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Hello everyone, my name is Dylan and welcome to another video.
If you are new to my channel, hi there.
I teach modern RP British English in a fun and entertaining way.
Today I'm going to be sharing five British English expressions that only native speakers know about.
今日はネイティブしか知らないイギリス英語の表現を 5 つ紹介します。
So if you do know these, then congratulations, you must be fluent.
And if you don't know these, well, you're about to.
As always, everything that we cover in today's lesson will be included in a free PDF.
今日のレッスンで取り上げた内容は、いつものようにすべて無料の PDF に収録されます。
You don't need to sign up to anything.
Just hit the link in the top comment and press download.
Right guys, enjoy the video.
Expression number one: "The land of nod."
表現その 1:「The land of nod」
The land of nod.
「The land of nod」
So if you are in the land of nod, what might you be doing?
Is it A) You are talking to someone?
A) 誰かと話してる?
Is it B) You are sleeping?
B) 寝ている?
Or is it C) You are eating something?
それとも C) 何か食べてる?
Okay, you ready?
Well, if you said A, then you are absolutely wrong because the answer is B.
A と答えたのなら、答えは B だから絶対に間違っています。
If you are in the land of nod, it means that you are sleeping.
「the land of nod」にいるということは、眠っているということです。
So I'm not too sure exactly where this expression has come from.
However, it is definitely linked to a very common phrasal verb that we have.
That phrasal verb is nodding off.
その句動詞は「nodding off(居眠り)」です。
I reckon you might have heard of this one.
So if you have nodded off or if you are nodding off, it means that you are falling asleep.
Normally, unintentionally, without you actually meaning to, perhaps you are just very tired.
So therefore, if you have nodded off, it means you are in the land of nod and you must be sleeping.
だから、居眠りをしたということは、「the land of nod」にいるということであり、眠っているに違いありません。
This expression is very old.
However, it is still fairly commonly used.
You know, people will know what you're talking about if you say this.
So the next time you feel like going for a nap, why not say, "Right, I'm off to the land of nod."
次に昼寝したくなったときは、「Right, I'm off to the land of nod」と言ったらどうですか?
And if you do do that, then congratulations, because you will be the first non-British person in the history of the world that has ever used that sentence.
Expression number two: "Bugger all."
表現その 2:「Bugger all」
Bugger all.
「Bugger all」。
This is a proper piece of British slang right here.
So if you have bugger all, what do you have?
「bugger all」なら、何がありますか?
Is it A) You have everything?
A) 全て持ってるのか?
Is it B) You have nothing?
B) 何もないのか?
Or is it C) You have something that is very valuable?
それとも C) 貴重なものを持っているか?
You ready?
Well, if you said A, then congratulations, because you are nearly right.
まあ、A と答えたのなら、ほぼ正解だからおめでとうございます。
The answer is B.
答えは B です。
So bugger all is a piece of very British slang, meaning absolutely nothing.
というわけで、「bugger all」はイギリスのスラングのひとつで、まったく何もないという意味です。
This can be used in many different ways.
So let me just give you some examples.
Yeah, she complained about the food, but you know, she did bugger all to help prepare it.
This means she complained about the food, but she didn't do anything at all to help make it.
Yeah, mate, I'm looking through the manual now, but there is bugger all information about how to actually fix the problem.
This just means that I'm looking through the manual, but there is no information whatsoever about how to solve the problem.
You know, I have worked here for years and I have received a bugger all recognition.
This just means that I have worked here for a long time and I have received no recognition whatsoever.
So this expression can be used in many different ways.
I'll put some more examples in the PDF, but all you need to know is that bugger all means absolutely nothing.
PDF にもう少し例を載せておきますが、知っておいてほしいのは、「bugger all」はまったく何も意味しないということです。
Right. I must warn you, though, this word bugger is like a very old swear word, so it's not really considered rude these days.
I think my grandmother told me off once for using it like that's how old it is.
It's definitely not like a proper swear word.
I don't think anyone would be particularly offended by this unless they're over the age of 100.
100 歳以上でなければ、特に不快に思う人はいないと思います。
So just bear that in mind, though, and I would probably just save this for casual situations only.
Once again, this is a very old expression, but it is still used in the UK.
Number three, and this is probably the easiest one, so you might already know this.
3 番目、これはおそらく一番簡単なものなので、すでにご存知かもしれません。
Let's find out.
The expression is "two peas in a pod."
この表現は「two peas in a pod」です。
Two peas in a pod.
「two peas in a pod」。
So if you describe two people as being like two peas in a pod, what does this mean?
もし二人を「two peas in a pod」と表現したら、それはどういう意味ですか?
