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  • I remember, I remember someone was saying, "I didn't really understand why Frieden would go around collecting all those magic spells and stuff, until I realized it's basically the same as us going into, you know, the asset store, collecting all these brushes without ever really using them." I was like, "Oh, it's like you don't know when you'll need it, you know?" You don't know when these brushes you download and you'll need them later.


  • You just collect them all.


  • It's gonna be like Ina, why are you saving so often?


  • That's what Imelda Hero would've done.


  • That's what he would've done.


  • Imelda Hero always saves the day, so I will save my campus.


  • The world is just one big Imelda Hero remembrance.


I remember, I remember someone was saying, "I didn't really understand why Frieden would go around collecting all those magic spells and stuff, until I realized it's basically the same as us going into, you know, the asset store, collecting all these brushes without ever really using them." I was like, "Oh, it's like you don't know when you'll need it, you know?" You don't know when these brushes you download and you'll need them later.


AI 自動生成字幕

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