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  • Practice time with Hadar, and today we are going to work on words that have a sneaky y sound in them.


  • Usually, we tend to think that the y is associated with the letter Y, but that's not always the case.


  • For example, the word "figure". figure.

    例えば、"figure "という単語。

  • There is no Y yet.


  • Can you hear the y sound? "Figure". So what I want to work on today is the transition between the consonant before and the y.

    Yの音が聞こえますか?「図」です。 では、今日私が取り組みたいのは、前の子音とyの間の変化です。

  • So you want to transition from one consonant to the other with no breaks in the middle. "Figure", "figure". "Argument", not "argument", "argument". "Regular", "reg-ya", "regular". "Popular". "Pop-ya", ya, right? "Pop-ular". "Articulate", "articulate".

    つまり、子音から子音へ、途中で途切れることなく移行したいわけだ。"figure"、「図」。"論証"、"argument "ではなく、"argument"。"規則的な"、"規則的な"。"ポピュラー"。"大衆的な"、そうだろ?"pop-ular""articulate"、「明瞭な」。

  • She's an articulate person.


  • Let's articulate what we want to say.


  • Notice the difference between "articulate", the adjective, and "to articulate".

    形容詞の "articulate "と "to articulate "の違いに注目してほしい。

  • That's the verb. "Gen-u-ary", "gen-u-ary". "Man-u-al", "man-u-al".


  • Remember the dark L at the end. "An-u-al", "an-u-al". So again, popular, regular, argument, figure, "gen-u-ary", "man-u-al", "an-u-al".

    最後の暗いLを覚えておいてください。「アン・ウ・アル」、「アン・ウ・アル」。 というわけで、再び、ポピュラー、レギュラー、議論、フィギュア、"gen-u-ary"、"man-u-al"、"an-u-al"。

  • You're good to go.


  • Keep practicing it a few more times, and please share it with your friends or anyone you think might need a little bit of a ya practice today.


Practice time with Hadar, and today we are going to work on words that have a sneaky y sound in them.


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