴィロファージや巨大ウイルスについてますます多くのことを学び続けている。 実際、昨年、パンドラウイルスと呼ばれる巨大ウイルスの中には、数千ものタンパク質をコード化できるほど巨大なものがあり、その90%は地球上のどこにも存在しないという論文が発表されたばかりである。
Plus, not only do giant viruses appear to create genes, they also appear to steal them.
Sputnik and other virophages have remarkably similar genes to their hosts, which has experts wondering if these giant viruses are defending themselves by stealing genetic material from their viral parasites. All that is still up for debate, but the idea that viruses can create and transfer genes does fit well with another theory.
スプートニクや他のウイルスファージは宿主と驚くほどよく似た遺伝子を持っており、専門家たちは、これらの巨大ウイルスがウイルス寄生体から遺伝物質を盗むことで身を守っているのではないかと考えている。 しかし、ウイルスが遺伝子を作ったり移したりできるという考え方は、別の説とよく一致する。
More than a billion years ago, a giant DNA-based virus is thought to have infected a budding eukaryotic cell, somehow creating the first cell nucleus.
Like I said, nature is full of surprises.
Sometimes they're scary surprises, but still. So are there any questions about the body that you have for us?
時には怖い驚きもあるけど、それでもね。 では、身体について何か質問はありますか?
Let me know now in the comment section below and your question could become a future video! As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!
あなたの質問が将来のビデオになるかもしれません! いつものように、私の名前はBlocko、ライフ・ノギンでした!