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Apple announced a lot and I'm sure by now you've seen a ton of videos about those announcements But this is the one video about the one thing that matters the most Let's talk about Apple intelligence I Get it AI is not new a lot of what was announced is also not new But no matter how jaded you are to all of this or technology in general I'm asking you to take a step back and just hear me out because the intention the purpose behind Apple intelligence is New a game changer quite literally after this Nothing will be the same not just for Apple But for everyone else to Apple intelligence was the final massive piece of a puzzle that has been quietly assembled for the better part of a decade where all of the small tweaks and Additions made to iOS and other operating systems and the billions of dollars spent on Apple Silicon are now going to operate in complete harmony Apple has already been planting so many AI seeds amongst all of their software just Without actually calling it AI the photos app on your iPhone has been using AI for organization recognition and other things the computational processing that happens every time you take a photo is AI AI is in your Keyboard hey ever wonder how face ID works.
アップルは多くのことを発表し、私は今までにあなたがそれらの発表についてのビデオをトン見てきたと確信しています しかし、これは最も重要な一つのことについての一つのビデオです Appleのインテリジェンスについて話しましょう 私はそれを得る AIは新しいものではありません 発表されたものの多くもまた新しいものではありません しかし、あなたがこのすべてまたは一般的な技術にどれだけ色あせたとしても、私はあなたが一歩下がって、ちょうど私の話を聞くようにお願いしています なぜなら、Appleのインテリジェンスの背後に
Yep machine learning there to noise awareness and air pods Like do I really need to list everything last year while being interviewed by CNBC?
Apple was asked directly if they are nervous about how far ahead their competitors are in terms of AI and as their response they Laughed AI critics have been surprised that Apple appears to be falling behind when it comes to AI How do you respond?
アップルは、競合他社がAIの面でどれだけ先を行っているか神経質になっているかと直接質問され、その回答として彼らは笑った。 AI評論家たちは、アップルがAIに関して遅れをとっているように見えることに驚いている。
I don't I don't believe you are not your word They laughed in not a rude way towards the reporter But instead just out of sheer confidence They knew something was coming that we didn't and now fast-forward many months later.
It turns out that laugh was justified every aspect and feature of iOS iPad OS Mac OS and so much more was just intrinsically tied together and Interconnected under a single entity the same entity that would have been laughed off the stage if this was announced only a handful of years ago because Apple intelligence has a face and That face is Siri Siri has become the linchpin of the entire Apple Ecosystem and that's kind of hilarious because just last week.
iOS、iPad、OS、Mac OS、そしてその他多くのあらゆる側面や機能が、たった数年前に発表されたのであれば、舞台の上から笑い飛ばされていたかもしれない、ひとつの実体の下で本質的に結び付き、相互接続されていたのだ。
It was a potato like so unbelievably bad nearly useless since it was announced and somehow it's gone from useless to foundation shifting Almost overnight AI for the rest of us is what they're calling this and at face value That's pretty clever, but cliche marketing But dive a little deeper and you'll see a similar pattern to what we saw with Apple watch Could you buy activity trackers blood oxygen sensors sleep trackers all before Apple watch?
それは発表されたときから信じられないほど悪いほとんど役に立たないのようなジャガイモだった、そしてどういうわけか、それは役に立たないから、私たちの残りの部分のためのほぼ一夜AIをシフトする基礎に行くことは、彼らがこれを呼んでいるものであり、額面通りである それはかなり賢いですが、陳腐なマーケティング しかし、少し深く潜ると、あなたは我々がアップルウォッチで見たものと同様のパターンを見ることができます 活動量計 血液酸素センサー 睡眠トラッカーは、すべてアップルウォッチの前に買うことができますか?
