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Moment he gave Al Horford his moment, and then he put Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown together for their moment so fitting Tatum overcome with emotion There's only one thing that mattered to him this year Everybody eats everybody sacrifices There's mom dad and deuce Richard who hit that half-court shot of the buzzer.
He did another That's terrific here for Pritchard Hauser caught fire in the finals And Now Dallas will dribble it out This crowd on its feet the best team in basketball all year all the work all the sacrifice handling the enormous weight of massive expectations ends tonight here It's over time to say it again Boston anything's possible Banner number 18 has been secured the Celtics are NBA champions You Lisa Salter's in there somewhere One of those Celtics And JJ like what a bond for these men that they'll share for the rest of their lives It's always an experience to be part of a special group And you listen to everything that has been said during these conference finals and finals whether it's come from the players Whether it's come from Joe Missoula when they won the Eastern Conference, and he said thank you for letting me coach you The bond with these this group is real and they'll cherish not only this moment But their relationship with each other the rest of their lives Give Brad Stephens a ton of credit because how many years was it relentless break them up?
"プリチャード・ハウザーがファイナルで火を噴いた" "ダラスはドリブルで逃げ切るだろう" "この1年、バスケットボール界で最高のチームだった" "多大な期待の重圧に耐え、犠牲を払ってきた" "その努力が今夜、ここで終わる" "もう1度言う時間はない" "ボストンなら何でも可能だ" "バナーナンバー18が決定した" "セルティックスはNBAチャンピオンだこのような特別なグループの一員であることは常に経験することです そして、あなたは、これらのカンファレンスファイナルや決勝戦の間に言われてきたすべてのことを聞
They can't play together.
They can't get over the mountain top because their skill sets cross over too much That is laid to rest And doing it together doing it as one it makes it so much sweeter doors that they use their past failures their lessons of losing To keep their dream alive They got knocked down many times But it didn't stop them perhaps none worse than the game seven for Jalen Brown in the Eastern Conference finals He told us just a couple of days ago.
My team looked to me when Tatum got hurt and I failed Miserably and I went back to the drawing board.
I raised my skills and I came back more prepared This is always one of the really fun moments to see these remarkable world-class athletes Enormously paid professionals reduced to little kids who can't believe what they just did right now Let's go to Lisa Salters for postgame coverage Just what's it feel like?