Is it A) They are introverted, so they don't really like going outside or meeting new people?
A) 彼らは内向的だから、外に出たり、新しい人に会ったりするのがあまり好きじゃない?
Is it B) They are always eating food together?
B) いつも一緒に食事をしている?
Or is it C) They are very similar?
それとも C) よく似ている?
You ready?
Okay, cool.
Well, if you answered with C, then congratulations because you are absolutely right.
もし C で答えたなら、おめでとうございます。完全に正解です。
So this expression is still very commonly used, not only in the UK, but I believe in America as well.
And two people are like two peas in a pod, it just means that they are very similar in some way.
「two peas in a pod」というのは、彼らが何らかの点で非常に似ているという意味です。
So in this instance, the pod refers to the little sleeping bag thing that peas grow inside.
And if you are like one of the peas and your friend is the other pea, and it's just you two in that pod, you are likely to have a lot of similarities.
Expression number four: "Excuse my French."
4 番目の表現:「Excuse my French」
Excuse my French.
「Excuse my French」。
So why might a British person say this?
Is it A) Because we have just sworn?
A) 宣誓したばかりだから?
Is it B) Because we are drunk?
B) 酔ってるから?
Or is it C) Because French is not taught in our schools?
それとも C) 学校でフランス語が教えられていないから?
You ready?
Well, if you have answered with B, then congratulations because once again, you are nearly correct.
さて、B と答えた方、おめでとうございます!今回もほぼ正解です。
The correct answer is A.
正解は A です。
So British people say "excuse my French" before or after we have just sworn.
英国人は宣誓の前でも後でも、「Excuse my French」と言うのですね。
And why do we do this?
That's a very good question.
It's kind of like a joke.
So when we say "excuse my French" after swearing, we are kind of pretending that the word we have just said, the swear word, isn't actually a swear word.
罵り言葉を言った後に「excuse my French」と言うと、その罵り言葉が実際には罵り言葉ではないかのように振る舞っているということですね。
It's just some random French word.
I guess the joke is that obviously we both know that that's not the case and it is a swear word, but we say it anyway.
It's kind of a way to acknowledge the fact that you have just sworn without having to actually, you know, apologise for it.
It's kind of a humorous take on it.
Another element is that the French language is seen as quite a sophisticated and elegant language.
And therefore, when we pass our dirty British swear words off as French, I guess that adds a humorous touch as well.
So as mentioned, it's basically just a humorous way of us acknowledging that we have just sworn or that we are about to swear without having to apologise for it.
You know, it's all very lighthearted.
By the way, some people do also prefer to say pardon my French.
ちなみに、「pardon my French」と言う人もいます。
They both mean the exact same thing.
So you can choose whichever one you would prefer to say.
And this expression is still pretty commonly used in the UK as well.
Number five, and I've actually saved the hardest for last.
5 つ目、実は一番難しいのは最後にとっておきました。
So the expression is "I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking."
「I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking.」って表現です。
I'm not as green as I'm vegetable looking.
「I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking.」
So we have another vegetable themed one here.
What does this mean?
If you are not as green as your cabbage looking, then what are you actually saying?
「as green as your cabbage looking」というわけではないなら、実際はどうなんですか?
Is it A) I'm not as hungry as I look?
A) 見た目ほど腹は減ってない?
Is it B) I'm not as sick, you know, as ill as I look?
Or is it C) I'm not as stupid as I look?
それともC) 見かけほどバカじゃない?
I'll give you a bit of time here.
All right, time's up.
So, if you said C, then congratulations, because you are absolutely right.
C と答えた人、おめでとう。その通りです。
You are clearly not as green as your cabbage looking.
This is a slightly weird one, but it is funny.
So if you are not as green as your cabbage looking, it means that you are not as stupid or naive as you look.
「not as green as your cabbage looking」ってことは、見た目ほどバカでも世間知らずでもないってことです。
Let me try and explain this one.
So firstly, a cabbage is a big vegetable.
Secondly, if you describe someone as green, it normally means that they are envious.
You might have heard the expression green with envy.
「green with envy」という表現を聞いたことがあるかもしれません。
However, as is the case here, it can also mean that they are naive or stupid.
So if someone doesn't have a lot of life experience, you might describe them as green.
So therefore, if you are not as green as your cabbage looking, it means that you are not as naive or green as a cabbage is.
だから、あなたが「not as green as your cabbage looking」ということは、あなたが無知や未熟ではないということです。
So this is quite an old one.
It's not that commonly used anymore, but it is a funny one for you to know.
Right, guys, and there we have it.
Thank you so much for watching today's video.
Right, guys, thank you again for watching and until next time.