Absolutely, but Apple put all of those things onto one device that you were going to wear anyway and suddenly all of that becomes passive passive for Apple's massive user base Apple watch is the single best-selling watch in the world of all Watches and it also just happens to track your health and has saved thousands of lives unironically the health trackers and vitals trackers that used to only be available in a doctor's office are now just sitting on the wrist of over 100 million people many of you have used AI in many forms from a number of startups I'm sure you've used generative AI you've created AI photos and videos Some of you might even pay for multiple services that specialize in different avenues of AI Maybe even your favorite phone manufacturer has created their own AI that maybe you also have to pay extra for who's to say really?
but now Suddenly no accounts on multiple services no paying for those multiple services now Every single one of those avenues for AI exist on the phone you were carrying Anyway, all in one place controlled with guardrails and intention.
しかし今、突然、複数のサービスにアカウントを持つことなく、それらの複数のサービスに対して支払いをすることもなくなった AIのためのあらゆる手段が、あなたが携帯していた携帯電話に存在する。
It's passive and it's free AI for the rest of us Suddenly the immense power of artificial intelligence has been simplified and made accessible To a ridiculous amount of users from fun things like generating your own quirky emojis creating personalized funny AI images to more useful professional things like helping you organize and write emails Summarize meeting notes and more to more of the personal things like being contextually aware to your screen Conversations that you are having with people you love being able to prioritize and summarize your notifications Or getting you all caught up on that group chat you missed the last hour of to being able to organize and personalize your photos and your memories.
それは受動的であり、残りの私たちのための無料のAIです 突然、人工知能の巨大なパワーが簡素化され、パーソナライズされた面白いAI画像を作成する独自の風変わりな絵文字を生成するような楽しいものから、電子メールを整理して書くのを助けるような、より有用な専門的なものまで、とんでもない数のユーザーがアクセスできるようになりました。会議のメモを要約する、などといった個人的なものから、画面のコンテキストを認識する、などといった個人的なものまで、様々なものが利用できるようになったのだ。
Oh And being able to remind you to pull up the plans that you made last week, but definitely totally forgot about amazing That only scratches the surface and most of that happens on device My brain can't even fathom that right now I can only hope that you understand how big of a deal that is most of the AI services that exist currently are handling all requests through cloud-based architecture or By lying and just showing you cute photos of anime girls because that's what you were asking for Anyway, and if those requests are being tossed off to some cloud server somewhere chances are That data is being stored and becomes Not yours Anymore looking back at how insane the benchmarks for apple silicon performance were even from the original m1 chip The extra and mostly unneeded power at the time on multiple devices can now suddenly make sense Apple says you need to have an iphone 15 pro or newer to use apple intelligence on an iphone and Your other devices need to at least have an m1 chip to run all of this And i'd go ahead and guess that the on-device processing is exactly why that is This is just the start and every new iphone after this will be able to do it And soon you won't even remember what it was like to use an iphone without apple intelligence What about the more complex requests that can't happen on device well apple has two answers for that One they've completely engineered from the ground up a system of apple silicon devices that act as a private And encrypted cloud server for relevant information from your requests to be sent to while getting relevant information Back, and that's it Nothing is actually stored on those servers and apple says that this is verifiable through third parties Something that almost every other ai startup cannot say speaking of other ai companies Apple signed an agreement with open ai to be able to leverage chat gpt This is for requests that even apple doesn't know how to handle yet more Generative stuff and even when chat gpt is an option on your iphone your phone will ask you First and it will do that Every time from what apple showed us.
そして、先週立てたものの、すっかり忘れていた計画を思い出させてくれることだ。それは表面的なことに過ぎず、そのほとんどはデバイス上で起きている、もしこれらの要求がどこかのクラウドサーバーに投げ捨てられているのであれば、そのデータは保存され、あなたのものではなくなっている可能性があります。 アップルシリコンの性能に関するベンチマークが、オリジナルのm1チップからでさえ、いかに非常識であったかを振り返ってみましょう。アップル・インテリジェンスのないiphoneがどんなものだったか、もう思い出せないでしょう、アッ
This is full-on integration not just for ios, but for every platform That they offer like I said Foundational shift happening right here Even though the first 60 percent of wwdc was not about apple intelligence on the surface And instead showed new features like customization in ios and new mac os sequoia wallpaper Whatever the stuff the surface level nerds are excited about nearly every new thing that was announced was actually Quietly made possible by ai everything just sort of happens in the background all interactions with siri are almost Completely unchanged from how we interact with it now rather How you want to interact with it siri can just actually do the things you wish it could do We could be here for hours deep diving into all the features that were announced Deep diving into potential features that may come in the future There's so much happening here.
これはiosだけでなく、すべてのプラットフォームに対する完全な統合です、wdcの最初の60パーセントは表面的にはアップル・インテリジェンスに関するものではなかったが、その代わりにiosのカスタマイズやmac OSの新しいセコイアの壁紙など、表面レベルのオタクが興奮するような新機能が発表された。siriとのインタラクションはすべてバックグラウンドで行われているようなもので、siriとのインタラクションは現在とほとんど変わっていない。むしろ、siriとどのようにインタラクションしたいのか?
But really the key feature the killer feature for all of this Is how deeply integrated this is for all of their devices?
Remember when google first debuted the magic eraser feature on pixel phones people lost their minds over that and obviously We were waiting for apple to come up with an answer to that and here it is So thank you google for making a feature So good that it was just bound to trickle down to more of these devices regardless of the company And that's sort of the point i'm trying to make here.
There is No going back from this And here's what I mean in the earlier days of android one of the biggest pitfalls of the entire thing Was fragmentation each oem had their own fork of the software and none of the devices were consistent So even if a new version of android came out You had to just cross your fingers and hope that one your device oem would care enough to update your device at all And two that if they did they would do it in a timely manner preferably before the next new version of android came out then Google introduced nexus devices known today as the pixel lineup And if you think google is making pixel phones to sell hardware You have not been paying attention.
Google doesn't make money from hardware Their goal was to eliminate as much fragmentation in their ecosystem as possible The goal was not to sell phones But instead to sell the promise of what android could be it set a new standard for what android should look and feel Like and it certainly set the standard on when updates happen and how important those updates are it taught consumers to no longer Accept the ways of the other oems and slowly but surely They all started playing ball and now because of those early moves Every android user benefits from that regardless of what company you're buying a phone from what apple did at wwdc Now lays the groundwork to shift the foundation of the entire industry artificial intelligence Is inevitable it is ultimately one of the most important advancements humanity has ever seen and apple has now set the Standard for how personal it should be how intentional it should be but more importantly How private ai should be they're showing that artificial intelligence can in fact be Private and that will start to shift what consumers will accept from every other ai company ever This is not just a win for apple fans.
グーグルはハードウェアで儲けているわけではない 彼らの目標は、エコシステムの分断をできるだけなくすことだった。アップルがwwdcで行ったことは、業界全体の基盤をシフトさせる土台を築いた 人工知能は必然的なものであり、それは究極的には人類がこれまでに見た最も重要な進歩の一つである。
This is a win for everyone that claims to love Technology, this is a move that will trickle down for years to come a moment We will look back at as a pivotal turning point for a form of technology That was a little bit foreign and a little bit scary if gone unregulated apple may take a while to adopt Technology or even integrate new features that you think should have been there for 10 years But to them they do it for important reasons sometimes and that's what we're seeing here Apple waited to pull the trigger on artificial intelligence because they knew just how powerful it could be In the right hands this will be or hopefully will be everything and more that i've been hyping it up to be It's going to be available in beta form when ios 18 ipad os 18 and mac os sequoia land later in the fall this really makes me hopeful optimistic and excited about the future of apple and well the future of everything
テクノロジーを愛すると主張するすべての人々にとって、これは勝利である、もし規制がなければ、アップルはテクノロジーを採用するのに時間がかかるかもしれないし、10年前からあったはずの新機能を統合するのに時間がかかるかもしれない。アップルが人工知能の引き金を引くのを待ったのは、それがどれほど強力なものになりうるかを知っていたからだ 適切な人の手にかかれば、これは私が大々的に宣伝してきたような、あるいはうまくいけばそれ以上のものになるだろう。